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Everything posted by AM

  1. polytempo-discussion in OM (years ago) https://opusmodus.com/forums/topic/353-how-to-write-a-polytempo-score/?tab=comments#comment-910 --- technology for live realisation (how to conduct it) by real musicians -> by polytempo-network: https://www.facebook.com/Philippe-Kocher-Composer-31442199213/ http://philippekocher.ch/#109 http://polytempo.zhdk.ch i used this technology already for 2 pieces... also for my next work. greetings andré
  2. AM posted a post in a topic in OMN Lingo
    thanks, janusz, for this great TUTORIAL GUIDE! https://opusmodus.com/forums/tutorials/tutorial-guide/
  3. i didn't find a OM-library-solution for this kind of thing, so i coded it... if you want to REPLACE the articulation of some specific pitches. perhaps all 'd4 sould be PONTE... you could use this. it was necessary to code it like that, because otherwise you get in trouble with the empty parameter-slots... should work fine greetings andré ;;; SUBFUNCTIONS (defun eliminate-nil (alist) (loop for i in alist when (not (null i)) collect i)) (defun complete-event-slots (omn-list) (let ((omn-art (omn :articulation (single-events (flatten omn-list))))) (single-events (omn-replace :articulation (flatten (eliminate-nil (loop for i in omn-art for cnt = 0 then (incf cnt) when (equal (car i) '-) collect (nth (1- cnt) omn-art) else collect i))) omn-list)))) ;(complete-event-slots '(5q a4 ff pizz 5q e3 -e 5q a4 f)) ;;; MAIN FUNCTION (defun replace-articulation-of-a-pitch (omn-list &key pitches articulation (chance 1.0)) (loop for i in (complete-event-slots (flatten omn-list)) when (and (member (car (omn :pitch i)) pitches) (prob? chance)) append (omn-component-replace i (list articulation)) else append i)) ;;; EXAMPLE (replace-articulation-of-a-pitch '(5q a4 ff pizz 5q e3 p -q 5q d4 pizz) :pitches '(a4 d4) :articulation 'ponte :chance 1.0) -> (5q a4 ff ponte 5q e3 p pizz -q 5q d4 p ponte)
  4. okay, but the "evaluation"-process (perhaps transpose note 2 octaves down and add pitch in a disctance of a fourth) must/could be done in LISP!?
  5. hi all does anybody already coded a FUNCTION to replace string-pitches by natural or artificial harmonics? is the specific notehead in OM (for the artificials)? would/could be very practical... perhaps if you have fast phrases in a large ambitus... the function - if it would be very well coded - could search for the nearest/closest fingering... greetings andré
  6. yes, i know - i love to code a lot of things myself, and at the moment i'm not very virtuous in it. but I have found a solution - without rebuilding my big programs. with (pprint-last-score) i can read and save the OMN, after evaluating and exporting xml/midi. so you were right, janusz, the solution was in the SYSTEM FUNCTIONS 🙂 thanx for help - torsten, stéphane & janusz
  7. thank you, torsten - the problem is, that i'm working with my own random/pick-functions which don't work with SEED - so, that's my fault/problem 🙂
  8. hi all is there a possibility to SAVE my output - the OMN-lists - (rnd-generated structures) in a seperate file? that by EVALUATION the OMN-lists will be written in a sepeart/new-generated file? ...so that i have not to re-import it via MIDI (makes a lot of strange rhythms) thanks for help andré
  9. very interested in version 2.0 - features/release?
