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A new CIRCLE-PITCH-PLOT function (examples below) will be part of the forthcoming Opusmodus 1.3.


The function CIRCLE-PIOTCH-PLOT returns a geometrical representation of relationships among the 12 pitch classes of the chromatic scale in pitch class space and provides an easy way to identify patterns and similarities between harmonic structures.


Clockwise motion represents ascending pitch motion, and counterclockwise motion represents descending pitch motion.




Major Triad

(circle-pitch-plot '(c4e4g4))

Pasted Graphic.png


Minor Triad

(circle-pitch-plot '(c4f4ab4))

Pasted Graphic 1.pngPasted Graphic 1.png


Augmented Triad

(circle-pitch-plot '(c4e4gs4))

Pasted Graphic 2.png


All 4 augmented triads

(circle-pitch-plot '(c4e4gs4 db4f4a4 d4fs4bb4 eb4g4b4))

Pasted Graphic 3.png



With :style :fill

(circle-pitch-plot '(c4e4gs4 db4f4a4 d4fs4bb4 eb4g4b4) :style :fill)

Pasted Graphic 4.png


Example with chord names.

Fully-Diminished 7th Chord

(circle-pitch-plot 'dim7)

Pasted Graphic 5.png


All 3 fully-diminished 7th chords

(circle-pitch-plot '((c4 dim7) (cs4 dim7) (d4 dim7)))

Pasted Graphic 6.png


Whole-Tone Scale

(circle-pitch-plot '(0 2 4 6 8 10))

Pasted Graphic 7.png


The complex of 2 Whole-Tone Scale

(circle-pitch-plot '((0 2 4 6 8 10) (1 3 5 7 9 11)) :style :fill)

Pasted Graphic 8.png


Chromatic Scale

(circle-pitch-plot 'chromatic :point-radius 4)

Pasted Graphic 9.png


The complex of 6 tritones

(circle-pitch-plot '((0 6) (1 7) (2 8) (3 9) (4 10) (5 11)) :point-radius 4)

Pasted Graphic 10.png



(circle-pitch-plot 'mixolydian-greek :point-radius 4)

Pasted Graphic 11.png

(circle-pitch-plot 'bartok :point-radius 4)

Pasted Graphic 12.png

(circle-pitch-plot 'messiaen-mode3 :point-radius 4)

Pasted Graphic 13.png

(circle-pitch-plot 'hyojo :point-radius 4)

Pasted Graphic 14.png


Contrary Motion

(circle-pitch-plot '(0 1 11 2 10 3 9 4 8 5 7 6)
                   :sort nil :join-first nil)

Pasted Graphic 15.png

(circle-pitch-plot '((0 1) (0 2) (0 3) (0 4) (0 5) (0 6)
                     (0 7) (0 8) (0 9) (0 10) (0 11)) :point-radius 4)

Pasted Graphic 16.png


Example with Forte notation

(circle-pitch-plot '(6-32 6-7))

Pasted Graphic 17.png


Example with omn-form sequence and :type :pitches


(circle-pitch-plot '(((leg s g2 p dbow+sul d3 sul b3 dig1 a3 b3 d3 b3 d3)
                      (leg g2 d3 b3 a3 b3 d3 b3 d3)))
                   :type :pitches)


Pasted Graphic 18.png


Circle types

(circle-pitch-plot '((4 9 11) (3 5 10) (0 3 6 9)) :style :fill)

Pasted Graphic 19.png

(circle-pitch-plot '((4 9 11) (3 5 10) (0 3 6 9))
                   :type :pitches :style :fill)


Pasted Graphic 20.png

(circle-pitch-plot '((4 9 11) (3 5 10) (0 3 6 9))
                   :type :fifths :style :fill)


Pasted Graphic 21.png


Examples with :sort and :remove-duplicates set to nil

(circle-pitch-plot '(0 2 6 0 3 7 0 4 8))

Pasted Graphic 22.png

(circle-pitch-plot '(0 2 6 0 3 7 0 4 8) :sort nil)

Pasted Graphic 23.png

(circle-pitch-plot '(0 2 6 0 3 7 0 4 8)
                   :sort nil :remove-duplicates nil)

Pasted Graphic 24.png

(circle-pitch-plot '(0 2 6 0 3 7 0 4 8)
                   :sort nil :remove-duplicates nil :join-first nil)


Pasted Graphic 25.png

(circle-pitch-plot '(8 4 2 0 10 2 8 10 4 6 8)
                   :sort nil :remove-duplicates nil)

Pasted Graphic 26.png


Best wishes,


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