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i've made this function for my own usage.

Sharing here if it can be useful for some others.

It is a function who replace articulation by a given one on repeated notes.





(defun omn-replace-articulation-if-repeat (new-art omn-sequence)
  (do-verbose ("omn-replace-articulation-if-repeat")
  (let ((spn '())
        (res '())
   (setf spn (get-span omn-sequence))
   (setf res
   (loop for i from 0 to (- (length (flatten-sublist (single-events omn-sequence))) 1)
     (if (or 
          (eq (second (nth i (flatten-sublist (single-events omn-sequence)))) (second (nth (+ 1 i) (flatten-sublist (single-events omn-sequence)))))
          (if (>  i 0)
            (eq (second (nth i (flatten-sublist (single-events omn-sequence)))) (second (nth (- i 1) (flatten-sublist (single-events omn-sequence)))))
       (omn-replace :articulation new-art (nth i (flatten-sublist (single-events omn-sequence))))
       (nth i (flatten-sublist (single-events omn-sequence)))
   (length-span spn (flatten res))))))

(setf mat '((s c4 p leg d4 leg e4 leg f4 q g4 f marc)(s a4 mp leg g4 leg leg f4 leg e4 leg leg  leg d4 q c4 mf marc)))

(omn-replace-articulation-if-repeat '(stacc) mat)

=> '((s c4 p leg d4 leg e4 leg f4 q g4 f marc) (s a4 mp leg g4 stacc g4 stacc f4 leg e4 stacc e4 stacc e4 stacc d4 q c4 mf marc))



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