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Length-Displace Function

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Dear Friends,


I´m searching for a function to make rhythmic displacement of lists and sublists at once. It´s not like rotating, it´s more like displacing all the rhythms by a fixed amount, like transforming this:


(-e he. d4 mf e cs4 hs eb4)

into this
(he. d4 mf e cs4 hs eb4 -e)


This means displace all the phrase one 8th note earlier in time.




Thank you all !


Best !


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Dear Janusz,


Thank you, but I did not find such a function. The gen-rotate is a different thing. And the other functions named rotations are more prone to serial manipulations. This length-displace would be more like a displace in time, rewriting the rhythm with an offset (positive or negative) based in a length, like 1/8 or -1/8, or 1/16 or -1/16. Similar to pcs-rhythm but not confined in a 12 module.




For example:

(setf omn '(q c4 p ten e d4 mp trem s e4 f stacc))

(gen-rotate 1 omn)


(s e4 f stacc q c4 p ten e d4 mp trem)




(length-displace 1/8 omn)


would be something like


(-e q c4 p ten e d4 mp trem s e4 f stacc)


Best !




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Yes, Janusz

I just did it as a fast example to get the idea. Adding a rest is easy. The function would be useful especially when making the rhythms displace to a earlier point (with negative values, like -1/8 or -1/16) where the append would not work.. Would be interesting to keep the bar structure but in this case the function would necessarily involve rotation and not only displacing, in order to put the beginning note/rest to the end of the list or the final note/rest into the beginning of the list. If the bar size is disregarded just using append for forward displacing is enough, but how to make backward displacing ?



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