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  1. Hello All As I continue my fascination with the fractal structures contained in Per Norgard's infinity series, I am wondering whether it might be possible to apply the infinity to particular scales or modes? Say I want to generate an infinity-series based on a pre-existing scales/modes (like in G major) or by any self-defined mode such as (make-scale 'c2 49 :alt '(1 2 1 1)) Any help much appreciated as always. Kind regards Brian
  2. ;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; A QUASI-UNISONO by proportional length-differences ;;; SAME PITCHES IN ALL VOICES INCLUDING START/END-PITCH ;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; a random-pitch-seq (rnd-walk) ;;; ;;; immediate-pitch-repetitions are building the rhythm ;;; ;;; with MODIFY-PROPORTIONS i'm generating "proportional variants" of this rhythm, in this example ;;; by 16 generations -> then i take the generations 1, 8, and 15 for each voice ;;; ;;; by "(filter-repeat 1 sequence)" i swallow the immediate-pitch-repetitions for correct ;;; of PITCH- and RHYTHM-phases ;;; ;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; FUNCTION (defun modify-proportions (n prop-list &key (style 'sharpen)) (let ((rest-pos (loop for i in prop-list for cnt = 0 then (incf cnt) when (< i 0) collect cnt)) (prop-list (abs! prop-list)) (liste)) (progn (setf liste (append (list prop-list) (loop repeat n when (or (= (length (find-above 1 prop-list)) 1) (= (length (find-unique prop-list)) 1)) collect prop-list else collect (setf prop-list (loop for i in prop-list for cnt = 0 then (incf cnt) collect (cond ((= cnt (position (find-closest 2 (find-above 1 prop-list)) prop-list)) (if (equal style 'sharpen) (1- i) (1+ i))) ((= cnt (position (find-max prop-list) prop-list)) (if (equal style 'sharpen) (1+ i) (1- i))) (t i))))))) (loop for i in liste collect (loop for k in i for cnt = 0 then (incf cnt) when (memberp cnt rest-pos) collect (* -1 k) else collect k))))) ;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; GENERATING SCORE (setf sequence (gen-walk 100 :step '(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2) :start 'c5)) (setf rhy 1/32) ;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (def-score quasi-unisono (:title "quasi-unisono" :key-signature 'atonal :time-signature '(4 4) :tempo 90) (instr1 :omn (make-omn :length (gen-length (nth 1 (modify-proportions 16 (count-repeat sequence) :style 'sharpen)) rhy) :pitch (filter-repeat 1 sequence)) :channel 1 :port 0 :sound 'gm) (instr2 :omn (make-omn :length (gen-length (nth 8 (modify-proportions 16 (count-repeat sequence) :style 'sharpen)) rhy) :pitch (filter-repeat 1 sequence)) :channel 2 :port 0 :sound 'gm) (instr3 :omn (make-omn :length (gen-length (nth 15 (modify-proportions 16 (count-repeat sequence) :style 'sharpen)) rhy) :pitch (filter-repeat 1 sequence)) :channel 3 :port 0 :sound 'gm)) there is no BUG when i work without "omn-to-time-signature", but is also not necessary!
