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Opusmodus 3.0.29427 (update)


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Additional chord symbols and coorection to the Minor key (G Minor) intervals.

The full list of the chord symbols you will find in the diatonic-chord function document.


;;; Major Key Chord Progression Symbols
;; I Chords (C Major)
I           ; C            Major triad on I
I6          ; C/E          First inversion
I6/4        ; C/G          Second inversion
Isus2       ; Csus2        Suspended 2nd chord
Isus4       ; Csus4        Suspended 4th chord
I7sus4      ; C7sus4       Dominant 7th suspended 4th
I6add6      ; C6           Major 6th chord
I6/9        ; C6/9         Major 6/9 chord
Iadd9       ; Cadd9        Major triad with added 9th
IMaj7       ; Cmaj7        Major 7th chord
I7          ; C7           Dominant 7th chord on I
IMaj7sus2   ; Cmaj7sus2    Major 7th chord with suspended 2nd
IMaj7s11    ; Cmaj7♯11     Major 7th with sharp 11th
IMaj9       ; Cmaj9        Major 9th chord
I9          ; C9           Dominant 9th chord on I
IMaj13      ; Cmaj13       Major 13th chord
I11         ; C11          Dominant 11th chord on I
I13         ; C13          Dominant 13th chord on I

;; ii Chords (D Minor)
ii          ; Dm           Minor triad on ii
ii6         ; Dm/F         First inversion
ii6/4       ; Dm/A         Second inversion
iisus2      ; Dmsus2       Suspended 2nd chord
iisus4      ; Dmsus4       Suspended 4th chord
ii6add6     ; Dm6          Minor 6th chord
ii6/9       ; Dm6/9        Minor 6/9 chord
iiadd9      ; Dm(add9)     Minor triad with added 9th
ii7         ; Dm7          Minor 7th chord
ii9         ; Dm9          Minor 9th chord
ii11        ; Dm11         Minor 11th chord
ii13        ; Dm13         Minor 13th chord

;; iii Chords (E Minor)
iii         ; Em           Minor triad on iii
iii6        ; Em/G         First inversion
iii6/4      ; Em/B         Second inversion
iiisus2     ; Emsus2       Suspended 2nd chord
iiisus4     ; Emsus4       Suspended 4th chord
iii6add6    ; Em6          Minor 6th chord
iii6/9      ; Em6/9        Minor 6/9 chord
iiiadd9     ; Em(add9)     Minor triad with added 9th
iii7        ; Em7          Minor 7th chord
iii9        ; Em9          Minor 9th chord
iii11       ; Em11         Minor 11th chord
iii13       ; Em13         Minor 13th chord

;; IV Chords (F Major)
IV          ; F            Major triad on IV
IV6         ; F/A          First inversion
IV6/4       ; F/C          Second inversion
IVsus2      ; Fsus2        Suspended 2nd chord
IVsus4      ; Fsus4        Suspended 4th chord
IV7sus4     ; F7sus4       Dominant 7th suspended 4th
IV6add6     ; F6           Major 6th chord
IV6/9       ; F6/9         Major 6/9 chord
IVadd9      ; Fadd9        Major triad with added 9th
IVMaj7      ; Fmaj7        Major 7th chord
IV7         ; F7           Dominant 7th chord on IV
IVMaj7sus2  ; Fmaj7sus2    Major 7th chord with suspended 2nd
IVMaj7s11   ; Fmaj7♯11     Major 7th with sharp 11th
IVMaj9      ; Fmaj9        Major 9th chord
IV9         ; F9           Dominant 9th chord on IV
IV11        ; F11          Dominant 11th chord on IV
IV13        ; F13          Dominant 13th chord on IV
IVMaj13     ; Fmaj13       Major 13th chord

