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change randomly lengths to rests


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Something like this:


(defparameter durations '(15/16 15/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 61/32 1/32 1/2 1/32 5/32 1/32 13/16 17/32 3/2 9/16 7/16))

(defun length-to-rnd-rest (numb dur-lst)
  (let* ((llst (- (length dur-lst) 1))
         (minnumb (min numb llst))
         (posns (sort-asc (rnd-unique minnumb (gen-integer 0 llst)))))
    (loop for i in dur-lst
          for j from 0
          collect (if (member j posns)
                      (* -1 i) i ))))

(length-to-rnd-rest 5 durations)


I get only 4 rests in this example:

(defparameter durations '(15/16 15/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 61/32 1/32 1/2 1/32 5/32 1/32 13/16 17/32 3/2 9/16 7/16))

(length-invert durations :section (rnd-sample 5 (gen-integer 0 (1- (length durations))) :norep t :seed 4))

;; => (15/16 15/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 61/32 1/32 1/2 -5/32 -13/16 1/32 -9/16 17/32 3/2 -1/32 7/16)


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Here it is:


(defun length-to-rnd-rest (n sequence &key seed)
  (let (state)
    (setf state *init-seed*)
    (setf seed (rnd-seed seed))
    (do-verbose ("length-to-rnd-rest :seed ~s" seed)
      (let* ((len (length sequence))
             (sel (rnd-order
                   (append (gen-repeat n t) (gen-repeat (- len n) nil))
                   :seed (seed)))
             (result (loop for i in sel
                           for j in sequence
                           collect (if (null i) j (* j -1)))))
        (init-state state)


(setf lengths '(15/16 15/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 61/32 1/32 1/2 1/32 5/32 1/32 13/16 17/32 3/2 9/16 7/16))

(length-to-rnd-rest 5 lengths)
=> (15/16 15/32 1/32 -1/32 1/32 61/32 1/32 -1/2 -1/32 -5/32 1/32 -13/16 17/32 3/2 9/16 7/16)

(length-to-rnd-rest 5 lengths :seed 5)
=> (15/16 -15/32 1/32 1/32 1/32 61/32 1/32 -1/2 1/32 -5/32 1/32 13/16 -17/32 -3/2 9/16 7/16)


I could make something more useful with steps, omitting existing rests and of course working with length symbols and events (omn).

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