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Everything posted by Veit

  1. Thank you for the hint; I now updated my version and it works just fine.
  2. I am trying to get a random series of lengths from the list (4/14 5/14 6/14) to span over a certain time, in this case 4 bars. (length-span '4 (rnd-sample 40 '(4/14 5/14 6/14))) The result keeps including tied sixteenth notes, although I want to limit the score and rhythm to two eighth septuplets per bar (with ties). I also tried to include quantize as a second grid which didn't help to "clean" the result. Am I making a mistake here or is this some kind of bug?
  3. How do I create a rhythm that accelerates or slows down between defined rhythmic values? For example: A constant rhythm of repeated 1/136 notes should gradually slow down until it reaches 1/88. This should really be achieved with note values, not with tempo changes.
  4. Hello everyone, I am working on a piece with midi sampling in my DAW (Cubase) and want to generate the midi data with Opusmodus. Currently I am trying to get a seamless as possible rhythmic accelerando from 1 note/second to 10 notes/second over the course of 20 seconds. I guess I'll have to express it in note values for midi export, so 1/4 to 1/40 in 5 bars of tempo 60? All attempts so far have resulted in audible rhythmic steps, so how can I achieve this as seamless as possible with minimal rhythmic shifts?
  5. I am trying to create a rnd-sample process with a tightening range of material. For example: (rnd-sample 50 (gen-integer 50 60) ) -> it should start with sampling from the full range between 50 and 60, but tightening the range until at the last sample only chosing from material between 54 and 56 Maybe I could somehow map the sampled material to 2 vectors, a rising linear function and a falling one? Or get the range between 2 functions? I am kind of lost here, sorry if the answer is obvious
  6. Try creating omn material, naming it with setf and then combining with (append x y z ...) (setf m1 (make-omn :pitch p :length l :articulation a)) (setf m2 (make-omn :pitch p2 :length l2 :articulation a2)) (append m1 m2)
  7. I know how to create a set of pitches that moves from a to b in a linear or exponential curve. Now, how can I get such a movement but not with a line of single pitches, but with transposed sets of pitches? For example: Create movement from a4 to d4 but only with variants of (g4 a4), thus transposing the major second upwards movement until reaching (d4 e4).
  8. (setf n1b (midi-to-pitch (rnd-variance (sort-asc (rnd-sample (rnd1 :low 15 :high 25) (gen-integer 81 91))) 0.04) :quantize 1/2)) (setf v1b (list-plot (half-sine (get-count n1b) 1) :join-points t)) (setf l1b (quantize (length-adjust 8/4 (vector-to-length '1/24 4 1 v1b)) '(1 2 3 4 6))) (setf m1b (make-omn :pitch n1b :length l1b))
  9. Hello, I am trying to get a rhythm out of the following function: (quantize (length-adjust 8/4 (vector-to-length '1/24 4 1 v1b)) '(1 2 3 4 6)) (v1b is a predefined half-sine vector) Despite using quantization I keep getting results that include unplayable tuplets, such as single tuplet notes followed by e.g. an eigth note: How can I prevent this from happening and get a rationally quantized rhythm?
  10. How can I create a random set of lengths that follows a defined trend, for example: Create a rhythm over 4 bars that starts with only q and e. then accelerating up to bar 3 where it reaches lengths down to t and then decellerating back again until the end of bar 4.
  11. Is it possible to deactivate my license on one computer and activate it with the same key on another computer? Just asking because I am working on 2 different devices, and don't want to kick myself out of OM.
  12. Hey everyone, I am wondering how, in general, I can achieve some kind of "meta"-process over a number of repeated random tasks. Example: Create 20 notes deriving from c4 with rnd-variance, starting at variance 0.1 and ending at 2. -> Starting point: (gen-loop 20 (rnd-variance 60 0.1) ) -> Last processed instance should be (rnd-variance 60 2)
  13. I can't seem to find a possibility to export my last ps to xml. Under "file" I have no entry "export" to choose. What's the easiest way to copy my last preview into Sibelius? Working on Windows 11 btw
  14. Hey everyone, I want to create movement from f1 to c1 in a timeframe of 5 seconds. How can I generate random note values until 5 seconds are reached? Repetitions of notes should also be possible. Here's what I got so far: (make-omn :length (rnd-sample 6 '(s -s e q)) :pitch (midi-to-pitch '(65 64 63 62 61 60))) Thanks in advance, Veit
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