  3. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;gen-chained-sym-vals.by-markov;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; special-symm-sequences ;;; have look at the possible parameters (&key) ;;; it's generates symm-structures via MARKOV ;;; and the could be "chained" between generations ;;; also with symm.structures... like: (also look at CARTER's work) ;;; => ((1 2 5 8 5 2 1) (3 1 2 2 2 1 3) (8 1 3 1 8) (3 1 2 2 2 1 3) (1 2 5 8 5 2 1)) ;;; chains: 2 1 3 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 ;;; or: ;;; => ((e4 f4 c4 e4 d4 e4 c4 f4 e4) (c4 e4 f4 c4 fs4 c4 f4 e4 c4) (e4 fs4 f4 fs4 e4) (c4 e4 f4 c4 fs4 c4 f4 e4 c4) (e4 f4 c4 e4 d4... ;;; chains: c4 f4 e4 c4 e4 f4 c4 e4 c4 e4 e4 c4 e4 ........etc....... ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; main function with amateur-code :-) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun gen-chained-sym-vals.by-markov (&key (generations 'nil) (non-symmetric 'nil) (number-of-vals 20) (basic-seq-lengths '(3 5)) (transition-matrix '((1 (4 1) (5 1) (6 2)) (2 (5 2) (4 1)) (3 (4 1)) (4 (5 1) (2 1)) (5 (1 3) (6 2) (4 1)) (6 (4 1)) (7 (1 1) (6 1)))) (chain-weight 1.0) (possible-chain-length '(1 2 3)) (reduction 0.0) (start-value (car (car transition-matrix)))) (let ((sequence1 0) (sequence2 0) (seq-lengths basic-seq-lengths)) (setq sequence1 (loop repeat (if (equal generations 'nil) (car (list number-of-vals)) (if (equal non-symmetric 'nil) (if (evenp generations) (/ generations 2) (/ (1- generations) 2)) (car (list generations)))) with seq1 with seq with chain1 with slot = (second (gen-markov-from-transitions transition-matrix :size 2 :start start-value)) with seq-splitter = (gen-markov-from-transitions transition-matrix :size (rnd-pick possible-chain-length) :start slot) with seq-lengths = basic-seq-lengths when (equal (prob? chain-weight) 't) do (setq chain1 (append (list (setq slot (second (gen-markov-from-transitions transition-matrix :size 2 :start slot)))) seq-splitter (list (setq slot (second (gen-markov-from-transitions transition-matrix :size 2 :start slot)))))) and do (setq seq (append (butlast chain1) (reverse chain1))) and collect (if (equal (prob? reduction) 't) (append (setq seq (butlast (rest seq)))) (append seq)) else collect (setq seq1 (gen-markov-from-transitions transition-matrix :size (rnd-pick seq-lengths) :start slot) seq (append seq1 (reverse seq1))) do (setq seq-splitter (reverse (filter-last (rnd-pick possible-chain-length) seq))))) (if (equal generations 'nil) (progn (setq sequence2 (filter-first (if (evenp number-of-vals) (/ number-of-vals 2) (/ (1- number-of-vals) 2)) (flatten sequence1))) (if (evenp number-of-vals) (append sequence2 (reverse sequence2)) (append sequence2 (list (rnd-pick (flatten (filter-first 1 transition-matrix)))) (reverse sequence2)))) (if (equal non-symmetric 'nil) (if (evenp generations) (append sequence1 (reverse sequence1)) (append sequence1 (list (gen-sym-markov :seq-length (rnd-pick seq-lengths) :transition-matrix transition-matrix)) (reverse sequence1))) (append sequence1))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; test it! ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (gen-chained-sym-vals.by-markov :generations 5 :transition-matrix '((1 (2 1) (3 3) (5 2) (8 1)) (2 (1 2) (5 3)) (3 (1 2) (8 1) (2 3)) (5 (3 2) (2 1) (1 3)) (8 (1 2) (2 2) (3 1)))) (gen-chained-sym-vals.by-markov :generations 5 :transition-matrix '((c4 (d4 1) (e4 3) (f4 2) (fs4 1)) (d4 (c4 2) (f4 3)) (e4 (c4 2) (fs4 1) (d4 3)) (f4 (e4 2) (d4 1) (c4 3)) (fs4 (c4 2) (d4 2) (e4 1)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  4. AM posted a post in a topic in User Extensions Source Code
    have fun! andré ;;; TWO SIEVE-generators ;;; simple and multiple (the simple-function is part of multiple) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun gen-sieve (ambitus.omn intervals) (midi-to-pitch (loop with ambitus.midi = (pitch-to-midi ambitus.omn) with interval.cnt = -1 for pitch = (first ambitus.midi) then (setq pitch (+ (nth interval.cnt intervals) pitch)) when (<= pitch (second ambitus.midi)) collect pitch into bag else return bag do (incf interval.cnt) when (= interval.cnt (length intervals)) do (setq interval.cnt 0)))) (gen-sieve '(c4 g7) '(2 1)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun gen-multiple-sieve (sieve-rules) ;sieve-rules => '((ambitus.omn intervals) (ambitus.omn intervals) (ambitus.omn intervals)) (midi-to-pitch (sort (remove-duplicates (loop for i in sieve-rules append (pitch-to-midi (gen-sieve (first i) (second i))))) #'<))) (gen-multiple-sieve '(((c4 g7) (2 1 12)) ((c1 g7) (3 5))))
