hujairi Posted November 5, 2015 Posted November 5, 2015 Hello, I've been facing some trouble related to exporting xml. Since I've generated OMN code in different places, I've pasted all the OMN code into one page and tried to export the results but received the following error message: Quote "The operation couldn’t be completed. There is no applicable method for the generic function: #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION AST-TO-XMLS #x30200075F73F> when called with arguments: (NIL #<MUSICXML-STATE #x302001F1B6BD>)" I've tried to turn the code into notation and it worked within Opusmodus. However, exporting xml is problematic. I don't even have the option to export MIDI. I have attached the OM file for your reference. I've also pasted the code itself below. I would really appreciate any help I could get on this: (((-w) (-q eb3 tie e tie t - q bb1 tie s tie) (h bb1 -) (-w) (-w) (-e -t s f2 -t s. eb3 -t bb2 -s. e.. bb2 -q -t) (-q.. s fs4 -e. s bb1 -q) (-q s f1 - s. eb4 - s f3 s. -e. s f3 -t) (-s s. f3 -t s fs3 - e gs0 tie t -q.. s. fs2 tie) (z^e. fs3 f e fs2 mf tie t - e.. bb3 -t s gs3 -h) (-q z^e. f3 f e gs0 mp tie t - s bb0 mf - e gs2 mp tie t -q_t) (-h_e. e eb3 eb2 tie t -) (-h_e. s eb3 - e f2 tie t -) (-q.. s fs3 -e s. eb3 -q_t) (-e. s eb3 -e_t s eb3 -t e.. bb2 f -s. e. bb2 mf tie) (q_e.. bb2 -q.. s bb2bb3 f -t) (s fs3 mf e eb1 tie t -h -q -t) (-s e f1 tie t eb1 -q -e.. q eb1 tie t -) (-h -e s. fs1 -e. s. eb1 tie) (e.. eb1 -q.. s fs1 -t s. gs1 -t bb1 s. gs1 tie) (z^t gs1 s fs2 f s. eb1 mf -t s eb1 -e s. fs1 - t fs2 - s. eb2 -t e.. bb2 -t) (e. eb2 s fs2)) ((z^t gs1 s fs2 f s. eb1 mf -t s eb1 -e s. fs1 - t fs2 - s. eb2 -t e.. bb2 -t e. eb2 s fs2) (z^t gs1 s fs2 f s. eb1 h -t f2 eb1 -e s. fs1 - t fs2 - s. eb2 -t e.. bb2 -t e. eb2 s fs2) (z^t gs1 s fs2 a1 s. eb1 h -t f2 eb1 eb2 s. fs1 - t fs2 - s. eb2 -t e.. bb2 -t e. eb2 s fs2) (z^t gs1 s fs2 a1 s. eb1 h -t f2 eb1 eb2 e fs1 - t fs2 - s. eb2 -t e.. bb2 -t e. eb2 s fs2) (z^t gs1 s fs2 a1 s. g1 h q f2 eb1 eb2 e fs1 - t fs2 - s. eb2 -t e.. bb2 -t e. eb2 s fs2) (z^t gs1 -q_s fs2 a1 s. g1 h q f2 eb1 eb2 e a4 - t fs2 - s. eb2 -t e.. bb2 -t e. eb2 s fs2) (z^t eb1 -q_s fs2 a1 s. g1 h q f2 q. eb2 e a4 - t fs2 - s. eb2 -t e.. bb2 -t e. eb2 s fs2) (z^t eb1 -q_s fs2 a1 q_s g1 h q f2 q. eb2 e a4 - t fs2 - s. eb2 -t e.. bb2 -t e. eb2 s fs2) (e. eb1 -q_s q a1 q_s g1 h q f2 q. eb2 e a4 - t fs2 - s. eb2 -t e.. bb2 -t e. eb2 s fs2)) (e. eb1 -q_s q a1 q_s g1 h q f2 q. eb2 e a2 s e. g1 q_s f2 f2 e. f1eb1 a1f2 e a1 q_s a2g2 e. a1f2 h_s a2a1f2eb1eb2cs2 e. a2cs2 q eb1a1g1 q.. eb2a2f2 q_s eb2cs3a2g1f2 eb1a1g1cs3 q eb2cs3a2g1f2a1eb1 eb1a1g1cs3 h_e a1a2g2g1f2cs2cs3 q_s eb2f2eb3g1a2 f1eb1a2cs3f2 e a2eb1cs2g1f2a1 s g1f2g2a2eb2a1 