;; V Chords (G Major)
V           ; G           Major triad on V
V6          ; G/B         First inversion
V6/4        ; G/D         Second inversion
Vsus2       ; Gsus2       Suspended 2nd chord
Vsus4       ; Gsus4       Suspended 4th chord
Vadd6       ; G6          Major triad with added 6th
V6/9        ; G6/9        Major 6/9 chord
Vadd9       ; Gadd9       Major triad with added 9th
V7          ; G7          Dominant 7th chord
V9          ; G9          Dominant 9th chord
V11         ; G11         Dominant 11th chord
V13         ; G13         Dominant 13th chord
V7s5        ; G7♯5        Dominant 7th with augmented 5th
V7b5        ; G7♭5        Dominant 7th with flattened 5th
Vmaj7       ; Gmaj7       Major 7th chord
Vmaj9       ; Gmaj9       Major 9th chord
V7sus4      ; G7sus4      Dominant 7th with suspended 4th
V7add13     ; G7add13     Dominant 7th with added 13th
V9s11       ; G9♯11       Dominant 9th with sharp 11th
V7b5        ; Gø7         Half-diminished 7th chord
V7b9        ; G7♭9        Dominant 7th with flattened 9th
V7s9        ; G7♯9        Dominant 7th with sharp 9th
V7b13       ; G7♭13       Dominant 7th with flattened 13th
V7s11       ; G7♯11       Dominant 7th with sharp 11th
V13b9       ; G13♭9       Dominant 13th with flattened 9th
V13s11      ; G13♯11      Dominant 13th with sharp 11th
V7alt       ; G7alt       Fully altered dominant 7th chord
Vaug        ; Gaug        Augmented triad on V
Vdim        ; Gdim        Diminished triad on V

;; vi Chords (A Minor)
vi          ; Am           Minor triad on vi
vi6         ; Am/C         First inversion
vi6/4       ; Am/E         Second inversion
visus2      ; Asus2        Suspended 2nd chord
visus4      ; Asus4        Suspended 4th chord
viadd6      ; Am6          Minor 6th chord
vi6/9       ; Am6/9        Minor 6/9 chord
viadd9      ; Amadd9       Minor triad with added 9th
vi7         ; Am7          Minor 7th chord
vi9         ; Am9          Minor 9th chord
vi11        ; Am11         Minor 11th chord
vi13        ; Am13         Minor 13th chord

;; vii° Chords (B Diminished)
viio        ; Bdim         Diminished triad on vii°
viio6       ; Bdim/D       First inversion of Bdim7
viio6/4     ; Bdim/F       Second inversion of Bdim7
vii7b5      ; Bm7♭5        Half-diminished 7th chord
viio7       ; Bdim7/Ab     Fully diminished 7th chord
viio9       ; Bdim9        Diminished 9th chord
viio7s5     ; Bdim7♯5      Diminished 7th with sharp 5th
viio7b9     ; Bdim7♭9      Diminished 7th with flat 9th
viio7s9     ; Bdim7♯9      Diminished 7th with sharp 9th

;; Borrowed Chords from Parallel Minor in C Major
im          ; Cm           Borrowed i chord from C minor
im6         ; Cm/E♭        First inversion of Cm
im6/4       ; Cm/G         Second inversion of Cm
im7         ; Cm7          Borrowed i7 chord from C minor
im9         ; Cm9          Borrowed i9 chord from C minor
ivm         ; Fm           Borrowed iv chord from C minor
ivm6        ; Fm/A         First inversion of Fm
ivm6/4      ; Fm/C         Second inversion of Fm
ivm7        ; Fm7          Borrowed iv7 chord from C minor
bv          ; Gm           Borrowed v chord from C minor
bv6         ; Gm/B♭        First inversion of Gm
bv6/4       ; Gm/D         Second inversion of Gm
bv7         ; Gm7          Borrowed v7 chord from C minor
bviio       ; Bdim7        Borrowed vii°7 chord from C minor
bviio6      ; Bdim7/D      First inversion of Bdim7
bviio6/4    ; Bdim7/F      Second inversion of Bdim7
bviio7      ; Bdim7/Ab     Third inversion of Bdim7
bIII        ; E♭           Borrowed ♭III chord from C minor
bIII6       ; E♭/G         First inversion of E♭
bIII7       ; E♭7          Borrowed ♭III7 chord from C minor
bIIIMaj7    ; E♭maj7       Borrowed ♭IIImaj7 chord from C minor
bVI         ; A♭           Borrowed ♭VI chord from C minor
bVI6        ; A♭/C         First inversion of A♭
bVI7        ; A♭7          Borrowed ♭VI7 chord from C minor
bVIMaj7     ; A♭maj7       Borrowed ♭VImaj7 chord from C minor
bVII        ; B♭           Borrowed ♭VII chord from C minor
bVII6       ; B♭/D         First inversion of B♭
bVII7       ; B♭7          Borrowed ♭VII7 chord from C minor
bII         ; D♭           Neapolitan triad
bII6        ; D♭/F         First inversion
bII6/4      ; D♭/A♭        Second inversion
bII7        ; D♭7          Neapolitan with dominant 7th
bIIMaj7     ; D♭Maj7       Neapolitan with major 7th
bIIadd9     ; D♭add9       Neapolitan with added 9th
bII7b5      ; D♭7♭5        Neapolitan with flat 5th
bII7s5      ; D♭7♯5        Neapolitan with sharp 5th

