Dear All,
I have a little suggestion for workflow.
1) A simple context menu button (or some way) to open the XML snippet in other software.
Like right-clicking on the snippet and have an option (OS based option) like "open with" (musescore, finale, sibelius, etc)
This could be useful for collecting material for a piece to be edited outside Opusmodus.
I personally use Musescore with my students. It's free, open and runs windows and mac.
I also use Finale for myself.
This simple options could solve the problem of the audition of many different snippets.
2) Another (much more complex) idea would be when click over each snippet to have a play panel, similar to the
live coding panel (with play/stop button, tempo, volume, maybe sound and channel assigment , according
to the number of staves, etc...
This could be handy.
added 2 minutes later
Like this (when clicking over the snipett inside Opusmodus: