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Hey, people !


I´m doing a function to extract the complementary set of notes.

For example:


1) Specify a set of notes, like a chord, Dm7


(setf note-list '(d5 f5 a5 c6))


Specify a tonality, like Cmajor or D dorian (same notes)

(expand-tonality '(c5 major))


Now, I want a function that gives me all the other available notes from the mode, except the chord tones (the first set of notes).


So, this function gives me exactly what I need (for ONE tonality at a time and ONE chord at a time):


(let ((rem (expand-tonality '(c5 major)))
      (super (ambitus '(c5 b5) note-list)))
  (loop for i in super
    do (setf rem (remove i rem))
    finally (return rem)))


Ok, this give me the right result, I.E., the complementary set of notes of C major in relation to Dm7

=> (e5 g5 b5)


The question is simple:


How can I do it for a list with many tonalities and many chords. How to do this recursively in nested lists, like


(setf note-list '((d5 f5 a5 c6)(eb4 gb4 bb4 db4)(fs4 as4 cs4)))


to sucessive tonalities, like:

(expand-tonality '((c5 major) (db4 major) (gb4 major)))


Since this WON´T work


(let ((rem (ambitus '(c5 b5) (expand-tonality '((c5 major) (db5 major) (gb5 major)))))
      (super (ambitus '(c5 b5) '((d5 f5 a5 c6)(eb4 gb4 bb4 db4)(fs4 as4 cs4)))))
  (loop for i in super
    do (setf rem (remove i rem))
    finally (return rem)))


The expected result, if the above worked would be:


 ((e5 g5 b5)  (f5 ab5 c5) (gs4 cb5 ds5))


Thanks in advance !!


Best !



Loop in the loop:


(let ((rem (ambitus '(c5 b5) (expand-tonality '((c5 major) (db5 major) (gb5 major)))))
      (super (ambitus '(c5 b5) '((d5 f5 a5 c6) (eb4 gb4 bb4 db4) (fs4 as4 cs4)))))
  (loop for s in super
    for r in rem
    collect (loop for i in s
              do (setf r (remove i r))
              finally (return r))))

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