;; Secondary Dominant Chords
V7/V        ; D7           V7/V in C Major
V9/V        ; D9           V9/V in C Major
V13/V       ; D13          V13/V in C Major
V7/ii       ; A7           V7/ii in C Major
V9/ii       ; A9           V9/ii in C Major
V13/ii      ; A13          V13/ii in C Major
V7/iii      ; B7           V7/iii in C Major
V9/iii      ; B9           V9/iii in C Major
V13/iii     ; B13          V13/iii in C Major
V7/IV       ; C7           V7/IV in C Major
V9/IV       ; C9           V9/IV in C Major
V13/IV      ; C13          V13/IV in C Major
V7/vi       ; E7           V7/vi in C Major
V9/vi       ; E9           V9/vi in C Major
V13/vi      ; E13          V13/vi in C Major
V7/viio     ; F♯7♭5        V7/vii° in C Major
V9/viio     ; F♯9♭5        V9/vii° in C Major
V13/viio    ; F♯13♭5       V13/vii° in C Major
V42         ; G7/F         Dominant 7th chord in third inversion
V7/iib5     ; A7♭5         V7/ii♭5 in C Major
V7/viiob9   ; F♯7♭5♭9      V7/vii°♭9 in C Major

;; Augmented Sixth Chords
It+6        ; A♭ It+6      Italian augmented sixth
Fr+6        ; A♭ Fr+6      French augmented sixth
Ger+6       ; A♭ Ger+6     German augmented sixth

;; Tritone Substitution Chords
SubV7/V     ; G♭7          Tritone substitute for V7
SubV9/V     ; G♭9          Tritone substitute with added 9th
SubV13/V    ; G♭13         Tritone substitute with added 13th
SubV7/ii    ; G♭7/ii       Tritone substitute for V7/ii
SubV9/ii    ; G♭9/ii       Tritone substitute for V9/ii
SubV13/ii   ; G♭13/ii      Tritone substitute for V13/ii

;; Altered Chords on Altered Degrees
sivo7       ; F♯dim7       Diminished 7th on ♯iv
sivm7       ; F♯m7         Minor 7th chord on ♯iv
sivo7s5     ; F♯dim7♯5     Diminished 7th with sharp 5th

;; Quartal and Quintal Harmony
4tal        ; C F B♭       Quartal triad
4tal6       ; F B♭ C       Quartal triad in first inversion
4tal6/4     ; B♭ C F       Quartal triad in second inversion
4tal7       ; C F B♭ E     Quartal 7th chord
4tal9       ; C F B♭ E A   Quartal 9th chord
4tal11      ; C F B♭ E A D Quartal 11th chord
5tal        ; C G D        Quintal triad
5tal6       ; G D A        Quintal triad in first inversion
5tal6/4     ; D A C        Quintal triad in second inversion
5tal7       ; C G D A      Quintal 7th chord
5tal9       ; C G D A E    Quintal 9th chord
5tal11      ; C G D A E B  Quintal 11th chord

