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  1. why is such an overwrite-function so usefull.... (also with no PM or ...)?
  2. take it as a sketch... you can see the input/output greetings andré p.s. could be nice, if we combine it with a/the/my overwrite-function p.s.s an overwrite-function could be very very smart for work... think: for example: you have coded some music but you would overwrite the last two quaternotes of bar 5 in the violin.... !? ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; INSERTING ON BAR/BEAT ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (defun inserting-on-bar/beat (insert &key time-sign bar beat) (let ((extra-rest (* -1 (/ (- (car beat) 1) (cadr beat)))) (basic-time-sign time-sign) (time-sign (if (listp (car time-sign)) (loop for i in time-sign when (> (caddr i) 1) append (loop repeat (caddr i) collect (list (car i) (cadr i))) else collect (list (car i) (cadr i))) (append time-sign)))) (omn-to-time-signature (length-rest-merge (flatten (append (if (> bar 1) (list (if (listp (car time-sign)) (loop repeat (- bar 1) for i in time-sign collect (* -1 (/ (car i) (cadr i)))) (* -1 (1- bar) (/ (car time-sign) (cadr time-sign)))))) (length-rational-quantize (if (/= 0 extra-rest) (append (list extra-rest) insert) insert) :round (if (listp (car time-sign)) (/ (car (nth bar time-sign)) (cadr (nth bar time-sign))) (/ (car time-sign) (cadr time-sign))))))) basic-time-sign))) ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; INSERTING ON BAR/BEAT ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (inserting-on-bar/beat '(s c4 d4 e4 f4 pp) :time-sign '(4 4) :bar 2 :beat '(3 16)) (inserting-on-bar/beat '(5q c4 d4 e4 f4 pp) :time-sign '(4 4) :bar 2 :beat '(2 20)) (inserting-on-bar/beat '(3q c4 d4 e4 f4 pp) :time-sign '(4 4) :bar 1 :beat '(5 12)) (inserting-on-bar/beat '(s c4 d4 e4 f4 pp) :time-sign '((2 4 1) (3 8 1) (5 8 1) (3 4 1)) :bar 3 :beat '(3 16))
  3. hi janusz was there a bug in my code? of course YOU coded it smarter :-) greetings andré
  4. ;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; "mirror image" of a cutout ;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; this function is generating a "mirror image" of a cutout ;;; by random-length/pos or by event-numbers ;;; the "untaken" part will be replaced by rests ;;; the "special thing is" to connect it exactly/immediately to the original-seq ;;; and as filtered-seq you could use it in an other part/instrument ;;; i coded it for my current work... so, take it or delete it! (defun mirror-seq (n omn-list &key (type 'r)) (let ((single-seq (single-events omn-list)) (seq) (rests)) (progn (setf seq (flatten (loop repeat (if (listp n) (cadr n) (1+ (random (- (length single-seq) n)))) for i in single-seq collect i))) (setf rests (neg! (apply '+ (mapcar 'abs (omn :length (flatten seq)))))) (setf seq (cond ((equal type 'r) (gen-retrograde seq)) ((equal type 'i) (pitch-invert seq)) ((equal type 'ri) (pitch-invert (gen-retrograde seq))))) (setf seq (flatten (loop repeat (if (listp n) (- (cadr n) (car n)) n) for i in (single-events seq) collect i))) (flatten (list rests seq))))) ;;; examples ;;; if n = integer -> random-seq ;;; if n = integer-list -> event-posititon => constant ;;; types r / i / ri (setf seq '(e. b3 mf c4 s d4 pp q eb4 e4 f4 t fs4)) ;;; retro (setf exp1 (mirror-seq 2 seq :type 'r)) (setf exp2 (mirror-seq '(1 4) seq :type 'r)) ;;; retro/inv ;(setf exp1 (mirror-seq 2 seq :type 'ri)) ;(setf exp2 (mirror-seq '(1 4) seq :type 'ri)) ;;; inv ;(setf exp1 (mirror-seq 2 seq :type 'i)) ;(setf exp2 (mirror-seq '(1 4) seq :type 'i)) (def-score only-anonsense-example (:title "exp" :key-signature 'atonal :time-signature '(4 4) :tempo 124 :layout (bracket-group (treble-layout 'original) (treble-layout 'exp1) (bass-layout 'exp2))) (original :omn seq :channel 1 :port 1 :sound 'gm :program 'acoustic-grand-piano) (exp1 :omn (pitch-transpose 0 exp1) :channel 1 :port 1 :sound 'gm :program 'acoustic-grand-piano) (exp2 :omn (pitch-transpose 0 exp2) :channel 1 :port 1 :sound 'gm :program 'acoustic-grand-piano)) added 3 minutes later in comination with length-augmentation (and tranpositions) you could generate a "distorted mirror image" in an other part/instrument
