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Everything posted by o_e

  1. Thank you very much for solving this (after month)!! best ole
  2. As I wrote its the Unfold Set OM.lisp file, just copied& renamed& placed in that folder and I've got the error when I first evaluate unfold. And can you say something to the mf that gets added, when using t1?
  3. Sorry, but it does not work here I changed it in my own Unfold Set.lisp definition (which is a renamed copy of Unfold Set OM.lisp and where I can modify things to my needs) Also I noticed that when I use the transposition function that I posted above, the unfold function puts a mf before the note that get transposed, is that on purpose? And one last thing, when I evaluate (unfold.. ) for the first time it always gives me an error warning that my Unfold Set file does not exist, when I evaluate it again everything works fine..? unfold, set: os methods: ((t1 2 2)) > Error: There is no method set named: os > While executing: %get-unfold-set, in process Listener-1(7). > Type cmd-. to abort, cmd-\ for a list of available restarts. > Type :? for other options.
  4. Apologies for being so persistent- I'd really like to know how to handle that..
  5. I want instead of the second note in the second bar a pause, accordingly to how it works with transposition..? (unfold 'om '((t1 2 2)) eins) => ((q d4 e4 fs4 gs4) (q d4 mf f4 fs4 gs4) (q d4 e4 fs4 gs4))
  6. Hi, Why does the first example work and the second don't, what am I missing? Thanks! (setf eins '((q d4 e4 fs4 gs4) (q d4 e4 fs4 gs4) (q d4 e4 fs4 gs4))) (unfold 'om '((pause 2)) eins) => ((q d4 e4 fs4 gs4) (-w) (q d4 e4 fs4 gs4)) (unfold 'om '((pause 2 2)) eins) => ((q d4 e4 fs4 gs4) (q d4 mf e4 fs4 gs4) (q d4 e4 fs4 gs4))
  7. Thanks a lot, but how do I get this menu?
  8. Sorry for the dumb question. Where do I find: Thanks!
  9. Hi, I want to make a suggestion for a feature. In Lilypond you have the ability to point on a certain note or other event in the pdf of the score and the same event gets highlighted in the code and vice versa. Would'nt such a function be great in OM? Currently it is a bit of a pain to find a certain point ..? Thanks!
  10. Thanks again for your patience and help! I made a small piece, which is the result from the zoom session 3: best& stay healthy ole
  11. Thanks a lot for the superquick answer! ! Is this sound-set already part of OM, did I reinvent the wheel??
  12. Sorry for being a pain in the neck, but I can't figure out why I get this errorwarning: > Error: In sound set sq-vsl, program stacc, there is no controller named: cc1 > While executing: %def-sound-set-internal, in process Opusmodus Extension Initialization(5). > Type cmd-/ to continue, cmd-. to abort, cmd-\ for a list of available restarts. > If continued: Skip loading OM init file. > Type :? for other options. 1 > My Soundset looks like this (see attachment): sq_vsl.lisp
  13. Another quick question arises: When I want to define 2 keyswitches in the soundset file, do I have to use extra brackets? lyr-leg (:key (e1, e0)) or not: lyr-leg (:key e1, e0) Thanks!
  14. I don't want that, just want the controller not to cut off the sample by jumping to zero. Do you never had problems with that? And my example would work as you can see:
  15. I use normal dynamic signs in my score like p and f.. As you can see in the code gen-dynamic-controller immeadiately jumps to the value of 0.. Does that answer your question? (setf ex '((h c3 p -h)(h d3 f -h)(h e3 mf -h))) (gen-dynamic-controller ex) -->((47 1/2) (0 1/2) (80 1/2) (0 1/2) (69 1/2) (0 1/2)) Edit: Something like this would work ((47 1/2) (:asc 47 80 1/256 1/2) (80 1/2) (:desc 80 69 1/256 1/2) (69 1/2) (:desc 69 0 1/256 1/2)))
  16. Hi, I'am exploring gen-dynamic-controller, which jumps immeadiately to the value of zero, which is cutting off the sample ( Spitfire string quartet), see attachments. Is there a way to avoid this? thanks! vel_jumps_to_0.mp3
  17. Hi, The combination of 'harm' and 'tie' is leading to strange results, can anyone confirm (or am I missing something)? (setf harm '((w e7 f harm tie)(w e7 f harm ))) creates this:
  18. Hi, I've successfully managend to build a soundset thanks to Stéphanes last Zoom Lesson on last Saturday. Thanks for that! No I try to invoke the CC Expression Controller, I already found the Controllers 1 score where is a lot of information. How do I assign the controller movement to certain place in the score, lets say I want to have a violin harmonic, a whole note in bar 5, going from al niente to dal niente, so I need a controller movement like :controllers 11 '((:asc-desc 0 127 1/32 1) (a movement from 0 to 127 and back to 0 in the time of 1/1 and in the resolution of 32th notes, right?) How do I make this movement happen (only) in bar 5? thanks for an answer, best ole
  19. Hi, In the docs it says that arp-adlib makes an arpeggio up or down randomly, but there are only arps upward, what am I missing? thanks! (setf arp '(c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib c4d4e4g4a4b4d5fs5 arp-adlib))
  20. Thanks for the quick response, I'am relieved somehow, I began to doubt at my mind
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