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I just tried the microtuning function in version 2.0 and it's briliant. But I get this message from the listener: "Instrument "synth-moog" used the MIDI Tuning System for microtones.
To use Pitch-Bend instead would require at least 2 ports." Where can I find documentation to use the microtonal midi output in Logic and/or in Kontakt, if it's possible, to control my virtual instruments ?






Opusmodus microtonal system supports MTS (MIDI Tuning Standard) and Pitch-Bend via Ports.

MIDI Tuning Standard (MTS) is a specification of precise musical pitch agreed to by the MIDI Manufacturers Association in the MIDI protocol. MTS allows for both a bulk tuning dump message, giving a tuning for each of 128 notes, and a tuning message for individual notes as they are played.


The Virtual Instrument that support MTS:

Vienna Instruments, Pianoteq, possibly few more.
Sadly 'Native Instruments' is not one of them.


An quarter-tone example
To use Pitch-Bend instead of MTS would require at least 2 ports.

(def-score quarter-tone
           (:key-signature 'chromatic
            :tempo '(q 60)
            :time-signature '(4 4))
  (inst1 :omn '(s c4 c4+ c4+ c4+ cs4 cs4+ cs4+ cs4+ d4 d4+ d4+ d4+ eb4 eb4+ eb4+ eb4+ e4)
         :channel 1
         :sound 'gm
         :program 0
         :port '(0 1)

In your DAW you need set 2 ports for each channel (same instrument).

An eighth-tone example
To use Pitch-Bend instead of MTS would require at least 4 ports.

(def-score eighth-tone
           (:key-signature 'chromatic
            :tempo '(q 60)
            :time-signature '(4 4))
  (inst1 :omn '(s c4 c4+. c4+ c4+.. cs4 cs4+. cs4+ cs4+.. d4 d4+. d4+ d4+.. eb4 eb4+. eb4+ eb4+.. e4)
         :channel 1
         :sound 'gm
         :program 0
         :port '(0 1 2 3)

In your DAW you need to set 4 ports for each channel (same instrument).


MTS example
If your instrument support MTS then you use single port, as usual.

(def-score eighth-mts
           (:key-signature 'chromatic
            :tempo '(q 60)
            :time-signature '(4 4))
  (inst1 :omn '(s c4 c4+. c4+ c4+.. cs4 cs4+. cs4+ cs4+.. d4 d4+. d4+ d4+.. eb4 eb4+. eb4+ eb4+.. e4)
         :channel 1
         :sound 'gm
         :program 0
         :port 0


The internal GM dose not need any specific setup.




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