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Opusmodus Update 3.0.29206


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Additional DICTUM types: :grace-note and :previous


Executes a specified function applied exclusively to grace note events.


(:do (pitch-transpose 12 x) :grace-note t)


Executes a specified function within the specified bar(s) exclusively to grace note events.


(:do (pitch-transpose 12 x) :grace-note t :bar 2)


This operation alters elements meeting certain predefined conditions from the preceding event, replacing them in the current event with a new element. Such conditional manipulation facilitates intricate, criteria-driven modifications.


(:previous ff :do p)
(:previous (h c4 f) :do (pp tr))




(setf omn7 '((s fs3 mf d4 a4 c5 b4 f4 bb3 cs3)
             ((acc e f2 cs2) q c2 f stacc)
             (s e2 b2 gs3 e4 bb4 c5 bb4 e4)
             ((acc e gs3 b2) q e2 f stacc)
             (s c2 cs2 f2 cs3 bb3 f4 b4 c5)))

(dictum '(:previous c5 :do (cs6 tr1+fermata)) omn7)
=> ((s fs3 mf d4 a4 c5 cs6 tr1+fermata f4 bb3 cs3)
    ((acc e f2 mf cs2) q c2 f stacc)
    (s e2 mf b2 gs3 e4 bb4 c5 cs6 tr1+fermata e4)
    ((acc e gs3 mf b2) q e2 f stacc)
    (s c2 mf cs2 f2 cs3 bb3 f4 b4 c5))



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