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Posts posted by Jorgalad

  1. I'm guessing this is a simple one but it has me stuck for almost an hour now.
    I have two different velocity vectors:

    (setf dynamic-rh (vector-to-velocity 0.55 0.62 (gen-white-noise 10 :seed 122) :type :midi))
    (setf dynamic-lh (vector-to-velocity 0.33 0.41 (gen-white-noise 10 :seed 67) :type :midi))

    Which I want to combine/merge and plot, I've tried all sorts of stuff like this:


    (velocity-list-plot '(dynamic-lh dynamics-rh) :point-radius 2)
    (velocity-list-plot '((dynamic-lh) (dynamics-rh)) :point-radius 2)
    (velocity-list-plot (list(dynamic-lh dynamics-rh)) :point-radius 2)

    It's probably quite obvious, but I couldn't write Lisp to save my life..
    Thank you in advance!

  2. Please excuse the slightly misleading terminology in the title of this post, but I am looking for a straightforward method to experiment with different chord rhythms and patterns for the left hand in a keyboard style arrangement.
    As an example, I have this simple arrangement:

    (setf lh-chords 
          '(  #|1|# (c2 c3e3g3 c3e3g3 c3e3g3) 
              #|2|# (f2 c3f3a3 c3f3a3 c3f3a3) 
              #|3|# (e2 e3g3c4 e3g3c4 e3g3c4) 
              #|4|# (gs2 e3b3 e3b3 e3b3 g2 d3g3b3 d3g3b3 d3g3b3)
    (setf lh-lengths
              #|1|# (e e e e e e e e) ;i
              #|2|# (e e e e e e e e) ;i
              #|3|# (e e e e e e e e) ;i
              #|4|# (e e e e e e e e) ;i
    (def-score Simple-Period
        (:title "Simple-Period"
         :key-signature '((c maj))
         :rewrite-lengths 't
         :time-signature '((4 4 8)) 
         :tempo '(60)
         :length lh-lengths
         :pitch lh-chords
         :port "FROM Sibelius I"
         :channel 1
         :volume 100
         :pan 64
         :controllers (91 '((48)) 64 '((0))))

    Which results into:




    I'm pretty sure there are much easier ways to write something like this, are there any functions I can look into that make it easier to experiment with different chord inversions, arpeggio's, etc. ?
    It would be great if I could just write the chords first and then later in the score experiment with them, including the ability to subtract notes and alternate between bass notes and other chord tones.
    I've learned about gen-repeat already, which seems like it could be useful for this specific example, are any other functions I should check out?

    Thank you once again!
    - Jor

  3. Yes! thanks so much, this is what I was looking for! 
    I'm going to need a bit of time to figure out exactly what is happening in the function, but this seems like a very straightforward method.

    There are actually a couple of handy thing to learn from this example for me (didn't even know about get-time-signature yet, that's amazing!)



  4. You have to sort of see it to believe it but in SCOM you can create your complete score and then set the Playback Device to Logic Pro (for example)

    After which SCOM will open Logic, create a new project, put all the MIDI tracks in there, write automation data, a tempo tempo map, time &key signatures and load all the right instrument patches and effects, so you can start mixing straight away. It's pretty amazing..
    However there are also a lot of things that I'm not completely happy with in Symbolic Composer, so if this feature could be implemented in OM I would  make the switch today, the IDE in OM is so much better, as is the window management and the documentation.


  5. Hello Stephane, thank you for the reply and the links! I'm familiar with how to setup MIDI routing however, does this mean building a project from source is not possible in OM?
    In SCOM I can set the Playback mode to Logic Pro (or most other DAW's), which will actually compile the script and build the project for me, which is a huge time saver!
    Are there any similar alternatives in OM or is there something like this planned for a future release?
    I've planned some time today to look into the different functions, thank you Janusz!

    Kind Regards,

  6. Hi Everyone,

    I've been testing Opusmodus a few hours today and so far I really love it, I feel pretty comfortable with the language due to my background with SCOM and I've already found a lot of improvements, such as the excellent IDE, the docs and the window management.
    I do have a few questions though that I couldn't find an immediate answer to;

    - Can Opusmodus compile a project to a DAW, say Logic or Reaper? (I really hope so! This one is pretty essential for me)

    - Can OM send MIDI CC data and is there/will there be support for OSC data? Are CC messages set per note or are they truly separate events?
    - How many simultaneous MIDI channels can OM send?

    And lastly (this might be a bigger topic) how does Opusmodus deal with Symbols? I'm used to C being the third note of the selected scale but in OM it seems like C is always C, does that mean I have to re-write things if I want to transpose to a new key or is there a different trick for that?

    Thank you in advance for the reply!

    - Jor

    added 1 minute later

    Sorry, I just saw that some of my question are already answered! Please feel free to discard those :) 

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