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Posts posted by vpolajnar

  1. Dear  OPMO users,


    I have a problem with Auto-Saving files. Almost always I get this attached error or notification. Is it possible to disable auto-save option, since it is creating a bit mess, sometimes opens older file etc..


    Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 15.23.07.png

  2. one solution:


    (defun split-decimals-and-wholes (lst)
      "Splits the given list into two sublists: one with decimal numbers and one with whole numbers."
      (loop for number in (pitch-to-midi lst)
            if (equal (round number) number)
            collect number into wholes
            collect number into decimals
            finally (return (list decimals wholes))))
    ;; Example usage:
    (setf pitches '(c4 c4+ cs4 cs4+ d4 d4+ eb4 eb4+))
    (split-decimals-and-wholes pitches)

    you can maybe provide what exactly output you need:)

  3. Dear Stephane,


    thank you, even if try with "OMN expressions" in a list , if i understand it correctly, is pretty same.


    (setf test '((s c4) (-s s c4) (-e s c4)))
    (merge-voices test)
    (merge-voices '(s c4) '(-s s c4) '(-e s c4))


    But anyways, does anyone knows how this function is programmed so I could program own one, with result I wanna achieve.








  4. Dear Opmo users, i would like to merge voices from one single list. So I would like this (not-working) merge-voice function:

    (setf test '((s) (-s s) (-e s)))
    (merge-voices test)

    To work like this:

    (merge-voices '(s) '(-s s) '(-e s))



    Does anyone has an Idea how to achieve it?




  5. (def-sound-set Xsample-Clarinet
      (:group Clarinet 
              ord (:key bb0)
              stacc (:key b0)
    (def-score test
               (:title "test"
                :key-signature 'chromatic
                :time-signature '(4 4)
                :tempo 120
                          (clarinet-layout 'clarinet))
      :omn '(w c4 ord d4- stacc e4- stacc f4 ord)
      :channel 1
      :sound 'Xsample-Clarinet
      :sound '(clarinet)
      :port '(1 2)

    So I created  a sound-set which works perfectly without quarter-tones, but with 2 ports the key-switches are not sent to port 2, only to port 1. 

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