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Posts posted by erka

  1. Is there another notation for a drone playing for longer then the longest omn length symbol 'd than this:

     :length '(w)
     :pitch '(a2c4g4d5)
     :duration '(10.0))


    It does what I want. But not possible to be written in '(w a2c4g4d5 ......)  . Or is it?


  2. Thanks you.

    Actually too simple. Sorry. Time to wake up.

    I think I got confused by something like   

    45 (rnd-sample 3 '(23 45 12 89 94 2 57 21))


    Because this are also three values picked once but switched continuously. The timing seems to come from the :omn :length. Can you set it different?

    Well, I wait for the docu. Looking forward to GEN-CONTROLLER.



  3. Hi,

    I installed midi loupe (midi monitor) on my macbook and started and stopped LCI.

    12:37:13:165: IAC-Bus OPMO, c: 1,  Note off: 62, 0
    12:37:13:167: IAC-Bus OPMO, c: 1,  Note on: 48, 14
    12:37:13:169: IAC-Bus OPMO, c: 2,  Note off: 36, 0
    12:37:13:171: IAC-Bus OPMO, c: 2,  Note on: 36, 34
    12:37:13:173: IAC-Bus OPMO, c: 1,  Control message: 123, 0
    12:37:13:175: IAC-Bus OPMO, c: 2,  Control message: 123, 0
    12:37:13:177: IAC-Bus OPMO, c: 3,  Control message: 123, 0  



    One can see that the last thing happening is a note on and then a bunch off cc#123 (all notes off).

    There are a lot of reports that logic tracks are not accepting cc#123 for whatever reason. You have to bypass tracks, as Stephane does in his template.

    Wouldn't it be possible to do a midiflush( like the MAX7 object). Any note-on gets collected and removed when there is a note-off for it and the midi-flush sends a note off for the leftover ones. Or just send  note-offs for all 128 notes on any active channel.

    No cc#123 needed then. I found that not all instruments or DAWs accept cc#123 for some reason . That would make Opusmodus independent of this issue .

    @Stephane: Ableton is good, but I like Logic for some of its instruments and features. 




  4. Thank you for your help Stephane. 

    Sure, transferring midifiles will work. No tutorial needed.

    I got rid of old devices in Audio-Midi-setup. Maybe that helps. 

    I have a working setup now with Ableton. No hanging notes and recording per midi-channel possible.

    I will do more research to find out, where the problems in Logic and Reason are coming from.


  5. Thanks Stephane,

    I did. But it looks like it is bypassing the sequencer . I cannot record the performance.  

    I still look for a optimal setup. I tried with Ableton. Easy setup, but after while the IAC hangs. No events coming through. Have to restart the macbook.  No idea way.

    I tried Reason. Easy setup but hanging notes ,too.

    Tracktion can only record one midi track, not what I want. Bigwig the same.

    I would prefer Logic. I will have to refresh my environment knowhow. Haven't touched it for quit a while.



  6. Is it possible not to set a default volume from DEF-SCORE ? I would like to mix in my application. Presets have different volumes set, due to effects and filter etc. So because of the volume-reset I get sudden peaks on  start and loop-restart

    Like :volume nil  or a switch in Live-coding  "ignore volume"

    Is this the same with :pan

  7. Hi,

    is there a default volume in DEF-SCORE or live coding, when you don't set :volume ? 

    On every new loop the Plugin-volume I have set  (or the preset loaded) gets set back to about 100 .

    I observed this with Reaktor and Reason connected to IAC BUS 1 (:port 0) . 

    For the instrument I have only set :omn and :port and :channel

  8. the output is:

    Arglist: (Pizza Spagetti Chocolate Beer  Burger  Weißwurst &rest fat-objects )

    Thanks. I also found  when the function exists there is a auto-complete in the status-bar of the composer. I will have a look for that and use prefix for own functions.

    These (gen-weight and the twelve-tone-functions) are the kind of function I will have to look at.

    I bought Nigel Morgan's e-book "Parametric compositions". Very good. A little hard for me, the non academic theory trained. So I have to repeat reading  while learning.

    Today I should get Dominik Sedivy's "Serial composition and Tonality"    

  9. Thanks Janusz.  

    About the midi-functions. Is it the name of the function or what would ruin the midi engine?

    Couldn't the concept of packages be used to protect data and functions that are essential for the system from user manipulation?

    How can I know what functions are internal defined and shouldn't be altered ?

    (fboundp 'midi-to-pitch)


    I guess.

    If it is only the name I would  just prefix all functions i define.

     Okay. Yes. I know. I should first get into all the defined functions and understand them and then build new ones.


