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Posts posted by NagyMusic

  1. Thanks, Stephane. This session is very educational! I have a quick question about the first "simplified" process-example you introduced and discussed in the video. 


    I understand that there're eight measures set by the size variable. And that each of the eight measures introduces new material generated by make-omn. What would be the easiest way to adjust the code below so that each new measure is repeated a set number of times, either a fixed number of repetitions or changing (controlled)? I tried using the gen-repeat function, after gen-loop but it didn't seem to work.


    Thank you!


    (setf size 8)
    (setf ph1 (ambitus
               '(g3 g6)
                 :pitch (gen-loop size (interval-ambitus 6 (rnd-sample 12 (make-scale 'd4 12 :alt '(2 1 3)))))
                 :length (gen-loop size  (length-legato (rnd-sample 4 '(s -s))))
                 :velocity (rnd-pick '((pp)(p)(mp)(mf)(f)))


  2. I understand that the first argument value in the ambitus-chord function represents the outer-interval size measured by an integer or a list of integers. What does the second value in the size argument list affect when processing two [or more] chords, as illustrated in the example below? Is the second value affecting the second chord in the first list or both chords in the second list? Thank you!


    (ambitus-chord '(14 6) '((eb4c6 c4fs4 b4) (c4b4 b3eb5b3)))


  3. I was able to set up Logic or Opusmodus playback via IAC driver by loading a Logic setup file into my workspace (saved in Documents folder). In this way, I can audition short snippets and lines of code, which playback through Logic just fine (OMN Audition + Notation). However, I'm having difficulties with evaluating and auditioning the whole score (Evaluate Score Audition + Notation).


    I'm including a short code example for your reference in case you have any feedback. And here's the listener error code:


    > Error: OMN Parse Error: fail
    > While executing: omn-to-ast, in process Listener-8(63).


    Thank you for your time and help!




    (setf piano-righthand
          '((e. b4 s a4 e b4 e. d4 s g4 e b4)
            (e. a4 mordent2 s g4 e a4 q. d5)
            (e. g5 lmordent1 s fs 5 e g5 e. a4 s e5 e g5)
            (e. fs5 mordent1 s e5 e fs5 q. d5 tie)
            (q d5 t e5 leg fs5 leg g5 leg a5 leg e. b5 s g5 e d5)
            (q e5 t fs5 leg g5 leg a5 leg b5 leg e. c6 s a5 e e5)
            (e. fs5 s d5 e g5 e. a4 s b4 e c5)
            ((app. e c5) q._e. b4 s a4 g4 fs4)
            (q g4 e d5 q. g5 tie+lmordent1)
            (e g5 s a5 g5 fs5 e5 q. fs5 tie+lmordent2)
            (e. fs5 s g5 e fs5 e. e5 s cs5 e d5)
            (e. cs5 mordent1  s d5 e e5 q. a4 tie)
            (q a4 t b4 leg cs5 leg d5 leg e5 leg e. fs5 s d5 e a4)
            (q b4 t cs5 leg d5 leg e5 leg fs5 leg e. g5 s e5 e b4)
            ((app. e b4) e. cs5 s a4 e a5 e. d5 s e5 e cs5)
            ((app e cs5) q d5 tie h)))
    (setf piano-lefhand
          '((q g3 lmordent2 e g2 q. g3 tie+lmordent2)
            (q. g3 e. fs3 mordent1 s e3 e d3)
            (q e3 e d4 q cs4 e a3)
            (q._e. d4 s e4 e c4)
            (e. b3 s c4 e a3 e. g3 s a3 e b3)
            (e. c4 s d4 e b3 e. a3 s b3 e c4)
            (e. d4 s c4 e a3 q c4 e d4)
            (e. g3 s fs3 e g3 e. d3 s a3 e c4)
            (e. b3 mordent1 s a3 e b3 e. e3 s b3 e d4)
            (e. cs4 mordent1 s b3 e a3 e. d4 s cs4 e d4)
            (e. g3 s b3 e d4 q. g4 tie)
            (e g4 s a4 g4 fs4 e4 e. fs4 s g4 e a4)
            (e. d4 s a3 e fs3 e. d3 s e3 e fs3)
            (e. g3 s a3 e fs3 e. e3 s fs3 e g3)
            (e. a3 s g3 e fs3 e. b3 s g3 e a3)
            (e. d3 s fs3 e a3 q. d4)))
    (def-score goldberg-var7
               (:title "Goldberg Variationen"
                :subtitle "Var 17 (extract)"
                :composer "J. S. Bach"
                :key-signature '(g major)
                :time-signature '(6 8)
                :tempo '("al tempo di Giga" e 155)
                :layout (piano-solo-layout 'piano-rh 'piano-lh))
       :omn piano-righthand
       :port "Logic"
       :channel 1)
       :omn piano-lefthand)



  4. Many thanks for the reply.  The issue in question is applicable to both examples. However, looking at the second example only (copied below) that features a transformation of the given harmonic sequence (omn),  the pitches (pitch classes) of the harmonic sequence are retained when ambitus function is applied, but not when gen-ambitus-series is used. I wanted to ask why is that the case, namely why the original pitches are not preserved when gen-ambitus-series is used.