;;; Minor Key Chord Progression Symbols
;; i Chords (C Minor)
i           ; Cm           Minor triad on i
im6         ; Cm6/1        First inversion of Cm6
i6          ; Cm/E♭        First inversion of Cm
i6/4        ; Cm/G         Second inversion of Cm
i7          ; Cm7          Minor 7th chord
i9          ; Cm9          Minor 9th chord
i11         ; Cm11         Minor 11th chord
i13         ; Cm13         Minor 13th chord
i6/9        ; Cm6/9        Minor 6/9 chord
iadd9       ; Cmadd9       Minor triad with added 9th
Isus2       ; Cmsus2       Suspended 2nd chord
Isus4       ; Cmsus4       Suspended 4th chord
iMaj7       ; CmMaj7       Minor major 7th chord (rare)
i7sus2      ; Cm7sus2      Minor 7th chord with suspended 2nd

;; ii° Chords (D Diminished)
iio         ; Ddim         Diminished triad on ii°
iio6        ; Ddim/F       First inversion of Ddim
iio6/4      ; Ddim/A♭      Second inversion of Ddim
iio7        ; Ddim7        Fully diminished 7th chord
iio9        ; Dm9♭5        Half-diminished 9th chord
iioadd9     ; Ddimadd9     Diminished triad with added 9th
iiosus2     ; Ddimsus2     Diminished suspended 2nd chord
iiosus4     ; Ddimsus4     Diminished suspended 4th chord
ii7b5       ; Dm7♭5        Half-diminished 7th chord

;; III Chords (E♭ Augmented)
III         ; E♭           Major triad on ♭III
IIIMaj7     ; E♭maj7       Major 7th chord
III6        ; E♭6          Major 6th chord
III+        ; E♭+          Augmented triad on III+
III+7       ; E♭+7         Augmented 7th chord
III+9       ; E♭+9         Augmented 9th chord

;; iv Chords (F Minor)
iv          ; Fm           Minor triad on iv (Diatonic)
iv6         ; Fm6/1        First inversion of Fm6
iv7         ; Fm7          Minor 7th chord
iv9         ; Fm9          Minor 9th chord
iv11        ; Fm11         Minor 11th chord
iv13        ; Fm13         Minor 13th chord
iv6/9       ; Fm6/9        Minor 6th and 9th chord
ivadd9      ; Fmadd9       Minor triad with added 9th
IVsus2      ; Fmsus2       Suspended 2nd chord
IVsus4      ; Fmsus4       Suspended 4th chord
iv7sus2     ; Fm7sus2      Minor 7th chord with suspended 2nd
iv7sus4     ; Fm7sus4      Minor 7th chord with suspended 4th
ivMaj7      ; FmMaj7       Minor triad with major 7th
iv+         ; Fm+          Augmented triad on iv
iv+7        ; Fm+7         Augmented 7th chord
iv7s11      ; Fm7♯11       Minor 7th chord with sharp 11th
iv7b5       ; Fm7♭5        Minor 7th chord with flat 5
ivadd11     ; Fmadd11      Minor triad with added 11th
iv7s9       ; Fm7♯9        Minor 7th chord with sharp 9th
iv9sus4     ; Fm9sus4      Minor 9th chord with suspended 4th

;; v Chords (G Minor)
v           ; Gm           Minor triad on v
v6          ; Gm/B♭        First inversion
v6/4        ; Gm/D         Second inversion
vsus2       ; Gsus2        Suspended 2nd chord
vsus4       ; Gsus4        Suspended 4th chord
vadd6       ; Gm6          Minor triad with added 6th
v6/9        ; Gm6/9        Minor 6/9 chord
vadd9       ; Gmadd9       Minor triad with added 9th
v7          ; Gm7          Minor 7th chord
v7♭5        ; Gm7♭5        Half-diminished 7th chord
v7s5        ; Gm7♯5        Minor 7th with augmented 5th
v9          ; Gm9          Minor 9th chord
v9b5        ; Gm9♭5        Minor 9th with ♭5
v9s5        ; Gm9♯5        Minor 9th with ♯5
v11         ; Gm11         Minor 11th chord
v11b5       ; Gm11♭5       Minor 11th with ♭5
v13         ; Gm13         Minor 13th chord
v13b5       ; Gm13♭5       Minor 13th with ♭5
vmaj7       ; GmMaj7       Major 7th chord (rare in minor)
vmaj9       ; GmMaj9       Major 9th chord (rare in minor)