  5. use it if you like.. i needed it as a subfuction for length-legato* ... greetings andré (defun symmp (seq) (let ((seq2 (if (evenp (length seq)) (list (filter-first (/ (length seq) 2) seq) (reverse (filter-last (/ (length seq) 2) seq))) (list (filter-first (/ (1- (length seq)) 2) seq) (reverse (filter-last (/ (1- (length seq)) 2) seq)))))) (if (null (member 'nil (loop for i in (car seq2) for j in (cadr seq2) when (equal i j) collect 'T else collect 'NIL))) 't))) (symmp '(-1 2 3 5 5 3 2 -1)) (symmp '(-1 2 3 5 7 5 3 2 -1)) (symmp '(-1 2 3 4 5 3 2 -1)) (symmp '(c4 d4 fs5 d4 c4)) (symmp '(c4 d4 fs5 d4 b4)) (symmp '(mf f mp mp f mf)) (symmp '(mf f f mp fff f mf))
  6. violà, take it as a sketch... ;;; like this, but the question is how to structure the input-values ;;; the kind of structure decides about output... (defun filter-pattern (pattern omn-list) (progn (if (atom (car pattern)) (setf pattern (mapcar #'list pattern))) (flatten (loop for i in (single-events omn-list) with cnt = 0 when (pattern-matchp i (nth cnt pattern)) collect i and do (incf cnt) else collect (neg! (omn :length i)) when (= cnt (length pattern)) do (setf cnt 0))))) (setf seq '(e c4 mp -e fermata e. d4 -h e. c4 e e4)) (filter-pattern (rnd-sample-seq 2 (single-events seq)) '(e c4 mp -e fermata e. d4 -h e. c4 e e4)) (filter-pattern '((e. c4) (e4)) '(e c4 mp -e fermata e. d4 -h e. c4 e e4)) (filter-pattern '((c4) (e4)) '(e c4 mp -e fermata e. d4 -h e. c4 e e4)) (filter-pattern '(c4 e4) '(e c4 mp -e fermata e. d4 -h e. c4 e e4))
  7. an idea/extension could be to "filter-events" not only by singular pitches/lengths... but also by motifs, means sequences => "filter a PATTERN" function-name: filter-pattern
  8. here is a first version => replaces a PITCH by a sequence - overwriting the "old seq" - not very easy to CODE/understand how to do it :-) take a look an perhaps you have some more/better/extending ideas... a better way to solve the problems? greetings andré ;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; FUNCTIONS ;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun get-resolution (seq pattern) (let ((val)) (progn (setq val (loop for i in (single-events seq) when (pattern-matchp i pattern) collect (denominator (car (omn :length i))))) (cond ((memberp (car val) '(3 6 12 24 48)) 1/24) ((memberp (car val) '(2 4 8 16 32)) 1/16) ((memberp (car val) '(5 10 20 40)) 1/20) ((memberp (car val) '(7 14 28 56)) 1/28))))) (defun replace-pitch-by-sequence (seq pitch insert) (let ((resolution (get-resolution seq pitch))) (omn-merge-ties (flatten (loop repeat (length (omn-to-time-signature seq (list (numerator resolution) (denominator resolution)))) for cnt = 0 then (incf cnt) with new-seq = (omn-to-time-signature seq (list (numerator resolution) (denominator resolution))) with insert-rounded = (append insert (rest (length-rational-quantize (list (apply '+ (omn :length insert))) :round resolution))) when (pattern-matchp (nth cnt new-seq) pitch) collect insert-rounded and do (incf cnt (/ (apply '+ (abs! (omn :length insert-rounded))) resolution)) collect (nth cnt new-seq)))))) ;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; EXAMPLES ;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (setf seq '(3q cs5 c5 b4 q c4 d4 e. e4 s f4 h g4)) (setf omn-new (replace-pitch-by-sequence seq (list (rnd-pick (omn :pitch seq))) ;; for tests: takes rnd-pitches (rnd-pick '((t gs5 g5 fs5 f5 e5) ;; for tests: takes rnd-inserts (q gs5 -e e gs5) (3q gs5 tie q gs5) (s gs5 tie q gs5))))) (setf omn-old seq) ;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (def-score test (:title "test" :key-signature 'atonal :time-signature '(4 4) :tempo 90 :layout (bracket-group (treble-layout 'new) (treble-layout 'old))) (new :omn omn-new ;; OMN with iNSERT :channel 1 :port 1 :sound 'gm :program 'acoustic-grand-piano) (old :omn omn-old ;; OMN without iNSERT :channel 1 :port 1 :sound 'gm :program 'acoustic-grand-piano))
  9. yes, but wrong with this... '(s c4 tie s c4 tie s c4 tie s c4 s d4 tie s d4 tie s d4 tie s d4 s e4 tie s e4 tie s e4 1/24 gs5 1/24 1/24 s g4 tie s g4 tie s g4 tie s g4 tie s g4 tie s g4 tie s g4) because of the 1/24... why?
  10. thanx...!!! the concrete question was... i could eliminate the TIEs in such a sequence... (and add the tied 1/16-lengths) -> simplify the notation '(s c4 tie s c4 tie s c4 tie s c4 s d4 tie s d4 tie s d4 tie s d4 s e4 tie s e4 tie s e4 t gs5 g5 fs5 f5 e5 -1/32 s g4 tie s g4 tie s g4 tie s g4 tie s g4 tie s g4)
  11. hi all i'm trying to code a PM-function with an OVERWRITE, so that the global-lengths stays correct... i'm working this evening with some ideas for that and this is only a first sketch of a basic idea, don't know if it will work later... i have one little ordinary problem: to find/insert/overwrite i have to split the original sequence into small parts... that's the RESOLUTION, so i have a list with OMN-events in the span of the resolution. and a lot of TIEs -> at the end i would like to remove the tied-lengths by ordinary lengths? how? filter-tie works not with all insert-examples.... what can i do...? thanx andré ;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; OVERWRITE -> überschreibt eine sequenz bei PM -> resolution einstellbar ;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ausgangs-sequenz (setf seq '(q c4 d4 e. e4 s f4 h g4)) ;;; inserts => test different INSERTS (setf insert '(t gs5 g5 fs5 f5 e5)) ;(setf insert '(q gs5 -e e gs5)) ;(setf insert '(1/24 gs5 1/24 1/24)) ;;; pattern => if such a pattern matched => now INSERT starting at PITCH f4 (setf pattern '(? f4)) ;;; resolution of SCANNING/INSERTING (setf resolution 1/16) ;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (setf omn-old seq) (setf omn-new (loop repeat (length (omn-to-time-signature seq (list (numerator resolution) (denominator resolution)))) for cnt = 0 then (incf cnt) with new-seq = (omn-to-time-signature seq (list (numerator resolution) (denominator resolution))) with insert-rounded = (append insert (rest (length-rational-quantize (list (apply '+ (omn :length insert))) :round resolution))) when (pattern-matchp (nth cnt new-seq) pattern) collect insert-rounded and do (incf cnt (/ (apply '+ (abs! (omn :length insert-rounded))) resolution)) collect (nth cnt new-seq))) (setf omn-new (flatten omn-new)) ;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (def-score test (:title "test" :key-signature 'atonal :time-signature '(4 4) :tempo 90 :layout (bracket-group (treble-layout 'new) (treble-layout 'old))) (new :omn omn-new :channel 1 :port 1 :sound 'gm :program 'acoustic-grand-piano) (old :omn omn-old :channel 1 :port 1 :sound 'gm :program 'acoustic-grand-piano)) added 4 minutes later some other ideas to the main problems or some great solutions are very welcome :-)
  12. looks like adding intervals? ...code it! :-)
  13. data could also be midi-channel, prog-number....
