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simple question, perhaps someone could help me.

i like to replace some ordinary notes (example) with an "acciaccatura"?




'((e c6 q. ab5 3e g5 f5 e5 q f5 -)) 


'((acc c6) q. ab5 3e g5 f5 e5 q f5 -) ; = replace e c6 with (acc c6)


i think, its not complicated but i didn't found the OMN-solution.


thanx for your help!!



Is this what you are looking for:

(substitute-motif '((e c6)) '(((acc c6))) '(e c6 q. ab5 3e g5 f5 e5 q f5 -))
=> ((acc c6) q. ab5 3e g5 f5 e5 q f5 -)


The SUBSTITUTE-MOTIF function is not documented but it is in the system.

I will document the function in the next few days.


Here are few more examples:

(substitute-motif '((a b c) (d b)) '((1 2 3) (8 9)) '(d b s a b c e j g))
=> (8 9 S 1 2 3 E J G)

(substitute-motif '((a b c) (d b)) '((1 2 3) (8 9)) '(d b s a b c e j g) :otherwise 'x)
=> (8 9 x 1 2 3 x x x)

(substitute-motif '(q) '(1 2 3) '(d b s a b c e j g a b c q q q))
=> (D B S A B C E J G A B C 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3)


substitute-motif (old new list &key (test #'equal) otherwise)

  • Author

yes, that's the way it will works... only one little "problem"...


the pitch will be always different... so the search-pattern should be something like '(e ?) -> to '((acc ?) -> pitch sould be overtaken to (acc ?), i only want to replace the length-val to an acc..





  • Author

i will write a little function and post it at the forum later.

'(e c6 acc q. ab5 3e g5 f5 e5 q f5 -)


((acc e c6) q. ab5 3e g5 f5 e5 q f5 -)

Maybe this fact helps :-)

Other solution:

(setf omn '(s. fs5 mf s p s. ff t f4 p fs5 s. mf t f -s))

 :length (omn :length omn)
 :pitch (omn :pitch omn)
 :velocity (omn :velocity omn)
 :articulation (substitute-motif '(3/32) '(acc) (omn :length omn) :otherwise '-))

=> (s. fs5 acc s p s. ff acc t f4 p fs5 s. mf acc t f -s)


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