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scale degree conversion?


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also you may be interested by this example:


;; An example of diatonic transposition
;; ie. using tonality degree for tonality mapping.

;; degree selection 
(setf degr '(1 4 2 5 1 6 4 2 5))
;; remove 1 from each degree for use as transposition
;; inside tonality for diatonic transposition
(setf trsp (mapcar (lambda(x) (- x 1)) degr))

;;; some material

(setf arps1 (gen-repeat 
             (length degr) 
             '((s c4 e4 g4 c5 e5 g5 c6 g5 e5 c5 g4 e4))))

;; apply diatonic transposition (inside tonality) 

(setf arps.map (tonality-map 
                '(major :root d4)



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Neither of these do quite the simple conversion I'm asking.  (integer-to-pitch) only speaks chromatic pitch-class, not diatonic scale degree.  I may not understand the second fully yet, but a more transparent test shows its limitation:

;; An example of diatonic transposition
;; ie. using tonality degree for tonality mapping.
;; degree selection 
(setf degr '(1 2 3 4 5))

;; remove 1 from each degree for use as transposition
;; inside tonality for diatonic transposition
(setf trsp (mapcar (lambda(x) (- x 1)) degr))

;;; some material
(setf arps1 (gen-repeat 
             (length degr) 
             '((s c4 d4 e4 f4 g4))))

;; apply diatonic transposition (inside tonality) 
(setf arps.map (tonality-map 
                '(major :root c4)


The result is


D F G G A  (when a true diatonic transposition would be D E F G A)

D D F G A (should be E F G A B)



I'm getting a handle on LISP and think I'll be able to write my own function, but I do suggest that this is basic musical task that many people would use if it were in the library.


Thanks for your help,


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