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make-omn and ties

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When I take the following:

(setf lens '((e = = e tie)(e e e e)))
(setf notes '((c4 d4 = d4)(d4 g4 = =)))

and then call make-omn


 :length lens
 :pitch notes)

the tie at the end of the first bar is not preserved. Nor is it if I instead have the tie at the end of the first bar of the notes list (or at the end of the first bar in both lists).


What is the proper way to construct an omn list from separate lengths and pitches such that ties are preserved? In this case I am trying to create the equivalent of the following:

(setf test '((e c4 d4 = d4 tie)(e d4 g4 = =)))


thanks very much, Michael



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you could use tie-bars function:

(setf lens '((e = = =) (e = = =)))
(setf notes '((c4 d4 = =) (d4 g4 = =)))

  :length lens
  :pitch notes))
=> ((e c4 mf d4 d4 d4 tie) (e d4 mf g4 g4 g4))

section or exclude options allows you to control which bars you like to tie.

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