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best strategy for organizing large strings and functions


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My apologies if there is a better thread for this topic, but I am wanting to organize a composition to reference other files (one which will contain lists which are large enough to be unwieldy and the other for my functions).

Approaching this with ADSF would have me creating a system to load.

Something like:

(defsystem "composition-lisp"
  :description "composition-lisp: Tom trying to organize and load multiple files."
  :version "0.0.1"
  :author "Tom Tolleson <tom@example.com>"
  :licence "Public Domain"
  :depends-on ("optima.ppcre" "command-line-arguments")
  :components ((:file "/common-lisp/composition-lisp/composition-lisp.ads")
               (:file "macros" :depends-on ("packages"))
               (:file "hello" :depends-on ("macros"))))


However, I'm wanting to do things in the most simple way possible and I'm sure I've missed it. I'm happy to delete this and repost as a comment in a more appropriate thread if needed.



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