o_e Posted January 23, 2015 Share Posted January 23, 2015 Hi, I have an omn-script and I want to transpose the pitches, so I tried to use '(omn :pitch variable) but this does only work for plain lists.. How can I mapcar it to all my sublists (measures)? Or are there other ways to transpose (only) the pitches from an omn-script? thanks! ole Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
opmo Posted January 23, 2015 Share Posted January 23, 2015 Can't be simpler :-) (pitch-transpose 2 '(-q g3 a3 bb3)) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
o_e Posted January 23, 2015 Author Share Posted January 23, 2015 Can't be simpler :-) (pitch-transpose 2 '(-q g3 a3 bb3)) I did try that of corse, gives me: Error: Not a pitch symbol (q). ? Here is my omn-voice: ;;;; (setf melodie-bb '((q b3) (q e4 stacc b3 stacc c4 stacc a3 stacc) (e b3 a3 g3 fs3 q e3 stacc e4 stacc) (q ds 4 e4 fs4 e g4 e4) (fs4 stacc h b3 comma q fs4 stacc) (e g4 fs4 h e4 e a4 e4) (fs4 stacc d4 stacc g4 stacc e fs4 e4) (q d4 stacc e c4 stacc b3 stacc a3 b2 c4 stacc a3) (e b3 cs4 d4 stacc b3 stacc cs4 d4 e4 stacc cs4 stacc) (e d4 e4 fs4 stacc d4 stacc e4 fs4 g4 stacc e4 stacc) (e fs4 stacc b4 a4 g4 stacc q fs4 e4) (q d4 stacc e cs4 stacc b3 stacc q cs4 stacc as3 stacc) (h. b3) ;wdhl (q b3) (q e4 stacc b3 stacc c4 stacc a3 stacc) (e b3 a3 g3 fs3 q e3 stacc e4 stacc) (q ds 4 e4 fs4 e g4 e4) (fs4 stacc h b3 comma q fs4 stacc) (e g4 fs4 h e4 e a4 e4) (fs4 stacc d4 stacc g4 stacc e fs4 e4) (q d4 stacc e c4 stacc b3 stacc a3 b2 c4 stacc a3) (e b3 cs4 d4 stacc b3 stacc cs4 d4 e4 stacc cs4 stacc) (e d4 e4 fs4 stacc d4 stacc e4 fs4 g4 stacc e4 stacc) (e fs4 stacc b4 a4 g4 stacc q fs4 e4) (q d4 stacc e cs4 stacc b3 stacc q cs4 stacc as3 stacc) (h. b3) ;seite2 (q fs4) (q ds4 stacc b3 stacc e4 stacc fs4 stacc) (e g4 fs4 g4 fs4 q e4 a4) (q fs4 stacc e4 d4 q e4 stacc cs4 stacc) (h. d4 p e a3 stacc g3 stacc) (q a3 e b3 stacc c4 stacc q d4 e c4 stacc b4 stacc) (q c4 stacc a3 stacc h a4 tie) (e a4 fs4 g4 b4 stacc a4 g4 fs4 stacc e4 stacc) (e ds4 e4 fs4 stacc ds4 stacc q b3 stacc fs4 stacc) (e g4 fs4 h e4 e fs4 stacc g4 stacc) (e a4 fs4 h ds4 q b4 stacc) (q b3 stacc e4 stacc e g4 fs4 e4 ds4 stacc) (h. e4) ;wdhl (q fs4) (q ds4 stacc b3 stacc e4 stacc fs4 stacc) (e g4 fs4 g4 fs4 q e4 a4) (q fs4 stacc e4 d4 q e4 stacc cs4 stacc) (h. d4 p e a3 stacc g3 stacc) (q a3 e b3 stacc c4 stacc q d4 e c4 stacc b4 stacc) (q c4 stacc a3 stacc h a4 tie) (e a4 fs4 g4 b4 stacc a4 g4 fs4 stacc e4 stacc) (e ds4 e4 fs4 stacc ds4 stacc q b3 stacc fs4 stacc) (e g4 fs4 h e4 e fs4 stacc g4 stacc) (e a4 fs4 h ds4 q b4 stacc) (q b3 stacc e4 stacc e g4 fs4 e4 ds4 stacc) (h. e4))) ;;;; Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
opmo Posted January 23, 2015 Share Posted January 23, 2015 and what about this: (q ds 4 e4 fs4 e g4 e4) :-) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
o_e Posted January 23, 2015 Author Share Posted January 23, 2015 and what about this: (q ds 4 e4 fs4 e g4 e4) :-) yeah, I found other faults too, shame on me :-( Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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