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changing pan in every event


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dear all


is there a possibility to change the PAN in every EVENT?


like '((q c4 mp pan-30) (e c3 pp pan100))  

would be interesting for LIVE-CODING

is there something predifined? like it will come up with microtonality/tuning



and why does it work with simple-midi-sound (a list in :pan) and not with a player like conTimbre (there is something i don't understand with midi/players/etc)?


thanx for a  hint



an example:

(setf omn '((5q c4 5q 5q 5q 5q 5q 5q 5q) 
            (e e e e e) 
            (7q 7q)
            (3q 3q) 
            (5q 5q 5q) 
            (7q 7q) 
            (3q 3q 3q 3q) 
            (e e) 
            (3q 3q 3q 3q 3q) 
            (e e e e e)))


(def-score signature
           (:title "signature"
                   :key-signature 'atonal   
                   :time-signature '(4 4) 
                   :tempo 60)
   ;:port 0 
   :omn (omn-replace :velocity (pick-norepeat 100 '(pppp ppppp ppp ppp pp p)) (length-diminution 4 (gen-repeat 10 omn)))
   :tuning (gen-white-noise 100 :scale 0.1)
   :pan '(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 30 1 1 1 100 100 80 77 15 100 100 100)
   :channel 1
   :sound 'gm-trumpet))


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The PAN is changing on every event:

(def-score pan-test
           (:key-signature 'atonal   
            :time-signature '(4 4) 
            :tempo 60)
   :omn '(q c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4)
   :tuning '(.5 .33 0 -.5 0 .5 0 0)
   :pan '(1 127 1 127 1 127 64)
   :channel 1
   :program 'violin
   :sound 'gm))

If the conTimbre is not changing the PAN on every event then there is a bug in conTimbre midi listener.

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Example with time PAN:

(def-score pan-test2
           (:key-signature 'atonal   
            :time-signature '(4 4) 
            :tempo 60)
   :omn '(h c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4)
   :tuning '(.5 .33 0 -.5 0 .5 0 0)
   :pan (gen-controller 7/4 (gen-sine 12 7 1) :time '(1/8 1/4 1/8 1/16))
   :channel 1
   :program 'violin
   :sound 'gm))


(def-score pan-test3
           (:key-signature 'atonal   
            :time-signature '(4 4) 
            :tempo 60)
   :omn '(h c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4)
   :tuning '(.5 .33 0 -.5 0 .5 0 0)
   :pan '((:desc-asc 127 0 1/32 2)
          (:asc 34 127 1/32 2) (127 1) (0 1))
   :channel 1
   :program 'violin
   :sound 'gm))


Tell Thomas Kummel to make a Kontakt player version.

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