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I am on Big Sur with Opusmodus 1.3 having recently upgraded from Catalina. 

When I open the application it asks me to 'Create New or Open Existing'. I click on Create New and it prompts me where I want to create the directory and I click on Open and navigate. But when I create the folder nothing is created and I can go no further. 


I have tried deleting the usual things advised..Lbrary/Caches and Library/Preferences and emptied the trash. Nothing changes.


I would suggest to upgrade your OM to version 3.0.

Version 1.3 is quite old. The current version is 3.0.


I would only suggest to delete or compress and then delete the Opusmodus folder in your User home directory and start from there.


Hmm yes... well... that would involve spending a lot of money that I don't have....


So does 1.3 (2019 ..is that really so old? Except in world of computers I suppose!) not work with Big Sur?


And there is no way to demo version 3 if I demoed it some time ago and didn't have the time to check it out? I'd have to do that before paying €120 I feel.


Or use another email address to demo?



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