NagyMusic Posted February 28, 2020 Posted February 28, 2020 I was able to set up Logic or Opusmodus playback via IAC driver by loading a Logic setup file into my workspace (saved in Documents folder). In this way, I can audition short snippets and lines of code, which playback through Logic just fine (OMN Audition + Notation). However, I'm having difficulties with evaluating and auditioning the whole score (Evaluate Score Audition + Notation). I'm including a short code example for your reference in case you have any feedback. And here's the listener error code: > Error: OMN Parse Error: fail > While executing: omn-to-ast, in process Listener-8(63). Thank you for your time and help! Zvony (setf piano-righthand '((e. b4 s a4 e b4 e. d4 s g4 e b4) (e. a4 mordent2 s g4 e a4 q. d5) (e. g5 lmordent1 s fs 5 e g5 e. a4 s e5 e g5) (e. fs5 mordent1 s e5 e fs5 q. d5 tie) (q d5 t e5 leg fs5 leg g5 leg a5 leg e. b5 s g5 e d5) (q e5 t fs5 leg g5 leg a5 leg b5 leg e. c6 s a5 e e5) (e. fs5 s d5 e g5 e. a4 s b4 e c5) ((app. e c5) q._e. b4 s a4 g4 fs4) (q g4 e d5 q. g5 tie+lmordent1) (e g5 s a5 g5 fs5 e5 q. fs5 tie+lmordent2) (e. fs5 s g5 e fs5 e. e5 s cs5 e d5) (e. cs5 mordent1 s d5 e e5 q. a4 tie) (q a4 t b4 leg cs5 leg d5 leg e5 leg e. fs5 s d5 e a4) (q b4 t cs5 leg d5 leg e5 leg fs5 leg e. g5 s e5 e b4) ((app. e b4) e. cs5 s a4 e a5 e. d5 s e5 e cs5) ((app e cs5) q d5 tie h))) (setf piano-lefhand '((q g3 lmordent2 e g2 q. g3 tie+lmordent2) (q. g3 e. fs3 mordent1 s e3 e d3) (q e3 e d4 q cs4 e a3) (q._e. d4 s e4 e c4) (e. b3 s c4 e a3 e. g3 s a3 e b3) (e. c4 s d4 e b3 e. a3 s b3 e c4) (e. d4 s c4 e a3 q c4 e d4) (e. g3 s fs3 e g3 e. d3 s a3 e c4) (e. b3 mordent1 s a3 e b3 e. e3 s b3 e d4) (e. cs4 mordent1 s b3 e a3 e. d4 s cs4 e d4) (e. g3 s b3 e d4 q. g4 tie) (e g4 s a4 g4 fs4 e4 e. fs4 s g4 e a4) (e. d4 s a3 e fs3 e. d3 s e3 e fs3) (e. g3 s a3 e fs3 e. e3 s fs3 e g3) (e. a3 s g3 e fs3 e. b3 s g3 e a3) (e. d3 s fs3 e a3 q. d4))) (def-score goldberg-var7 (:title "Goldberg Variationen" :subtitle "Var 17 (extract)" :composer "J. S. Bach" :key-signature '(g major) :time-signature '(6 8) :tempo '("al tempo di Giga" e 155) :layout (piano-solo-layout 'piano-rh 'piano-lh)) (piano-rh :omn piano-righthand :port "Logic" :channel 1) (piano-lh :omn piano-lefthand) ) Quote
opmo Posted February 28, 2020 Posted February 28, 2020 (e. g5 lmordent1 s fs 5 e g5 e. a4 s e5 e g5) fs 5 should be fs5 (e. g5 lmordent1 s fs5 e g5 e. a4 s e5 e g5) and you need to add:sound into the instrument instance: (piano-rh :omn piano-righthand :port "Logic" :sound 'gm :channel 1) Good practice with bug like that is to check each bar (list) with a snippet command. Quote
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