  10. Thanks Stephane. Good to know.

    I agree Janusz, (c-1 g9)  don't make sense in the real world. But they might in the midi-world. When you connect to ableton or Logic or else and have rigs with split keyboard  or samples  assigned. I plan to use opusmodus with my DAWs . That is even more confusing they have a range from C-2 to G8, all of them. MAX6, too.

    I just see that some functions work with the whole range and some don't. Is it possible that functions have different default ambitus?

    But I guess I should concentrate on other functions and just keep in the  'piano range for now.

    Thanks for the update.

  11. I just found out that I had my midi-range wrong  (0-127) -> (-60 67).

    (midi-to-hertz '(0 48 60 127))
    (pitch-to-hertz '(c-1 c0 c1 c4 c8 c9 g9))
    (pitch-to-integer '(c-1 c0 c1 c4 c8 c9 g9))

    All work with the whole range.

    (integer-to-pitch '(-60 -48 -36 0 48 60 67)) 
    => (c-1 c0 c1 c4 c8 c9 g8)  shifts above c9.


    (integer-to-pitch (gen-integer -60 67))
    => (c-1 ........bb8 b8 c9 cs8 d8 eb8 e8 f8 fs8 g8)


    PITCH-TO-INTEGER works, INTEGER-TO-PITCH does not for the  midi-(0-127).

    Maybe you could also expand INTEGER-TO-PITCH and TONALITY-MAP to (c-1 g9).

    I understand that when you compose for piano etc you don't need this range.

    As you have a MIDI-TO-HERTZ, why not those:

    defun midi-to-integer (midinrlist)
    (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (- x 60)) midinrlist))
    (midi-to-integer '( 0 60 90 127))
    (defun midi-to-pitch (midinrlist)
    (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (- x 60)) midinrlist)))
    (midi-to-pitch '( 0 60 90 127))


  12. Thank you Janusz,

    I checked the TONALITY-MAP. Some parameter i didn't understand, but that is for the future.

    I tried:

    (filter-repeat 1
    (tonality-map '(major :ambitus '(a0 c8))
       (integer-to-pitch (gen-integer -39 48))))  => expected result
    (filter-repeat 1
    (tonality-map '(major :ambitus '(c0 c8))
       (integer-to-pitch (gen-integer -48 48)))) => returns notes starting with a0 


    here the :ambitus didn't do the trick.

    Is there a reason for not having the whole midi-range as default ambits? Is there a global-variable to set the default-ambitus?

    I will try ways, which helps me to get some experience with lisp- and opusmodus

  13. Hi,

    Just got the license and start getting into Opusmodus and lisp. The first task I try is to set the whole midirange to a tonality .

    I tried to write a function but somehow i only get part of the expected result.

    '(c0 d0 e0 f0)  ; plays with Cmd-1

    (setf pat1 (flatten(pitch-transpose-repeat '(c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7) (expand-chord-name '(major) :type :pitch))))
    ;;(c1 d1 e1 f1 g1 a0 b0 c1 d1 e1 f1 g1 a1 b1 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 a2 b2 c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5 d5 e5 f5 g5 a5 b5 c6 d6 e6 f6 g6 a6 b6 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 a7 b7

    (defun gen-c0-scale (  shift chord_name &optional (ambituslist '(c0 b7)) )
    (ambitus-remove ambituslist (pitch-transpose shift (flatten(pitch-transpose-repeat '(c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7) (expand-chord-name chord_name :type :pitch))))))

    (setf pat2 (gen-c0-scale 0 '(major) ))
    ;;(c1 d1 e1 f1 g1 a0 b0 c1 d1 e1 f1 g1 a1 b1 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 a2 b2 c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5 d5 e5 f5 g5 a5 b5 c6 d6 e6 f6 g6 a6 b6 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 a7 b7)
    (setf pat2 (gen-c0-scale 0 '(minor) ))
    ;;(c1 d1 eb1 f1 g1 gs1 bb0 c1 d1 eb1 f1 g1 gs1 bb1 c2 d2 eb2 f2 g2 gs2 bb2 c3 d3 eb3 f3 g3 gs3 bb3 c4 d4 eb4 f4 g4 gs4 bb4 c5 d5 eb5 f5 g5 gs5 bb5 c6 d6 eb6 f6 g6 gs6 bb6 c7 d7 eb7 f7 g7 gs7 bb7)

    (setf pat3 (gen-c0-scale 0 '(major) '(c1 b7) ))
    ;;(c1 d1 e1 f1 g1 c1 d1 e1 f1 g1 a1 b1 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 a2 b2 c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 a3 b3 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5 d5 e5 f5 g5 a5 b5 c6 d6 e6 f6 g6 a6 b6 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 a7 b7)


    I wonder why pat1 starts with c1 and jumps to a0 .

    I guess there is a much better way to do that, that gives the expected result.


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