  5. if you want to pick a sample from approx.center (depends on odd/even) of a list... (defun pick-sample-from-center (list span) (let ((center (if (evenp (length list)) (/ (length list) 2) (/ (1+ (length list)) 2))) (span (if (> span (length list)) (length list) (append span)))) (loop repeat span with startpoint = (if (evenp span) (- center (/ span 2)) (- center (/ (1+ span) 2))) for i = startpoint then (incf startpoint) collect (nth i list)))) ;;;EXAMPLES: (pick-sample-from-center '(1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1) 7) => (2 3 4 5 4 3 2) (pick-sample-from-center '(1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1) 3) => (4 5 4) (pick-sample-from-center '(1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1) 6) => (3 4 5 4 3 2) (pick-sample-from-center '(1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1) 20) ; (if (> span length) => input-list as output => (1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1)
  6. ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;; GEN-PITCH-LINE ;;; Pitch generation function based on noise vectors conversion with a large choice of ;;; types of noises, compress ratio for the vector, filtering repetitions and ambitus. (defun gen-pitch-line (nb-pitch &key (compress 1) (ambitus '(c4 c6)) seed filter-repeat (type :white)) (do-verbose ("gen-pitch-line") (rnd-seed seed) (labels ((white (nb-pitch &key (compress 1) (ambitus '(c4 c6)) seed filter-repeat type) (if filter-repeat (gen-trim nb-pitch (filter-repeat filter-repeat (vector-to-pitch ambitus (vector-smooth compress (gen-white-noise nb-pitch :seed seed :type type))))) (vector-to-pitch ambitus (vector-smooth compress (gen-white-noise nb-pitch :seed seed :type type))))) (pink (nb-pitch &key (compress 1) (ambitus '(c4 c6)) seed filter-repeat) (if filter-repeat (gen-trim nb-pitch (filter-repeat filter-repeat (vector-to-pitch ambitus (vector-smooth compress (gen-pink-noise nb-pitch :seed seed))))) (vector-to-pitch ambitus (vector-smooth compress (gen-pink-noise nb-pitch :seed seed))))) ) (cond ((equal type ':white) (white nb-pitch :compress compress :ambitus ambitus :filter-repeat filter-repeat :seed (seed) :type :normal)) ((equal type ':binary) (white nb-pitch :compress compress :ambitus ambitus :filter-repeat filter-repeat :seed (seed) :type :binary)) ((equal type ':cauchy) (white nb-pitch :compress compress :ambitus ambitus :filter-repeat filter-repeat :seed (seed) :type :cauchy)) ((equal type ':chi-square-2) (white nb-pitch :compress compress :ambitus ambitus :filter-repeat filter-repeat :seed (seed) :type :chi-square-2)) ((equal type ':double-exponential) (white nb-pitch :compress compress :ambitus ambitus :filter-repeat filter-repeat :seed (seed) :type :double-exponential)) ((equal type ':exponential) (white nb-pitch :compress compress :ambitus ambitus :filter-repeat filter-repeat :seed (seed) :type :exponential)) ((equal type ':extreme) (white nb-pitch :compress compress :ambitus ambitus :filter-repeat filter-repeat :seed (seed) :type :extreme)) ((equal type ':gaussian) (white nb-pitch :compress compress :ambitus ambitus :filter-repeat filter-repeat :seed (seed) :type :gaussian)) ((equal type ':logistic) (white nb-pitch :compress compress :ambitus ambitus :filter-repeat filter-repeat :seed (seed) :type :logistic)) ((equal type ':lognormal) (white nb-pitch :compress compress :ambitus ambitus :filter-repeat filter-repeat :seed (seed) :type :lognormal)) ((equal type ':triangular) (white nb-pitch :compress compress :ambitus ambitus :filter-repeat filter-repeat :seed (seed) :type :triangular)) ((equal type ':low-pass) (white nb-pitch :compress compress :ambitus ambitus :filter-repeat filter-repeat :seed (seed) :type :low-pass)) ((equal type ':high-pass) (white nb-pitch :compress compress :ambitus ambitus :filter-repeat filter-repeat :seed (seed) :type :high-pass)) ((equal type ':pink) (pink nb-pitch :compress compress :ambitus ambitus :filter-repeat filter-repeat :seed (seed))))))) #| USAGE (gen-pitch-line 24 :compress 0.42 :type :white :filter-repeat 1) (gen-pitch-line 24 :compress 0.42 :type :pink :filter-repeat 1) (gen-pitch-line 24 :compress 0.42 :type :extreme :filter-repeat 1) (gen-eval 8 '(make-omn :pitch (gen-pitch-line 24 :compress 0.42 :type :white :filter-repeat 1) :length (euclidean-rhythm 16 1 16 's :type 2) ) :seed 33) |# ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SB.

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