    Thank you!


    (setf omn '((h e4f5 p c5a4) (h b3d3 gs4eb2fs3) (h bb2g5cs5 gs4d4eb2) (w bb2 mp) (h g3f4cs5 p c5) (h fs5a5b3 e4b3) (h bb2) (w e2eb4) (h c5cs6 a5) (h f4g3 gs4d3) (h fs5 bb2fs5g3) (h d3e5eb4 gs4) (h a2c6 f2) (h b0 cs6c5) (h gs4d3))) (ambitus '(-6 12) omn) (setf range (gen-ambitus-series '(-30 42) (vector-smooth 0.2 (gen-white-noise 15 :seed 23)) (vector-smooth 0.2 (gen-white-noise 15 :seed 24)))) (ambitus range omn)

    (setf omn
          '((h e4f5 p c5a4) (h b3d3 gs4eb2fs3) (h bb2g5cs5 gs4d4eb2)
            (w bb2 mp) (h g3f4cs5 p c5) (h fs5a5b3 e4b3) (h bb2)
            (w e2eb4) (h c5cs6 a5) (h f4g3 gs4d3) (h fs5 bb2fs5g3)
            (h d3e5eb4 gs4) (h a2c6 f2) (h b0 cs6c5) (h gs4d3)))
    (ambitus '(-6 12) omn)
    (setf range
           '(-30 42)
           (vector-smooth 0.2 (gen-white-noise 15 :seed 23))
           (vector-smooth 0.2 (gen-white-noise 15 :seed 24))))
    (ambitus range omn)


     I attached music notation examples in support of my question. The "original" refers to the given omn list, "ambitus" preserves all pitch classes from the original, and "gen-am original.pdfbitus-series" example modifies some of the pitch classes. Thank you once again!


    ambitus.pdf gen-ambitus-ser.pdf

  5. After a short break, I'm slowly coming back to Opusmodus, mainly by working through functions examples. Looking at the gen-ambitus-series

    function example below, would someone be willing to explain why the ambitus function is not producing all diatonic pitches included in list_? I understand that I may want to use harmonic-path or similar instead, but I just wanted to ask for the learning experience. I feel like I might be missing something so I welcome the feedback!


    (setf range_ (gen-ambitus-series '(-10 30)
                 (vector-smooth 0.2 (gen-white-noise 6 :seed 23))
                 (vector-smooth 0.2 (gen-white-noise 8 :seed 24))))
    (integer-to-pitch range_)
    (setf list_ '((c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)
                 (c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)
                 (c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)
                 (c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)
                 (c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)
                 (c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)
                 (c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)
                 (c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5)
    (ambitus range_ list_)

    Perhaps a different example may illustrate my question better. Below we have a series of transformation of the given harmonic sequence. The pitches (pitch classes) of the harmonic sequence are retained with each individual ambitus transformation, but not when gen-ambitus-series is used (see below). Thanks!

    (setf omn
          '((h e4f5 p c5a4) (h b3d3 gs4eb2fs3) (h bb2g5cs5 gs4d4eb2)
            (w bb2 mp) (h g3f4cs5 p c5) (h fs5a5b3 e4b3) (h bb2)
            (w e2eb4) (h c5cs6 a5) (h f4g3 gs4d3) (h fs5 bb2fs5g3)
            (h d3e5eb4 gs4) (h a2c6 f2) (h b0 cs6c5) (h gs4d3)))
    (ambitus '(-6 12) omn)
    (setf range
           '(-30 42)
           (vector-smooth 0.2 (gen-white-noise 15 :seed 23))
           (vector-smooth 0.2 (gen-white-noise 15 :seed 24))))
    (ambitus range omn)



  6. Thanks for a very informative post. Would someone be willing to explain the four integers included in the 

    :offset '(2 1 2 3)

    parameter from Stephane's reply? It is clear why the parameter is used; I just hope to better understand the purpose of the integer(s) used in order to better control the parameter.


    Many thanks!

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