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Posts posted by Cliff

  1. Beginners question:


    Does OM have system functions which simplify programmatic defining chord progressions in a advanced functional harmony style (i.e for Jazz) beyond normal diatonic harmony.

    These function may comply to Riemann nomenclature, i.e.  utilizing as input a landing tonic.



    I want 4 chords, the tonic T i(c4 maj7) is the final chord, before lets approach it with a  sequence of chained secondary dominants.

    I want the tritone substitution of a V7 chord, like g4 7, before playing c maj7.

    I want II/V progression before arriving at tonic.

  2. Thx @opmo understood,

    so keyword :root  is not really what is typically tought as chord root (if I exclude pcs theory).

    :low seems to be the "new" root.


    Feedback, even if pcs-theory-wise justified, OM-API is a bit counter-intuitive here in my humble users point of view.

    At least I suggest to make an extra note in the documentation so that other do not fall into the same trap as I did.

    Yes I know the existing example indicates this surprise already, but please add your pcs "justification", this will explain the rationale.


    (dechord (chord-inversion 0 (expand-chord '(c4 maj7))) :pitch 'low)

    -> ((c4))




    (dechord (chord-inversion 1 (expand-chord '(c4 maj7))) :pitch 'low)

    ->  ((e4))

  3. I have the following chord progression:


    (setf chords '((w (c4 maj7))
                   (w (a4 m7))
                   (w (d4 m7))
                   (w (g4 7))
                   (w (c4 maj7))
                   (h (a4 m7/b5))
                   (h (a4 m7))
                   (h (d4 m7/b5))
                   (h (d4 m7))
                   (w (g4 7))



    When evaluating following expression on it ...


    (dechord chords :pitch 'root)


    ... I get following result in the listener:


    ((w b4 mf) (w e5 mf) (w a4 mf) (w b4 mf) (w b4 mf) (h g5 mf) (h e5 mf) (h c5 mf) (h a4 mf) (w b4 mf))


    I expected the roots.

    Am I doing something wrong?





    Just played around with the other keyword options...

    :pitch 'low

    ... return the expected result. Still I am confused.



    Can someone explain the result with :pitch ‘root ?

  4. Thx Stephane,

    I am very surprised.


    There is no way to define 2 chords as harmonies (as harmonic rhythm: (h h)) in one bar in Opusmodus counterpoint ?


    I mean the desire for sometimes faster harmonic rhythm is pretty standard (i.e. in many Jazz progressions).


    Again, I am just looking for a simple example how to achieve this (without defaulting to handle tonality after counterpoint, which certainly is a solution) and fail as I could not find it in the documentation.

    Any advise whether it is feasible?


  5. Beginners question:

    I specify a chord sequence using the very handy chord form notation.

    (Please do not recommend changing this way of providing input.)


    (setf simple-cadence '((c4 maj7) (f4 maj7) (f4 m7) (g4 7) (c4 maj7)))


    Next I want to translate it into block chords:


    (setf chords (make-omn 
                  :pitch simple-cadence
                  :length (gen-repeat 5 '(w))
                  :articulation '(leg)))


    Unfortunately this does not give chords:


    Bildschirmfoto 2024-06-04 um 04.10.16.png



    I have seen 


    function, but I can't get it work with a list. 


    How can I use chord-form list in the make-omn :pitch parameter ?

  6. OM is a great learning device.


    It also has great PCS support.

    I learned that the equivalent of functions in tonal music is similarity in atonal music.


    Is there in OM a system function to calculate the similarity as demonstrated here?



    v1.0 ©2014 Michael NorrisThis Javascript allows you to calculate the similarity functions between a list of different set-classes. It uses a number of similarity functions that have been published in peer-reviewed journals. Most of the them have



  7. I am working as user xyz inside a OM workspace, in a non-standard folder (actually located inside an Ableton project, to keep things tidy and close to each other).



    Ableton project: /Users/xyz/Music/Ableton/Projects/2024-04_018 Project

    OM Workspace: /Users/xyz/Music/Ableton/Projects/2024-04_018 Project/2024-04_018


    I can output the latest score as midi inside my workspace folder.


    (compile-score *last-score* 
                   :output :midi :file "/Users/xyz/Music/Ableton/Projects/2024-04_018 Project/2024-04_018/v.mid"
                   :if-exists :new-index)


    This works fine, but I rather would like to be more flexible by using a folder path representation to current OM workspace.

    How can I store the midi, without referring to my local folder path explicitly?

    What's the correct form in the folder path, which always refers to OM workspace ?


    I tried ~/ , but this seems not a proper symbolic folder path representation to workspace.

    Thanks for help.


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