;; VI Chords (A♭ Major)
VI          ; A♭           Major triad on VI
VI6         ; A♭6          First inversion
VI6/4       ; A♭6/4        Second inversion
VI7         ; A♭7          Dominant 7th chord on VI
VI9         ; A♭9          Dominant 9th chord on VI
VI11        ; A♭11         Dominant 11th chord on VI
VI13        ; A♭13         Dominant 13th chord on VI
VI6/9       ; A♭6/9        Dominant 6/9 chord on VI
VIadd9      ; A♭add9       Major triad with added 9th
VIsus2      ; Absus2       Suspended 2nd chord
VIsus4      ; Absus4       Suspended 4th chord
VI7sus2     ; A♭7sus2      Dominant 7th chord with suspended 2nd
VI7sus4     ; A♭7sus4      Dominant 7th chord with suspended 4th

;; vii° Chords (B Diminished)
vii         ; Bdim         Diminished triad on vii°
vii6        ; Bdim6        First inversion of Bdim
vii6/4      ; Bdim6/4      Second inversion of Bdim
vii7        ; Bdim7        Fully diminished 7th chord on vii°
vii9        ; Bdim9        Fully diminished 9th chord on vii°
vii7s5      ; Bdim7♯5      Diminished 7th with sharp 5th
viiadd9     ; Bdimadd9     Diminished triad with added 9th
vii13       ; Bdim13       Fully diminished 13th chord on vii°
vii7b9      ; Bdim7b9      Diminished 7th with flat 9th

;; Non-Diatonic Chords (Borrowed and Altered Chords)
bIII        ; E♭           Major triad on ♭III
bIII6       ; E♭6          First inversion of ♭III
bIII6/4     ; E♭6/4        Second inversion of ♭III
bIII7       ; E♭7          Dominant 7th chord on ♭III
bIIIMaj7    ; E♭maj7       Major 7th chord on ♭III
bIII9       ; E♭9          Dominant 9th chord on ♭III
bIII11      ; E♭11         Dominant 11th chord on ♭III
bIII13      ; E♭13         Dominant 13th chord on ♭III
bIII7b5     ; E♭7♭5        Dominant 7th with flat 5th on ♭III
bIII7s5     ; E♭7#5        Dominant 7th with sharp 5th on ♭III
bVII        ; B♭           Major triad on ♭VII
bVII6       ; B♭6          First inversion of ♭VII
bVII6/4     ; B♭6/4        Second inversion of ♭VII
bVII7       ; B♭7          Dominant 7th chord on ♭VII (includes A♭)
bVIImaj7    ; B♭maj7       Major 7th chord on ♭VII
bVII9       ; B♭9          Dominant 9th chord on ♭VII
bVI         ; A♭           Major triad on ♭VI
bVI6        ; A♭6          First inversion of ♭VI
bVI7        ; A♭7          Dominant 7th chord on ♭VI
bVIMaj7     ; A♭maj7       Major 7th chord on ♭VI
bVI9        ; A♭9          Dominant 9th chord on ♭VI
bII         ; D♭           Neapolitan chord on ♭II
bII6        ; D♭6          First inversion of ♭II
bIIMaj7     ; D♭maj7       Major 7th chord on ♭II
bIIadd9     ; D♭add9       Major triad with added 9th on b♭II
bII7        ; D♭7          Dominant 7th chord on ♭II
bII9        ; D♭9          Dominant 9th chord on ♭II
biv         ; Fm           Subdominant minor
bv          ; Gm           Dominant minor
bviio       ; Bdim7        Fully diminished 7th

