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Hi again!  :)


I am setting these pitches:

(setf pitchOnlyFirstCall '(bb5 bb5 bb5 bb5 gb5 db6 f6 eb6 bb5 eb5 ab5 gb5 db6 f6 eb6 bb5 eb5 ab5 eb5 eb5 eb5 eb5))

then I want to reverse and transpose down so I do this:


(setf leftHand   (pitch-transpose  'c0 (nreverse pitchOnlyFirstCall)) )


and the first time I evaluate the snippet I get what I want, the second time I evaluate the snippet I only get one note...


So, The helpfile says that nreverse 'destroys the argument', does that mean that the variable I just passed becomes unassigned and this is why I get only one note on second eval?


Is there a way to reverse a list without losing the original assignment? I guess I will have to have an intermediary assignment so I don't lose my original list?










The NREVERSE is destructive Lisp function and for other use.

What you are looking for is REVERSE or even bette (safer) the GEN-RETROGRADE function.

(setf leftHand (pitch-transpose 'c0 (gen-retrograde pitchOnlyFirstCall)))


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