  14. i see and unterstand what you mean... (as a non-programmer :-)), so i'm asking here some naive questions: a) isn't it better to "seperate" the BASIC-OMN-structure from the additionals? in a way, i'm more independet if OPMO changes some things? b) in my way i see completely transparent and easy what's up, and not a mixture of text-attributes/data...? c) if I could change the OPMO SINGLE-EVENTS-structure, i would extend it like I did ...and not mixing it, isnt' it much more "logic" (but perhaps not for a programmer-brain :-)) ...but... it is great to have such good inputs, that's what i'm looking for in this FORUM, thanx a lot torsten!!! herzlich andré added 8 minutes later in my view it would be nice to EXTEND the "make-omn/single-events"-structure by x-add-datas... like: (make-omn :length :pitch :velocity :articulation :data1 :data2 ... ... ...)
  15. if you want to control the global-pitch-progress, and not making/writing all length-list by hand you have to work/think (imo) with EVENTS (in opmo (single-events)), otherwise you will have all the time "random-stuff" or have incorrect synchronisations... but perhaps this is what you are looking for... all the best andré
  16. extendig SINGLE-EVENTS with optional-datas (like instrument-name, or whatelse) and reading/filtering this EVENT-LIST by a key-value -> useful for instrumentation... greetings andré ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; extending single-events with optional-datas ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; SUBFUNCTION (defun memberp (n liste) (not (equal 'nil (member n liste)))) ;; MAINFUNCTION (defun create-extended-single-events (omn-list &key (optional-data1 nil) (optional-data2 nil) (optional-data3 nil)) (loop for i in (single-events omn-list) for data-cnt = 0 then (incf data-cnt) when (< (car (omn :length i)) 0) collect (append (list (first i)) (gen-repeat 6 'nil)) else collect (append (loop repeat 4 for cnt = 0 then (incf cnt) collect (nth cnt i)) (append (list (nth data-cnt optional-data1) (nth data-cnt optional-data2) (nth data-cnt optional-data3)))))) (create-extended-single-events '(e c4 mp stacc e. -h e. p ord e e4 stacc) :optional-data1 '(trp fl trp trp fl clar) :optional-data2 '(1 3 2 4 3 5 3 1 1)) ;; events are extended with the optional-data1-x => ((e c4 mp stacc trp 1 nil) (e. c4 mp nil fl 3 nil) (-h nil nil nil nil nil nil) (e. c4 p ord trp 4 nil) (e e4 p stacc fl 3 nil)) ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; reads events by key-values!! ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; now, with this function, you can filter all EVENTS with key-value X. all others will be replaced ;;; by RESTS, so the time-length-structure will be not destroyed. you can say: i need all EVENTS ;;; with key-value 'trp in the trumpet-voice, or all EVENTS with key-value 'c4 for .... (defun read-single-events-by (event-stream &key (key-value 'c4)) (loop for i in event-stream when (memberp key-value i) collect i else collect (append (list (length-invert (first i))) (gen-repeat 6 'nil)))) (read-single-events-by '((e c4 mp stacc trp 1 nil) (e. c4 p ord fl 3 nil) (e e4 p stacc trp 2 nil)) :key-value 'trp) ;; shows all EVENTS