  10. hi brian, i modified shortly the code, now you could do what you want... "step-to-pitch" will test now what the tonality-input is ... if tonality = pitches -> then use this scale, othwerwise -> "expand the scale" (defun map-infinity-series (&key seq start tonality) (step-to-pitch :steps (integer-to-interval (reset-seq seq)) :pitches (if (pitchp (car tonality)) tonality (multiple-expand-tonality :startpitch 'c0 :octaves 7 :tonality tonality)) :start start)) (map-infinity-series :seq '(0 -1 3 2 1 2 -1) :start 'fs4 :tonality (make-scale 'c2 49 :alt '(1 2 1 1))) (map-infinity-series :seq '(0 -1 3 2 1 2 -1 2 2 3 3 1 -1 1 -1 2 2) :start 'g4 :tonality '(major)) (map-infinity-series :seq '(0 -1 3 2 1 2 -1 2 2 3 3 1 -1 1 -1 2 2) :start 'fs4 :tonality '(messiaen-mode1 messiaen-mode2 messiaen-mode3)) 1) do it with library... like '(major) or (messiaen-mode1) or what else 2) do ith with a pitch-sequence like your '(make-scale 'c2 49 :alt '(1 2 1 1)) -> just REPLACE map-infinity-series by the new function-version -> ...the only thing you have to look at it: your start-pitch has to be part of your scale!
  11. janusz, is this possible directly via "infinity-series"? greetings andré
  12. violà... bit more organized... a) now you could copy the SUBFUNCTIONS+MAINFUNCTION into: extensions -> user library. in that way all the functions will be loaded automatically, and it is not necessary to EVALUATE them before using... but it's useful to document it... b) otherwise... all this functions in your workspace/opmo-file... (like you are donig it wright now) ;;; SUBFUNCTIONS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun step-to-pitch (&key steps pitches start) (let ((pos (car (position-item start pitches)))) (append (list (nth pos pitches)) (loop for i in steps ;; setting pos by add the step to pos do (setf pos (+ pos i)) ;; when pitch-range to small then reset to lowest pitch+step ;; could be a more intelligent solution when (or (>= pos (length pitches)) (< pos 0)) do (setf pos 0);(+ 0 i)) collect (nth pos pitches))))) (defun multiple-expand-tonality (&key startpitch octaves tonality) (remove-duplicates ;remove is for "cutting" if there are too much pitches (OMN loops last octave!) (loop repeat octaves with pitch = startpitch with cnt = 0 when (= cnt (length tonality)) do (setq cnt 0) append (expand-tonality (list pitch (nth cnt tonality))) do (incf cnt) do (setq pitch (car (pitch-transpose 12 (list pitch))))))) (defun reset-seq (seq) (let ((n (abs (find-min seq)))) (loop for i in seq collect (+ n i)))) ;;; MAINFUNCTION (defun map-infinity-series (&key seq start tonality) (step-to-pitch :steps (integer-to-interval (reset-seq seq)) :pitches (multiple-expand-tonality :startpitch 'c0 :octaves 7 :tonality tonality) :start start)) ;;; EXAMPLES OF USE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (setf inf-list (infinity-series 128 '(1 0))) (map-infinity-series :seq inf-list :start 'g4 :tonality '(major)) (map-infinity-series :seq inf-list :start 'gs3 :tonality '(messiaen-mode6))
  13. i will write you a "merged"-function, takes not a lot of time, then it looks smarter :-) do you know how to use USER LIBRARY? very usefull - take a look... then you could import and use it like an ordinary OPMO-function
