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Opusmodus 2.2.26897 Update


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– Additions:

  • COUNTERPOINT - new keyword :sequence

– Documentation:

Update to number of documents


(def-score aw-variation
    (:title "aw-variation"
     :composer nil
     :copyright nil
     :key-signature 'chromatic
     :layout '(:brace (:treble rh) (:bass lh) :name "Piano" :abbr "Pno.")
     :rewrite-lengths 't
     :time-signature '(2 4)
     :tempo '(56))
   :omn '(#|1|# (-3e cs4 pp a4 bb4 c4 cs4b3 -e e4d4 s c4bb4 - eb4cs4 cs4b3 3e
                 e4d4 c4bb4 - eb4cs4 bb4 c4)
          #|2|# (3e eb4d5 pp e4eb5 fs4f5 p - g4fs5 d5 -s eb5 b4 c5 - f4 f cs4
                 pp d4 -3e e4 p b3cs5 d4e5 bb4c5 cs4eb5)
          #|3|# (e c6 f - -s cs6 a5 bb5 f> 5q f4e5 mf e4eb5 f> g4fs5 mf - gs4g5
                 p 3e gs5 g5 b5 bb5 f - b4)
          #|4|# (3e c4fs4b4 pp cs4g4c5 eb4d5 f eb4a4d5 e4eb5 - s e4eb5 -
                 e4bb4eb5 e4eb5 - f4e5 f4e5 p fs4f5 pp -e g4fs5)
          #|5|# (e g4gs4 mp - s gs4a4 mf bb4b4 f bb4c5 - 3e b3c5 p - b3cs5 f
                 c4fs4b4 mf cs4eb5 p cs4 mp 5q cs4g4c5 f - d4e5 d4 eb4d5)
          #|6|# (5q gs4 f a4 b4 p - c5 mp cs4g4c5 e4bb4eb5 f eb4a4d5 - c4fs4b4
                 - b5 g5 bb5 gs5 mf 3e gs4g5 mp f4e5 - g4fs5 f e4eb5 e4eb5 p)
          #|7|# (s gs5 p - g5 mf bb5 b5 - e4eb5 f4e5 g4fs5 f gs4g5 cs4 p - - a4
                 c4 bb4)
          #|8|# (3e gs5 p g5 bb5 b5 e4eb5 - f4e5 g4fs5 - gs4g5 cs4 a4 c4 bb4
                 fs4 - d4 eb4 f4 b3 gs4 c4 - a4)
          #|9|# (e bb5 p - -3e a5 mf a5 gs5 g5eb5 mp g5 - fs5d5 p fs5 fs5 f5
                 e5c5 mf 5q eb5b4 b4gs4 bb4g4 mp bb4g4 -)
          #|10|# (-e bb4 p -3e c4 cs4 a4 pp b3 bb4 p s d4 cs4 p> - fs4d4 pp 3e
                  f4cs4 p gs4e4 a4f4 a4 pp - fs4)
          #|11|# (-e))
   :channel 1
   :sound 'gm
   :program 0
   :volume 90
   :pan 64)
   :omn '(#|1|# (3e a2 pp gs2 cs3c2 d3cs2 - g3fs2 3q b3bb2 - gs1 - a1 b1 3e c2
                 b3bb2 g3fs2 a2 - gs2)
          #|2|# (3q g1gs2 pp - b1c3 e2f3 p - a2 -3e fs3 a3 bb3 g3 pp bb2 3q
                 f2fs3 - b1c3 p)
          #|3|# (3e a2 f bb2 f2fs3 e2f3 b1c3 mp - g1gs2 bb3 a3 g3 p - fs3 g1gs2
                 b1c3 f a2 bb2 f2fs3 - e2f3 mp b1c3 g1gs2 bb3 - a3 p)
          #|4|# (3q bb1 p cs2 pp - e d2 - -3e f2fs3 fs2f3 gs2a3 bb2e3a3 c4 3q
                 eb3 c3 p -)
          #|5|# (e eb3 pp - 3e c4 a3gs2 a3e3bb2 fs3f2 - fs3cs3g2 s f3fs2 - e3f2
                 cs3d2 cs3d2 c3 - bb2)
          #|6|# (3e bb1 pp cs2 - d2 f2fs3 fs2f3 s gs2a3 bb2e3a3 c4 - 3e eb3 c3
                 bb2 g2cs3fs3 f2e3 - d2cs3 d2cs3 - b1 bb1 cs2)
          #|7|# (3e c3 pp b2cs3 a3 gs1g2 - bb2 b1 e3 f3 f1e2 - bb2e3a3 e2eb3
                 g2fs3 gs2g3 bb1 - eb2d3 s fs3 - a2gs3 eb3)
          #|8|# (s bb2e3a3 pp - g2cs3fs3 bb1 e b1 - -3e eb2d3 f2e3 bb2 cs3 f1e2
                 - gs1g2 gs2g3 a2gs3 a3 fs3)
          #|9|# (3e eb3cs3 p a3 mp - gs3a2 f fs3g2 fs3cs3g2 mp -3q e3 eb3e2 p
                 -e d3eb2 3e c3 g2gs1 p> - b1 p bb1 mp e2f1 f)
          #|10|# (3e eb3 p> bb3 pp f3fs2 cs3d2 - cs3bb2 p -e a2 3e g2 - d2 cs2
                  pp c2 d2 p> s g2gs1 pp gs2a1 - bb2)
          #|11|# (s d3f3 pp bb2cs3))
   :channel 1
   :sound 'gm
   :program 0
   :volume 90
   :pan 64))

(setf v1 (pitch-demix 1 (collect-score-instruments 'aw-variation 1)))
(setf v2 (pitch-demix 2 (collect-score-instruments 'aw-variation 2)))
(setf v3 (pitch-demix 1 (collect-score-instruments 'aw-variation 1)))
(setf v4 (pitch-demix 2 (collect-score-instruments 'aw-variation 1)))

(setf dictum
      '(((1 1 1 1) :sequence (1 2 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 64)
        ((2 2 2 2) :sequence (1 2 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 56)
        ((3 3 3 3) :sequence (1 2 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 34)
        ((* 4 * 4) :sequence (1 2 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 44)
        ((5 5 5 5) :sequence (1 2 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 34)
        ((6 6 6 6) :sequence (1 2 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 64)
        ((* 7 * 7) :sequence (1 2 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 56)
        ((8 8 8 8) :sequence (1 2 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 44)
        ((* 9 * 9) :sequence (1 2 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 56)
        ((10 10 10 10) :sequence (1 2 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 64)
        ((11 11 11 11) :sequence (1 2 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 56)
        ((1 - 3 4) :sequence (4 1 3 1) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 56)
        ((3 3 - 3) :sequence (2 2 3 1) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 34)
        ((4 1 - *) :sequence (2 2 3 1) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 44)
        ((5 - 5 5) :sequence (1 4 4 3) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 34)
        ((6 * 6 6) :sequence (1 2 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 64)
        ((7 - 7 1) :sequence (4 3 3 4) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 56)
        ((7 3 - 1) :sequence (1 2 4 3) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 44)
        ((- * 9 6) :sequence (4 2 3 1) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 56)
        ((- 5 * 10) :sequence (4 3 2 3) :span 2/4 :methods ? :tempo 64)

(counterpoint (list v1 v2 v3 v4) dictum
              :global-methods '(fl ob (t-12 bcl) mar)
              :index 'in)

(ps 'vsl
    :fl (list in1)
    :ob (list in2)
    :bcl (list in3)
    :mar (list in4)
    :octave-shift t
    :tempo in-tempo)



Best wishes,


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