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Zoom into OPUSMODUS with Stéphane Boussuge


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Invitation to a weekly livestream series with Stéphane Boussuge.

It's free to all who wish to learn more about the OPUSMODUS Music Composition System, plus Q&A.


Session 3

On Sat, May 30, 2020, from 06:00 PM to 07:00 PM

Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/4306063713?pwd=QmYyWlBNSGNXMkh3Yjd3aEwrWGFmdz09

ID: 430 606 3713

Password : 3c8Eb3



Recommended Comments

Is there any chance of recording these sessions as I can't always make it on a Saturday due to I teaching all day?

The first one was excellent and very useful.


All best


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