with key-value 'trp (other events are replaced by rests) => ((e c4 mp stacc trp 1 nil) (-3/16 nil nil nil nil nil nil) (e e4 p stacc trp 2 nil)) (read-single-events-by '((e c4 mp stacc trp 1 nil) (e. c4 p ord fl 3 nil) (e e4 p stacc trp 2 nil)) :key-value '3) ;; shows all EVENTS with key-value '3 (other events are replaced by rests) => ((-1/8 nil nil nil nil nil nil) (e. c4 p ord fl 3 nil) (-1/8 nil nil nil nil nil nil)) (read-single-events-by '((e c4 mp stacc trp 1 nil) (e. c4 p ord fl 3 nil) (e e4 p stacc trp 2 nil)) :key-value 'ord) ;; shows all EVENTS with key-value 'ord (other events are replaced by rests) => ((-1/8 nil nil nil nil nil nil) (e. c4 p ord fl 3 nil) (-1/8 nil nil nil nil nil nil))
  17. violà, i think something like this -> an example you simply could evaluate!!! :-) ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; KLANGFARBEN-MELODIE: A FUNCTION THAT SPLITS PITCHES/LENGTHS IN THE WAY OF THE INSTRUMENTATION ;;; SEQUENCE -> SO YOU COULD SPLIT/COMPBINE THE PAARMETERS PITCH + LENGTH + VELOCITY + ARTICULATION ;;; + C O L O R (= INSTRUMENTATION)!!!! -> SO YOU CAN CREATE KLANGFARBENMELODIEN!! ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun generate-events (durations pitches &key (velocity '(mf)) (articulation '(-)) (optional_data 'nil)) ;; generates an EVENT-STREAM from parameter-lists -> important is the "optional_data", ;; that's the place where the instrument's name is written in! (loop repeat (length durations) with cnt-d = 0 with cnt-rest = 0 when (> (nth cnt-d durations) 0) collect (list (nth cnt-d durations) (nth cnt-rest pitches) (nth cnt-rest velocity) (nth cnt-rest articulation) (nth cnt-rest optional_data)) and do (incf cnt-rest) and do (incf cnt-d) else collect (list (nth cnt-d durations) 'nil 'nil 'nil 'nil) and do (incf cnt-d))) (defun filtering-color (selected-color event-stream) ;; filtering the the EVENT-STREAM by instrument (let ((velocity) (articulation)) (loop for i in event-stream with match = 0 append (loop for x in (fifth i) when (equal (first x) selected-color) do (setq articulation (second x) velocity (third x)) and do (setq match 1)) when (and (= match 1) (> (first i) 0)) append (list (first i) (second i) velocity articulation) else collect (* -1 (abs (first i))) do (setq match 0)))) (defun gen-hoquetus (filtered-instrument &key pitch length instrument-list) (let ((events (generate-events length pitch :optional_data instrument-list))) (filtering-color filtered-instrument events))) ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; OMN_EXAMPLE: ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (setq pitches '(c4 cs4 d4 ds4 e4 f4 fs4 g4 gs4 a4 bb4 b4)) ; only an example (setq lengths (gen-length '(1 2 3 -4 5 6 5 -4 3 -2 1 1 1 -8 3 2) 1/16)) ; only an example ;; instrumentation -> every LIST/LINE is the instrumentation/technique for one single pitch/length (setq instrumentation '(((pno ord ppp)) ; only an example ((vn pizz p)) ((trp ord ff)) ((vn pizz f) (va ponte f)) ((pno ord ff)) ((pno ord fff)) ((vn tasto mf) (pno ord ff) (vc tasto mf) (trp ord pp)) ((trp mute pp) (vn ponte mf)) ((trp mute pp)) ((trp mute pp)) ((trp ord f) (pno ord ff)) ((trp ord f) (vc tasto mf)))) ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; SCORE: YOU CAN MAP THE INSTRUMENTS ON THE CHANNEL/PORT YOU NEED FOR YOUR SOFTWARE-INSTR ;;; HAVE A LOOK TO THE SCORE AND INSTRUMENTATION-LIST ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (def-score klangfarben-melodie (:key-signature '(c maj) :time-signature '(4 4) :tempo '(120) :layout (bracket-group (trumpet-layout 'trumpet) (piano-grand-layout 'piano) (violin-layout 'violin) (viola-layout 'viola) (violoncello-layout 'violoncello))) (trumpet :omn (gen-hoquetus 'trp ;; filters all trp-pitches/lengths/... :pitch pitches :length lengths :instrument-list instrumentation) :channel 1) (piano :omn (gen-hoquetus 'pno ;; filters all pno-pitches/lengths/... :pitch pitches :length lengths :instrument-list instrumentation) :channel 2) (violin :omn (gen-hoquetus 'vn :pitch pitches :length lengths :instrument-list instrumentation) :channel 3) (viola :omn (gen-hoquetus 'va :pitch pitches :length lengths :instrument-list instrumentation) :channel 4) (violoncello :omn (gen-hoquetus 'vc :pitch pitches :length lengths :instrument-list instrumentation) :channel 5))
  18. you could use the hoquetus.4-function exactly for that
  19. (defun modify-length-of-a-technique (omn-list &key technique (factor 1) (modification 'augmentation)) (flatten (loop for i in (single-events omn-list) when (equal (car (omn :articulation i)) technique) collect (cond ((equal modification 'augmentation) (length-augmentation factor i)) ((equal modification 'diminution) (length-diminution factor i))) else collect i))) (modify-length-of-a-technique '(q d4 mf ponte e fs4 tasto -e. e g4 tasto q gs4 ponte) :technique 'ponte :factor 10 :modification 'augmentation) ;; also 'diminution
  20. modifying stephane' s code (defun replace-length-of-a-technique (omn-list &key technique length) (flatten (loop for i in (single-events omn-list) when (equal (nth 3 i) technique) collect `(,(rnd-pick* length) ,(nth 1 i) ,(nth 2 i) ,(nth 3 i)) else collect i))) (replace-length-of-a-technique '(e. c4 p tasto d4 ponte e4) :technique 'tasto :length '(1/32)) (replace-length-of-a-technique '(e. c4 p tasto d4 ponte e4 d4 tasto f5 tasto) :technique 'tasto :length '(1/32 2/32 3/32)) ;; rnd
  21. (defun testp (n1 n2 &key (test '=)) (progn (cond ((pitchp n1) (setf n1 (pitch-to-midi n1) n2 (pitch-to-midi n2))) ((velocityp n1) (setf n1 (get-velocity n1) n2 (get-velocity n2)))) (eval (list test n1 n2)))) (testp 'cs4 'd4 :test '<) (testp 'cs4 'd4 :test '/=) (testp 'cs4 'cs4 :test '=) (testp 'mp 'mf :test '<) (testp 12 13 :test '=)
  22. nice, but didn't found this function in the library, so you has to code...
  23. when i evaluate this: (setf pianomainHarm (tonality-map (append (gen-repeat 4 '((scale2))) (gen-repeat 4 '((scale1))) (gen-repeat 4 '((scale3))) ) pianomain)) Error: > Error: scale2 is not a tonality or a chord. > While executing: make-tonality, in process Listener-1(6). > Type cmd-. to abort, cmd-\ for a list of available restarts. > Type :? for other options. so, take a look what is your scale2 etc or it's in YOUR library, so i can't test YOUR score/code
  24. i have to learn more about lisp :-)
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