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  1. I'm studying the Orchestral Example code from Opusmodus documentation. After changing the original melodic source (setf solo => setf elvis), compiling solovar1 and solovar2 functions produce error messages more than half the time. Does anyone know how to fix that? Thank you! ;;; MELODY ;; Basic melodic material (setf elvis (gen-repeat 2 '((h f4 c5) (h f4 -q e g4 a4) (h bb4 a4) (h g4 -q -e c4) (h d4 e4) (h f4 3h g4 a4 bb4) (h a4 g4 w f4) ))) (setf frag1 (gen-loop 14 (list (rnd-pick '(2 3 1 4)) (rnd-pick '(2 3))))) (setf frag2 (gen-loop 14 (list (rnd-pick '(2 3 1 4)) (rnd-pick '(2 3))))) ;; Melodic variations (setf solovar1 (gen-fragment frag1 elvis)) (setf solovar2 (gen-fragment frag2 elvis)) Here's one of the error messages: Error: Function nthcdr expected a non-negative integer, got -1. 1 (abort) Return to top loop level 0. Type :b for backtrace or :c <option number> to proceed. Type :bug-form "<subject>" for a bug report template or :? for other options.
  2. I can't seem to get do-timeline2 function to work. I include an abridged example below; happy to share more code details if necessary. I'd like to filter 64 measures of 4/4 as defined in the timeline. Would anyone be able to offer some feedback? I tried adjusting different 'list' levels, etc. but with no avail. Thank you! (setf chords1 '(e2b2g3d4 e2cs3a3e4 e2d3b3fs4)) (setf chords2 (pitch-transpose 3 chords1)) (setf chorale1-chords (span '(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1) chords1)) (setf chorale2-chords (span '(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1) chords2)) ;; OMNS (setf chorale1 (make-omn :length (length-span '(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1) '(w) :omn t) :pitch chorale1-chords)) (setf chorale2 (make-omn :length (length-span '(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1) '(w) :omn t) :pitch chorale2-chords)) ;; CHORALE RESERVOIRES (setf chorales-reservoir (list chorale1 chorale2)) (setf chorales-map (vector-map chorales-reservoir '(0 4 7 12 16 7 12 16))) ;; TIMELINE (setf chorales-timeline '((1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0))) (do-timeline2 '(chorales-map) chorales-timeline '(gen-pause x))
  3. I've been studying HARMONIC-PATH and TONALITY-MAP functions to determine the exact similarities and differences between the two. While I understand the purpose of those functions in principle from reading the documentation and experimenting with different ideas, I wonder if - for educational purposes - someone could briefly highlight the main explicit differences between the two. In the short example below, both functions produce very similar results, so the question may be when to use one function instead of the other. And is it possible to achieve the same result with both functions? I appreciate anyone's advice or insight into this. Thanks! (setf chords '(c4e4g4 c4f4a4 b3d4g4)) (setf voice (gen-repeat (length chords) '((c4d4 e4)))) (setf harmonic-path (harmonic-path chords voice :octave :path)) => ((c4e4 g4) (c4f4 a4) (b3d4 g4)) (setf tonality-series (tonality-series chords :map '(step) :closest 'up)) (setf tonality-map (tonality-map tonality-series voice)) => ((c4g4 e5) (c4a4 f5) (b3g4 d5))
  4. Can I assign integer to attribute, for e.x integer to attribute?
  5. Hello, I have converted one of my scores to OMN. The sequence of pitches, velocity and length are all demonstrated explicitly example - (q b3 e -s b2b2 gs2 as2 a3 g2g2 g2 e2 -e) I would like to take the sequence and convert it to the most appropriate function. I'm assuming this would take a step of analysis. That is, instead of Function > Sequence, I want to perform Sequence> Analysis > map to a Function. Then I could eliminate the explicit OMN sequences and have a score that is (mostly) functions. I'm not sure if this is possible, as it seems incredibly difficult to perform without manual data transformation. However, I'm curious if anyone else has attempted this sort of process? Regards, Tom
  6. Here is a function that converts hertz to midi: (defun hertz-to-midi (frequency) "Gets the corresponding MIDI value from a Hertz frequency" (round ;; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIDI_Tuning_Standard#Frequency_values ;; d = 69 + 12*log2(f/440Hz) (+ 69 (* 12 (log (/ frequency 440) 2))))) This allows two more useful functions to be made: (defun hertz-to-integer (frequency) "Gets the corresponding pitch integer value from a Hertz frequency" (let ((*standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream))) ; Override function prints (midi-to-integer (hertz-to-midi frequency)))) (defun hertz-to-pitch (frequency) "Gets the corresponding pitch from a Hertz frequency" (midi-to-pitch (hertz-to-midi frequency))) This allows us to play with the harmonic series ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harmonic_series_(music) ) ;;; Nth Harmonic (defun n-harmonic-hertz (note n) "Gets the n harmonic of a note as a hertz (Hz) value" ;; n * 440 * 2^( (m - 69) * (1/12) ) (let ((*standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream))) ; Override function prints (* n 440 (expt 2 (* (/ 1 12) (- (pitch-to-midi note) 69)))))) (defun n-harmonic-midi (note n) "Gets the n harmonic of a note as a midi value" (hertz-to-midi (n-harmonic-hertz note n))) (defun n-harmonic-pitch (note n) "Gets the n harmonic of a note as a pitch (tempered) value" (let ((*standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream))) ; Override function prints (midi-to-pitch (n-harmonic-midi note n)))) (defun n-harmonic-integer (note n) "Gets the n harmonic of a note as a pitch (tempered) value" (hertz-to-integer (n-harmonic-hertz note n))) ;;; Harmonic series (defun harmonic-series-pitch (fundamental number) "Gets 'number' amount of superior harmonics for a note as a list as pitches" (loop for i from 1 to number append (list (n-harmonic-pitch fundamental i)))) (defun harmonic-series-midi (fundamental number) "Gets 'number' amount of superior harmonics for a note as a list as MIDI values" (loop for i from 1 to number append (list (n-harmonic-midi fundamental i)))) (defun harmonic-series-hertz (fundamental number) "Gets 'number' amount of superior harmonics for a note as a list as Hertz frequencies" (loop for i from 1 to number append (list (n-harmonic-hertz fundamental i)))) (defun harmonic-series-integer (fundamental number) "Gets 'number' amount of superior harmonics for a note as a list as integer values" (loop for i from 1 to number append (list (n-harmonic-integer fundamental i)))) Examples: ;;; Examples (harmonic-series-hertz 'a4 8) => (440 880 1320 1760 2200 2640 3080 3520) (harmonic-series-midi 'a4 8) => (69 81 88 93 97 100 103 105) (harmonic-series-integer 'a4 8) => (9 21 28 33 37 40 43 45) (harmonic-series-pitch 'a4 8) => (a4 a5 e6 a6 cs7 e7 g7 a7)
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