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rnd-12tone-form n row &key type seed




Arguments and Values:


n                 an integer (number of forms).

row               a 12-tone row.

type                                 :integer or :pitch. The default is :integer.

seed                                 NIL or an integer. The default is NIL.




This function returns N lists of 12-tone forms selected at random.


(rnd-12tone-form 2 '(0 4 9 10 5 3 8 7 1 2 11 6) :seed 56)

=> ((6 1 10 11 5 4 9 7 2 3 8 0) (8 3 0 1 7 6 11 9 4 5 10 2))


(rnd-12tone-form 2 '(0 4 9 10 5 3 8 7 1 2 11 6) :type :pitch :seed 56)

=> ((fs4 cs4 bb4 b4 f4 e4 a4 g4 d4 eb4 gs4 c4)

    (gs4 eb4 c4 cs4 g4 fs4 b4 a4 e4 f4 bb4 d4))









  (setf forms (rnd-12tone-form 24 (rnd-row :transpose 6)))

  (setf pitch (integer-to-pitch forms))

  (setf mat (gen-chord2 200 (rnd-sample 12 '(1 2)) (flatten pitch)))


  (setf vel (substitute-map '(ppp ppp pp pp p p f f ff ff fff fff)

                            '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11) forms))


  (setf fib (rnd-sample 16 (fibonacci 10 18)))

  (setf l1 (binary-rhythm '(16 20 32) fib '(1/16 1/20 1/32)

                          :type (rnd-sample 12 '(1 2))

                          :rotate (rnd-sample 12 '(0 1 -1 2 -2))))


  (setf l2 (binary-rhythm '(28 16 12) fib '(1/28 1/16 1/12)

                          :type (rnd-sample 12 '(1 2 3))

                          :rotate (rnd-sample 12 '(0 1 -1 2 -2))))


  (setf cd-p (distribute-seq mat l1 l2))

  (setf cd-v (distribute-seq vel l1 l2))

  (setf p1 (randomize-octaves 'piano (1~ cd-p)))

  (setf p2 (randomize-octaves 'piano (2~ cd-p)))

  (setf v1 (1~ cd-v))

  (setf v2 (2~ cd-v))

  (setf in1 (make-omn :length l1 :pitch p1 :velocity v1))

  (setf in2 (make-omn :length l2 :pitch p2 :velocity v2))

  (setf tempo (gen-tempo '(32 88 72 56 96) '(1) l1 :beat 1/1))


  (def-score form-dist

             (:title "Form Distribution"

              :copyright "(c) 2016 Opusmodus"

              :composer "OPMO"

              :key-signature 'chromatic

              :time-signature '(8 8)

              :tempo tempo

              :layout (grand-layout '(in1 in2)))


    (in1 :omn in1 :channel 1 :sound 'gm :program 0)

    (in2 :omn in2 :channel 2 :sound 'gm :program 0)








get—12tone-form row form &key type




Arguments and Values:


row               a 12-tone row.

form                            a form or list of forms.

type                           :integer or :pitch. The default is :integer.




The function GET-12TONE-FORM returns 12-tone row of a given form.



Prime:                            P  0-11

Inversion:                      I  0-11

Retrograde:                    R  0-11

Retrograde Inversion:    RI 0-11


(get-12tone-form '(0 4 9 10 5 3 8 7 1 2 11 6) 'r7)

=> (1 6 9 8 2 3 10 0 5 4 11 7)


(get-12tone-form '(0 4 9 10 5 3 8 7 1 2 11 6) 'r7 :type :pitch)

=> (cs4 fs4 a4 gs4 d4 eb4 bb4 c4 f4 e4 b4 g4)




(get-12tone-form '(0 4 9 10 5 3 8 7 1 2 11 6) '(r5 p4 ri3))

=> ((11 4 7 6 0 1 8 10 3 2 9 5)

    (4 8 1 2 9 7 0 11 5 6 3 10)

    (9 4 1 2 8 7 0 10 5 6 11 3))


(get-12tone-form (rnd-row) '(p0 r9 i3 ri5))

=> ((0 9 5 4 2 3 7 10 11 6 1 8)

    (5 10 3 8 7 4 0 11 1 2 6 9)

    (3 6 10 11 1 0 8 5 4 9 2 7)

    (9 4 11 6 7 10 2 3 1 0 8 5))





Renamed functions:




And minor bug fixes.


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