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Random movement between notes in time frame


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Hey everyone,


I want to create movement from f1 to c1 in a timeframe of 5 seconds. How can I generate random note values until 5 seconds are reached? Repetitions of notes should also be possible. Here's what I got so far:


(make-omn :length (rnd-sample 6 '(s -s e q)) :pitch (midi-to-pitch '(65 64 63 62 61 60)))


Thanks in advance,






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;;; quick-function
(defun make-seq (&key (prob 0.5) (possible-pitches (make-scale 'c4 11))) ;; prob = length/rest-weight 
  (make-omn :pitch (rnd-sample 10 possible-pitches)
            :length (gen-length
                     (loop for i in (rnd-sum-to-size 20 10 '(1 2 3 4 5))
                           collect (if (probp prob)
                                       (* -1 i)
            :span :length))

;;; EVAL

(make-seq :possible-pitches (midi-to-pitch (gen-integer 10 110))) ;; with rnd-pitches

of course... with 60bpm

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