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Help on WILDCARDS ? *


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Dear All,


Some help needed in wildcard uses in Opusmodus Functions and OMN expressions...



The definition....


In computer (software) technology, a wildcard is a symbol used to replace or represent one or more characters.[2] Algorithms for matching wildcards have been developed in a number of recursive and non-recursive varieties.

In Unix-like and DOS operating systems, the question mark ? matches exactly one character.



I was in need of a wildcard to represent a pitch class in ANY register, like "cs?" meaning all C# pitch classes in any register/octave (cs0, cs1, cs2, cs3, cs4, cs5, cs6, cs7, etc).


There are other interesting uses for this wildcards inside functions, to generalize and make recursions possible elegantly.


Any Hints ?




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often helpful in PATTERN MATCH things... (like in OPMO pattern-match-functions)


here is a short IDEA for an octave-independent PITCH-PATTERN-MATCHP with possible WILDCARD, perhaps could help you...


;;; PITCH PATTERN-MATCHP octave-independent

;;; SUB
(defun convert-pitch (pitches)
  (loop for i in pitches
    when (pitchp i)
    collect (compress (butlast (explode i)))
    else collect i))

;;; MAIN

(defun pitch-pattern-matchp (pitchlist pattern)
  (let ((pitchlist (convert-pitch pitchlist))
        (pattern (convert-pitch pattern)))
    (pattern-matchp pitchlist pattern)))

(pitch-pattern-matchp '(c4 d4 eb4 f4 g4) '(c ? e))
=> nil

(pitch-pattern-matchp '(c4 d4 eb4 f4 g4) '(c ? eb))
=> t


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Thanks, André !


I was trying to solve this problem



(setf melody '(c5 c5 d5 e5 g5 a5 g5 c6 b5 c6))

(setf blkharm (pattern-map '(((c3) (e2g2a2c3))((d3) (f2gs2b2d3))((e3) (e3c3a2g2))((f3) (gs2b2d3f3))((g3) (g3e3c3a2))((gs3) (b2d3f3gs3))((ab3) (b2d3f3ab3))((a3) (c3e3g3a3))((b3) (d3f3ab3b3))((c4) (e3g3a3c4))((d4) (f3gs3b3d4))((e4) (e4c4a3g3))((f4) (gs3b3d4f4))((g4) (g4e4c4a3))((gs4) (b3d4f4gs4))((ab4) (b3d4f4ab4))((a4) (g4e4c4a4))((b4) (d4f4ab4b4))((c5) (e4g4a4c5))((d5) (f4gs4b4d5))((e5) (e5c5a4g4))((f5) (gs4b4d5f5))((g5) (g5e5c5a4))((gs5) (b4d5f5gs5))((ab5) (b4d5f5ab5))((a5) (g5e5c5a5))((b5) (d5f5ab5b5))((c6) (e5g5a5c6))((d6) (f5gs5b5d6))((e6) (e6c6a5g5))((f6) (gs5b5d6f6))((g6) (g6e6c6a5))((gs6) (b5d6f6gs6))((ab6) (b5d6f6ab6))((a6) (g6e6c6a6))((b6) (d6f6ab6b6)))
             melody :otherwise 'c4f4bb4eb5))

 :length '(q e e e e e e q q q)
 :pitch blkharm)


To make some block harmonizations, like this:




If you are curious, see this post:



Best !! Thank you ! You are the LOOPER MAN !




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