AM Posted July 15, 2018 Share Posted July 15, 2018 a sieve/filter-function - filters specific INTERVALS and replacing the others by rests. (don't work perfect, but as a sketch....) ;;; (defun equal/or (n alist) (car (loop for i in alist when (equal i n) collect 't))) ;;; FUNCTION (defun filter-omn-by-intervals (omn-seq intervals) (setf omn-seq (loop with omn-events = (single-events omn-seq) with i = 0 while (not (null (nth i omn-events))) when (equal/or (car (pitch-to-interval (append (omn :pitch (nth i omn-events)) (omn :pitch (nth (1+ i) omn-events))))) intervals) collect (list (nth i omn-events) (nth (1+ i) omn-events)) and do (incf i 2) else collect (neg! (car (omn :length (nth i omn-events)))) and do (incf i)))) ;;; EXAMPLE (setf basic-omn-seq (make-omn :pitch (vector-to-pitch '(c4 c6) (gen-white-noise 100 :type :logistic)) :length '(t) :span :pitch)) ;;; check out all these filter-tests (setf omn-seq (filter-omn-by-intervals basic-omn-seq '(1 2 3))) ;(setf omn-seq (filter-omn-by-intervals basic-omn-seq '(3 -3))) ;(setf omn-seq (filter-omn-by-intervals basic-omn-seq '(1 -1 5 -5 7 -7))) (def-score example (:title "example" :key-signature 'atonal :time-signature '(4 4) :tempo 90) (instrument1 :omn (flatten omn-seq) :channel 1 :sound 'gm-piano) (instrument2 :omn (flatten basic-omn-seq) :velocity 20 :channel 3 :sound 'gm-piano)) here is a more complex example (defvar library) (defvar abfolge) (defvar omn-seq) (defvar rhy) (defvar field) ;;;library + rhy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (setf rhy 44) ;;; LIBRARY MIRT RHY-PAAREN! (setf library (list '(eb5 5 p mute) '(e4 5 mf mute) '(gs4 3 f mute) '(g5 3 ppp mute) '(f6 2 p mute) '(cs4 1 f mute) '(d5 1 fff mute) '(b3 4 pppp mute) '(bb5 4 mp mute) '(a4 3 pp mute) '(fs3 (2 7) ppp mute) '(c6 (1 11) mp mute))) (setf library (loop for i in library collect (append (list (car i)) (if (listp (cadr i)) (gen-length (list (rnd-pick (cadr i))) rhy) (gen-length (list (cadr i)) rhy)) (filter-last 2 i)))) ;;; gen seq from library/abfolge--------------------------------------------------------------- (setf field '(eb5 e4 gs4 g5 f6 cs4 d5 b3 bb5 a4 fs3 c6)) (setf abfolge (pick-norepeat 500 field)) (setf omn-seq (loop for x in abfolge with y do (setf y (assoc x library)) append (append (reverse (filter-first 2 y)) (filter-last 2 y)))) (setf basic-omn-seq omn-seq) (setf omn-seq (filter-omn-by-intervals basic-omn-seq '(1 -1 11 -11 13 -13 4 -4 8 -8 16 -16 20 -20 28 -28 32 -32 7 -7 19 -19))) ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (def-score example2 (:title "example2" :key-signature 'atonal :time-signature '(4 4) :tempo 90) (instrument :omn (flatten omn-seq) :channel 1 :sound 'gm-piano) (hidden-structure :omn (flatten basic-omn-seq) :channel 1 :velocity 0 :sound 'gm-piano)) ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (omn-list-plot (flatten omn-seq) :join-points t) loopyc 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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