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After our recent Opusmodus Convention I have been asked whether there would be any Opusmodus tutorials for the libraries I shared. 

While there is no bespoke Opusmodus tutorial for any of them (you might consider my presentation at he Opusmodus convention as that tutorial, and additionally there are some nods to Opusmodus in the docs here and there), these libraries are all documented. For all libraries I write I tend to create detailed reference documentation for my own good 🙂  Much of the documentation is simply at the Common Lisp level, but that means in Opusmodus it would be largely used the same way. 


Fenv (Function Envelopes)


There is some short intro doc at the github project page of this library at https://github.com/tanders/fenv for plain Common Lisp but with a few Opusmodus-specific notes. In the fenv library, pretty much every definition has a very short docstring (e.g., see https://github.com/tanders/fenv/blob/master/sources/fenv.lisp ). These docstrings were also used for creating some HTML documentation. Check out the doc directory in this library. Further, there is a test file, which can also be considered a file with a bunch of examples, though without further documentation (see https://github.com/tanders/fenv/blob/master/tests/test-fenv.lisp ).




Cluster Engine and Cluster Rules


Concerning the constraint libraries, the situation is a bit more complex. The Github landing page of Cluster Engine (https://github.com/tanders/cluster-engine ) also starts with something like a mini tutorial and some very brief consideration of Opusmodus, like the fenv library. Nevertheless, these libraries where originally written for PWGL and they are still best documented when used from within PWGL.


You might want start looking into these libraries by watching some video tutorial I did for my students (as part of a collection/playlist of videos on PWGL) where I am showing them how to get started with these libraries in PWGL at


Both libraries feature some PWGL tutorial that consists of a number of PWGL patches accessible from the PWGL docs menu after installing and loading them.  These PWGL tutorials go much further than I do in the above-mentioned video.


Beyond these PWGL tutorials, there is also some reference doc for the top-level Cluster Engine functions (e.g.,  the rule applicators) and the predefined rules in Cluster Rules, again written as docstrings but also part of HTML docs of these libraries, but these are best understood after you followed the PWGL tutorials.


So, unfortunately I have to encourage you to check these libraries out in PWGL first, that is still more easy. You can then rather easily port your first PWGL Cluster Engine patches to Opusmodus, as the boxes in PWGL and the functions for Opusmodus at called the same, as long as you only used definitions from the Cluster Engine package.


Note that unfortunately, the original PWGL site is meanwhile down (this software is not developed any further), but it seems that some version of the software can still be downloaded at



Apologies that there are no bespoke Opusmodus tutorials. Janusz already also mentioned some interest in these libraries, so I may give some dedicated talk on those at some later stage (e.g., as part of our next convention). I would likely cover largely what is already covered in the above-mentioned docs, only from within Opusmodus then.




Again, this library has a github landing page with some initial documentation (https://github.com/tanders/tot ) and some detailed reference documentation in HTML in the doc folder (https://tanders.github.io/tot/ ). This reference documentation features many examples that can be directly executed within Opusmodus. In some earlier version of Opusmodus, the HTML doc files could also be directly opened and the code could be evaluated without copying, but that is currently not possible any more (due to some changes by Apple as I understand, sigh). 

Note that all of these libraries might have some problems here and there. I try to test all my definitions carefully (for Cluster Engine I even defined a suit of regression tests), but things on which these libraries depends can change (e.g., some updates of Opusmodus break some TOT code every now and then). Anyway, if case you run into problems just get in touch. I have currently rather little time to look into these matters and thus may not be very response, but I will try to help at some stage... 




  • torstenanders changed the title to Opusmodus convention: documentation of the libraries I presented

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