  14. is this correct? i think it is - not smart-coded but it works - you could merge the functions into ONE (sorry for my english). perhaps there is an OPMO-library-solution, but i don't know it... greetings (defun step-to-pitch (&key steps pitches start) (let ((pos (car (position-item start pitches)))) (append (list (nth pos pitches)) (loop for i in steps ;; setting pos by add the step to pos do (setf pos (+ pos i)) ;; when pitch-range to small then reset to lowest pitch+step ;; could be a more intelligent solution when (or (>= pos (length pitches)) (< pos 0)) do (setf pos 0);(+ 0 i)) collect (nth pos pitches))))) (defun multiple-expand-tonality (&key startpitch octaves tonality) (remove-duplicates ;remove is for "cutting" if there are too much pitches (OMN loops last octave!) (loop repeat octaves with pitch = startpitch with cnt = 0 when (= cnt (length tonality)) do (setq cnt 0) append (expand-tonality (list pitch (nth cnt tonality))) do (incf cnt) do (setq pitch (car (pitch-transpose 12 (list pitch))))))) (defun reset-seq (seq) (let ((n (abs (find-min seq)))) (loop for i in seq collect (+ n i)))) (step-to-pitch :steps (integer-to-interval (reset-seq '(0 1 -1 2 1 0 -2 3 -1 2 0 1 2 -1 -3 4 1 0 -2 3 0 1 -1 2 -2 3 1 0 3 -2 -4 5 -1 2 0 1 2 -1 -3 4 0 1 -1 2 1 0 -2 3 2 -1 -3 4 -1 2 0 1 -3 4 2 -1 4 -3 -5 6))) :pitches (multiple-expand-tonality :startpitch 'c0 :octaves 7 :tonality '(major)) :start 'g4)
  15. but YOUR steps are not the same from the web-archive-example -> in the web-example it's from G in C-major, steps are -> 1 -2 -> YOU are starting with steps -> 0 1 -1 2 ... ??? but, i have no idea about this infinity-things, i only MAP your SEQ to MAJOR-scale... in the way you asked for (i think), so perhaps you have to rethink the MAIN-thing? best wishes andré added 6 minutes later you have to think different - these are NOT steps, these is a INTEGER-TO-PITCH thing... perhaps mixed with tonality-map - but haven't time for that at the moment, sorry
  16. dear brian your pitch-range is too small for the step-sum... if you want to use it you have to enlarge your pitch-range. i've now done a small change - so you don' t have an error -> step-stack will now be set to 0, if pitches are lower or higher then your pitch-range, but in this case you don't have exact results mapping the STEPS so, enlarge your pitch-range -> perhaps with my "multiple-expand..."-function -> EXAMPLE 2 (defun step-to-pitch (&key steps pitches start) (let ((pos (car (position-item start pitches)))) (append (list (nth pos pitches)) (loop for i in steps ;; setting pos by add the step to pos do (setf pos (+ pos i)) ;; when pitch-range to small then reset to lowest pitch+step ;; could be a more intelligent solution when (or (>= pos (length pitches)) (< pos 0)) do (setf pos 0);(+ 0 i)) collect (nth pos pitches))))) ;;; EXAMPLE 1 (step-to-pitch :steps '(0 1 -1 2 1 0 -2 3 -1 2 0 1 2 -1 -3 4 1 0 -2 3 0 1 -1 2 -2 3 1 0 3 -2 -4 5 -1 2 0 1 2 -1 -3 4 0 1 -1 2 1 0 -2 3 2 -1 -3 4 -1 2 0 1 -3 4 2 -1 4 -3 -5 6) :pitches '(c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5 d5 e5 f5 g5 a5 b5 c6) :start 'g4) ;;; here a function which enlarges TONALITIES OVER X-ocavtes ;;; so, that's easier then to type :-9 (defun multiple-expand-tonality (&key startpitch octaves tonality) (remove-duplicates ;remove is for "cutting" if there are too much pitches (OMN loops last octave!) (loop repeat octaves with pitch = startpitch