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(-q e b4  (app s eb4 f4) (h. eb4 (-acc s f4 eb4 f4)))


This is a phrase that ends with grace notes - but, it is not formed properly.  I have tried some alternatives.


The parts:

(-q e b4 (app s eb4 f4) h. eb4)
(h. eb4 (-acc s f4 eb4 f4))


Do work to the score window - but putting them together into one phrase  is what confuses me.

Does anyone know how to form this correctly?


Thanks for help!

this seems to work as an alternative:

(-q e b4  (-app e eb4 f4) h. eb4 (-acc e f4 eb4 f4))
(-3q 3q b4 -3q (-app e eb4 f4) q eb4 (-app e f4) h eb4 (-acc e f4 a4 b4))


in this fragment the f4 prior to the h3b4 plays slower than the other ornaments, sounding as a standard eight note - confused as to why.


This can't work:

(-q e b4 (app s eb4 f4) (h. eb4 (-acc s f4 eb4 f4)))


because both attributes app and -app taking the lengths form h.
The list is badly formed.


This is better:

(-q e b4 (-app e eb4 f4) h. eb4 (-acc e f4 eb4 f4))

There are not many cases where we would use -app.


(setf alto-flute-orig

'(-q e b4 -e (-app e eb4 f4) h. eb4 (-acc e f4 eb4 f4))


(setf test (pitch-transpose -12 alto-flute-orig))


Making this transposition results in recasting the gesture.  Very confusing result.  Any thoughts?


The larger proposal is to use these fragments and to re-cast them into the tonality such as:

(setf alto-flute-orig
'((-q e b4 -e (-app e eb4 f4) h. eb4 (-acc e f4 eb4 f4))
(-3q 3q b4 -3q (-acc e eb4 f4) q eb4 (-acc e f4) h eb4 (-acc e f4 a4 b4))
(-q e f5 -e (-app e b4 ds5) a4 -app e. g4 a4 t b4 a4 b4 -e -app e eb5 e f5) 
((acc e b4 d5 ds5) q. c5 (acc s f5) e. b4 (acc e c5 d5 ds5) e. a4 (acc e b4 a4) e b4)
(-q e b4 (app e f4 a4 f4) e b4 t g4 a4 eb4 a4 q. b4 (acc e f4 a4) h bb4)))

(setf set (integer-to-pitch '(0 1 3 4 7 8 10 11 17 18 21 24)))
(harmonic-path set alto-flute-orig)

(create-tonality 12T2 '(0 1 3 4 7 8 10 11 17 18 21))
(tonality-map '(12T2 :root c3) alto-flute-orig)



You can't use grace notes to be taken from rest values. This is not how grace note works.

Maybe you should use basic lengths.


This (from your example) is correct and the transposition is working:

(pitch-transpose -12 '(-q e b4 (app e f4 a4 f4) e b4 t g4 a4 eb4 a4 q. b4 (acc e f4 a4) h bb4))


Other example:

'((q c4 p) (q f4 ab4 c5 f5)
  ((leg q. ab5 3e g5 f5 e5 q f5) -)
  (q g4 c5 e5 g5)
  ((leg q. bb5 3e ab5 g5 f5 q g5) -)
  ((acc e c5 leg) q. ab5 3e g5 f5 e5 q f5 -)
  ((acc e c5 leg) q. bb5 3e ab5 g5 f5 q g5 -)
  (h c5f5ab5c6 arp e bb5 ab5 g5 f5)
  ((app s e5 leg f5 leg g5 leg) q f5 leg e5 -q fermata -))

Figure 1 (L. v. Beethoven, Sonate op. 2, Nr. 1, f-Moll, 1795)


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