e. f1a1eb1a2cs2 q eb2eb1 e. eb1 q. a2f2) (q. f1a1eb1a2cs2 q eb2eb1 e. eb1 q. a2f2) (q. f1a1eb1a2cs2 eb3 eb2eb1 e. eb1 q. a2f2) (-q eb3 eb2eb1 e. eb1 q. a2f2) (-q eb3 tie e. eb1 q. -) (-q eb3 tie e eb1 q. -) (-q eb3 tie e tie q. -) (-q eb3 tie e tie t -) ((-w) (s bb1 tie q tie -t eb3 e tie q tie -) (-h bb1) (-w) (-w) (-t -q e.. bb2 -s. t bb2 - s. eb3 -t s f2 -t -e) (-q s bb1 -e. s fs4 -q..) (-t s f3 -e. s. f3 s -s. eb4 -s f1 -q) (s. fs2 tie -q.. t gs0 e tie -s fs3 -t s. f3 -s) (-h s gs3 -t e.. bb3 -t fs2 e tie z^e. fs3 f) (-q_t t gs2 mp e tie -s bb0 mf -t gs0 mp e tie z^e. f3 f -q) (-t eb2 mp e tie eb3 -h_e.) (-t f2 e tie -s eb3 -h_e.) (-q_t s. eb3 -e s fs3 -q..) (e. bb2 mf tie -s. e.. bb2 f -t s eb3 mp -e_t s eb3 -e.) (-t s bb2bb3 f -q.. q_e.. bb2 mf) (-t -q -h t eb1 e tie s fs3) (-t eb1 q tie -e.. -q t eb1 e f1 tie -s) (s. eb1 tie -e. s. fs1 -e -h) (s. gs1 tie t bb1 - s. gs1 -t s fs1 -q.. e.. eb1) (-t e.. bb2 -t s. eb2 -t fs2 -s. fs1 -e s eb1 -t s. eb1 s fs2 f z^t gs1 mf) (s fs2 e. eb2)) ((s fs2 e. eb2) (e. fs2 -q_s eb2) (e. f2 -q_s q)) ((e. eb1 -q_s q a1 q_s g1 h q f2 q. eb2 e a2 s e. g1 s_3e f2 e_3q s_3e f1eb1 e_3q a1f2 e. a1 a2g2 e a1f2 q_s a2a1f2eb1eb2cs2 e. a2cs2 h_s eb1a1g1 e. eb2a2f2 q eb2cs3a2g1f2 q.. eb1a1g1cs3 q_s eb2cs3a2g1f2a1eb1 eb1a1g1cs3 q a1a2g2g1f2cs2cs3 eb2f2eb3g1a2 h_e f1eb1a2cs3f2 q_s a2eb1cs2g1f2a1 e_3q g1f2g2a2eb2a1 s_3e f1a1eb1a2cs2 e eb2eb1 s eb1 e. a2f2 q eb1 e. a1 q. g1)) ((s eb1 e. a2f2 q eb1 e. a1 q. g1) (s eb3 e. a2f2 q eb1 e. a1 q. g1) (s eb3 q. e3 q eb1 e. a1 q. g1) (e eb3 q. e3 q eb1 e. a1 q. g1)) ((q_s e2 pp e eb1 q. e2 q g1 p s b2 q. e2 h bb1 q.. g1 q_s fs2 h b2 mp e. d2 -q_s h_s g1 h e2 q.. fs2 e bb2 mf q. e2 q_s g1 h b2 q_s e2 q bb2 f s b1 q_s d2 q.. e2 eb1 s g1 g1 ff - q b1 q_s bb2 e h fs1 e eb1 fff -s h bb1 q_s g1 e2 -s q. b2 d2 q.. gs2 ff h_e fs2 q_s bb1 q.. b2 s b1 e2 f - eb1 h_s e2 s g1 q b2 e e2 h eb3 mf q_s g1 e. e2 h_s c2 e gs2 q b1 mp s e2 q. g1)) ((e. eb1 fff -q_s q a1 q_s g1 h ff q f2 q. eb2 e a2 s f e. g1 q_s f2 f2 e. f1eb1 a1f2 mf e a1 q_s a2g2 e. a1f2 h_s a2a1f2eb1eb2cs2 mp e. a2cs2 q eb1a1g1 q.. eb2a2f2 q_s eb2cs3a2g1f2 eb1a1g1cs3 p q eb2cs3a2g1f2a1eb1 eb1a1g1cs3 h_e a1a2g2g1f2cs2cs3 q_s eb2f2eb3g1a2 pp f1eb1a2cs3f2 e a2eb1cs2g1f2a1 s g1f2g2a2eb2a1 e. f1a1eb1a2cs2 q eb2eb1 ppp e. eb1 q. a2f2 e. eb1 fff -q_s q a1 q_s g1 h ff q f2 q. eb2 e a2 s f e. g1 q_s f2 f2 e. f1eb1 a1f2 mf e a1))) in-line score.opmo Quote
opmo Posted November 5, 2015 Posted November 5, 2015 Click on the notation and select 'Save' from the menu. Same with MIDI file. Quote
hujairi Posted November 5, 2015 Author Posted November 5, 2015 Wow.. why didn't I think of that..! Thanks for your help! Quote
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