with cnt = 0 when (= cnt (length tonality)) do (setq cnt 0) append (expand-tonality (list pitch (nth cnt tonality))) do (incf cnt) do (setq pitch (car (pitch-transpose 12 (list pitch))))))) (multiple-expand-tonality :startpitch 'c1 :octaves 6 :tonality '(major)) ;;; EXAMPLE 2 (step-to-pitch :steps '(0 1 -1 2 1 0 -2 3 -1 2 0 1 2 -1 -3 4 1 0 -2 3 0 1 -1 2 -2 3 1 0 3 -2 -4 5 -1 2 0 1 2 -1 -3 4 0 1 -1 2 1 0 -2 3 2 -1 -3 4 -1 2 0 1 -3 4 2 -1 4 -3 -5 6) :pitches (multiple-expand-tonality :startpitch 'c0 :octaves 7 :tonality '(major)) :start 'g4)
  17. here are some solutions: user- or OPMO-defined greetings andré
  18. evaluate this, and check out the midi-destinations-function -> shows you the ports (midi-destinations)
  19. But in this way: (setf binrow '(0 2 5 7 8 11)) (gen-binary-row 12 '(binrow)) What am I missing ? just do it like that: (setf binrow '(0 2 5 7 8 11)) (gen-binary-row 12 binrow) ;; your "binrow" is now a variable with a LIST as value ;; when you are writing '(binrow) it will be a LIST with the VALUE binrow (and not the values of "binrow")
  20. really great, torsten! thanks a lot!!! greetings andré
  21. something like this? don't know if it's like this... you want to project a chord on these "filtered pitches"? (setf lengths '(1/2 1/16 7/16 1/8 3/8 3/16 5/16 1/4 1/4 5/16 3/16)) (setf pitches '(g5 gs4 fs4 a4 gs4 g4 f4 bb4 fs4 a4 g4 gs4 a4 fs4 e4 b4 gs4 g4 f4 bb4 g4 gs4 fs4 a4 f4 bb4 gs4 g4 bb4 f4 eb4 c5 fs4 a4 g4 gs4 a4 fs4 e4 b4 g4 gs4 fs4 a4 gs4 g4 f4 bb4 a4 fs4 e4 b4 fs4 a4 g4 gs4 e4 b4 a4 fs4 b4 e4 d4 cs5 gs4 g4 f4 bb4 g4 gs4 fs4 a4 f4 bb4 gs4 g4 bb4 f4 eb4 c5 g4 gs4 fs4 a4 gs4 g4 f4 bb4 fs4 a4 g4 gs4 a4 fs4 e4 b4 f4 bb4 gs4 g4)) (setf chord-intervals '(3 1 2 2)) (make-omn :length lengths :pitch (loop for i in (append (list 0) (cumulative-sums (loop for k in lengths collect (/ k 1/16)))) append (chordize (interval-to-pitch chord-intervals :start (nth i pitches)))))
  22. you're welcome :-) greetings andré
  23. like that? (setf lengths '(1/2 1/16 7/16 1/8 3/8 3/16 5/16 1/4 1/4 5/16 3/16)) (setf pitches '(g4 gs4 fs4 a4 gs4 g4 f4 bb4 fs4 a4 g4 gs4 a4 fs4 e4 b4 gs4 g4 f4 bb4 g4 gs4 fs4 a4 f4 bb4 gs4 g4 bb4 f4 eb4 c5 fs4 a4 g4 gs4 a4 fs4 e4 b4 g4 gs4 fs4 a4 gs4 g4 f4 bb4 a4 fs4 e4 b4 fs4 a4 g4 gs4 e4 b4 a4 fs4 b4 e4 d4 cs5 gs4 g4 f4 bb4 g4 gs4 fs4 a4 f4 bb4 gs4 g4 bb4 f4 eb4 c5 g4 gs4 fs4 a4 gs4 g4 f4 bb4 fs4 a4 g4 gs4 a4 fs4 e4 b4 f4 bb4 gs4 g4)) ;;; get the pitches (loop for i in (append (list 0) (cumulative-sums (loop for k in lengths collect (/ k 1/16)))) collect (nth i pitches)) ;;; a function which generates OMN-format (defun superimpose (lengths pitches) (make-omn :length lengths :pitch (loop for i in (append (list 0) (cumulative-sums (loop for k in lengths collect (/ k 1/16)))) collect (nth i pitches)))) ;;; evaluate -> OMN output (superimpose '(1/2 1/16 7/16 1/8 3/8 3/16 5/16 1/4 1/4 5/16 3/16) '(g4 gs4 fs4 a4 gs4 g4 f4 bb4 fs4 a4 g4 gs4 a4 fs4 e4 b4 gs4 g4 f4 bb4 g4 gs4 fs4 a4 f4 bb4 gs4 g4 bb4 f4 eb4 c5 fs4 a4 g4 gs4 a4 fs4 e4 b4 g4 gs4 fs4 a4 gs4 g4 f4 bb4 a4 fs4 e4 b4 fs4 a4 g4 gs4 e4 b4 a4 fs4 b4 e4 d4 cs5 gs4 g4 f4 bb4 g4 gs4 fs4 a4 f4 bb4 gs4 g4 bb4 f4 eb4 c5 g4 gs4 fs4 a4 gs4 g4 f4 bb4 fs4 a4 g4 gs4 a4 fs4 e4 b4 f4 bb4 gs4 g4))
  24. would be also interesting for me/my work! greetings andré

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