;; Secondary Dominant Chords
V7/V        ; D7           V7/V in C Minor
V9/V        ; D9           V9/V in C Minor
V13/V       ; D13          V13/V in C Minor
V7/ii       ; A7           V7/ii in C Minor
V9/ii       ; A9           V9/ii in C Minor
V13/ii      ; A13          V13/ii in C Minor
V7/iio      ; A7           V7/ii° in C Minor
V9/iio      ; A9           V9/ii° in C Minor
V13/iio     ; A13          V13/ii° in C Minor
V7/III      ; B♭7          V7/III in C Minor
V9/III      ; B♭9          V9/III in C Minor
V13/III     ; B♭13         V13/III in C Minor
V7/i        ; C7           V7/i in C Minor
V7/IV       ; C7           V7/IV in C Minor
V9/IV       ; C9           V9/IV in C Minor
V13/IV      ; C13          V13/IV in C Minor
V9/i        ; C9           V9/i in C Minor
V13/i       ; C13          V13/i in C Minor
V7/vi       ; E7           V7/vi in C Minor
V9/iv       ; G9           V9/iv in C Minor
V13/iv      ; G13          V13/iv in C Minor
V7/VI       ; A♭7          V7/VI in C Minor
V9/VI       ; A♭9          V9/VI in C Minor
V13/VI      ; A♭13         V13/VI in C Minor
V7/viio     ; F♯7♭5        V7/vii° in C Minor
V9/viio     ; F♯9♭5        V9/vii° in C Minor
V13/viio    ; F♯13♭5       V13/vii° in C Minor

;; Augmented Sixth Chords
It+6        ; A♭ It+6      Italian augmented sixth
Fr+6        ; A♭ Fr+6      French augmented sixth
Ger+6       ; A♭ Ger+6     German augmented sixth

;; Tritone Substitution Chords
SubV7/V     ; A♭7    Tritone substitute for V7/V (D7)
SubV9/V     ; A♭9    Tritone substitute added 9th for V9/V (D9)
SubV13/V    ; A♭13   Tritone substitute added 13th for V13/V (D13)
SubV7/ii    ; E♭7    Tritone substitute for V7/ii (A7)
SubV9/ii    ; E♭9    Tritone substitute added 9th for V9/ii (A9)
SubV13/ii   ; E♭13   Tritone substitute added 13th for V13/ii (A13)
SubV9/III   ; E9     Tritone substitute added 9th for V9/III (B♭9)
SubV13/III  ; E13    Tritone substitute added 13th for V13/III (B♭13)
SubV7/viio  ; C7♭5   Tritone substitute for V7/viio (F♯7♭5)
SubV9/viio  ; C9♭5   Tritone substitute added 9th for V9/viio (F♯9♭5)
SubV13/viio ; C13♭5  Tritone substitute added 13th for V13/vii° (F♯13♭5)
SubV7/iv    ; D♭7    Tritone substitute for V7/iv (G7)
SubV9/iv    ; D♭9    Tritone substitute added 9th for V9/iv (G9)
SubV13/iv   ; D♭13   Tritone substitute added 13th for V13/iv (G13)

;; Altered Chords on Altered Degrees
sivo7       ; F♯dim7       Diminished 7th on ♯iv
sivm7       ; F♯m7         Minor 7th chord on ♯iv
sivo7s5     ; F♯dim7♯5     Diminished 7th with sharp 5th

;; Quartal and Quintal Harmony
4tal        ; C F B♭       Quartal triad
4tal6       ; F B♭ C       Quartal triad in first inversion
4tal6/4     ; B♭ C F       Quartal triad in second inversion
4tal7       ; C F B♭ E     Quartal 7th chord
4tal9       ; C F B♭ E A   Quartal 9th chord
4tal11      ; C F B♭ E A D Quartal 11th chord
5tal        ; C G D        Quintal triad
5tal6       ; G D A        Quintal triad in first inversion
5tal6/4     ; D A C        Quintal triad in second inversion
5tal7       ; C G D A      Quintal 7th chord
5tal9       ; C G D A E    Quintal 9th chord
5tal11      ; C G D A E B  Quintal 11th chord


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