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Everything posted by JulioHerrlein

  1. Dear Janusz, This is great ! Thank you ! This is better ! (setf pitchlist '((c4 d4 e4 f4) (cs4 ds4 as4 fs4) (bb4 eb4 ab4))) (setf rhy (gen-repeat 5 '((q e e) (-s s) (s) (s e e) (e e) (e e_h)))) (setf map '((x x x) (x) nil (x) (x x x) (x x) (x x))) (span rhy pitchlist :swallow t) => ((c4 d4 e4) (ds4) (bb4) (c4 d4 e4) (cs4 ds4) (bb4 eb4)) (span map pitchlist :swallow t) => ((c4 d4 e4) (cs4) nil (c4) (cs4 ds4 as4) (bb4 eb4) (c4 d4)) (make-omn :length rhy :pitch (span rhy (span map pitchlist :swallow t)) :span :length) You can keep the span process, using a nested span, like the above. The perfect solution would be a way of extracting the map forms for each individual pitch list and also (the most wanted) a way of skipping a list. We have 3 lists (just for the sake of debugging) : 1) natural note list (c4 d4 e4 f4) 2) sharp note list (cs4 ds4 as4 fs4) 3) flat note list (bb4 eb4 ab4) In this NIL map model, how to skip completely the sharp list, for example ? Best ! Thank you
  2. The "manual workaround" works great, I just need to organize my list of pitches before the span process, according to the purpose of use and rhythm list. 1) Lists of pitches to be used as repeated rhythm attacks (1-element lists) 2) Lists to be used as melodic movement (n-elements lists, usually 16 elements) These decisions are more musical and individual to each part of the musical texture, so there is no way to make it as an automated process. The idea of "special character" was just a way to make it easier and flexible, allowing to just skip over a bunch of lists. But in either way, the pre-compositional organization is necessary. Best, Julio
  3. Thank you Janusz, It could be nice to include this as a new standard functions in a future upgrade. In the meanwhile, I´ll try to learn some coding with map function, or possibly keep composing with my "manual" workaround. All the best ! Julio
  4. Yes, André ! Thank you for encouragement and precious information. Someday I´ll study LISP seriously... By the way, do you think that this idea of transforming the span function is possible with a customized code ? Like indexing the lists (in a "master" list) and using a special character to skip back and forth the items of a "slave" list, like this "span-index" function ? ;;; HIPOTHESIS (setf pitchlist '((c4 d4 e4 f4)(cs4 ds4 as4 fs4)(bb4 eb4 ab4))) (setf rhy '((q e e)(-s s)(%1)(s)(s e e)(e e)(%3)(e e_h)(%2)(q))) (make-omn :length rhy :pitch (span-index rhy pitchlist) :span :length) '(4 4)) > ((q c4 e d4 e e4)(-s s cs4) (c4) (s cs4 e ds4 e as4)(e bb4 eb4)(e bb4 e_h eb4)(q cs4)) Or at least this, where the % works for skipping ? (setf pitchlist '((c4 d4 e4 f4)(cs4 ds4 as4 fs4)(bb4 eb4 ab4))) (setf rhy '((q e e)(-s s)(%)(s)(s e e)(e e)(e e_h))) (omn-to-time-signature (make-omn :length rhy :pitch (span2 rhy pitchlist) :span :length) '(4 4)) >> ((q c4 e d4 e4) (-s cs4) (s c4) (s d4 e e4 f4) (e cs4 ds4) (e bb4 e_h eb4)) Best ! Julio
  5. Thanks a lot, Janusz !! I have many gaps on programming. Thanks a lot for it ! I´m going to study that. Certainly, it will help on remaping the list ! Best ! Julio
  6. Sorry if I might seem a little crazy speaking here alone but I can relate to this in the future, as a kind of memorial of proceedings... My solution for now is a giant substitute-map for customizing each voice. You, know ? In the end, this kind of manual work makes me feel more like composing, since I have to annotate a lot on paper. This is cool. I´m enjoying it. I´m filling the gaps of my bad programming with compositional work. Best ! Julio ;;;;;;Voice 1 - recombining the list steps (setf matlistsize-v1 (get-count (get-count v1dt))) (setf listmatord-v1 '( 0 1 ;ch 1 - size/form (1 16) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ;11 put semicolons to mute items of the list 12 ;13 14 ;15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 )) (setf gen-divlist (get-count (substitute-map v1dt (gen-integer matlistsize-v1) listmatord-v1))) (setf v1dtb (gen-divide gen-divlist (flatten (substitute-map v1dt (gen-integer matlistsize-v1) listmatord-v1))))
  7. I did something unnecessary... I don't need the repeating note list... As far as the rhythm list is separated in a sublist, it will remain spanning the same note over and over. But the problem of skipping lists in the span remains the same... (make-omn :length rhy :pitch (span rhy v1dtb) :span :length) (setf rhy '((q e. s) (s s s s h_e s s) (s s s s)(h h))) (setf v1dtb '((ab4) (b4 e4 gs4 a4 b4 e4 gs4 a4 b4 e4 gs4 a4 b4 e4 gs4 a4) (bb4) (eb5 g4 bb4 gs4 eb5 g4 bb4 gs4 eb5 g4 bb4 gs4 eb5 g4 bb4 gs4) (e4) (a4 b4 e4 cs5 a4 b4 e4 cs5 a4 b4 e4 cs5 a4 b4 e4 cs5) (d4) (f4 bb4 d5 gs4 f4 bb4 d5 gs4 f4 bb4 d5 gs4 f4 bb4 d5 gs4))) > ((q ab4 e. s) (s b4 e4 gs4 a4 h_e b4 s e4 gs4) (s bb4 bb4 bb4 bb4) (h eb5 g4))
  8. Thank you, Stephane The idea of aligning using the binaries is interesting. Looks good. But, I feel that this concept of span + skipping is more flexible. Let's cross fingers and see if Janusz find this interesting. Best, Julio
  9. ONE MORE IDEA span-index This function could be a variation of the span2: The span-index could do the counting and indexing of the lists used for the spanning process. In the same way of span2, span-index could have a number before or after the special character to specify the sublist to skip. Something like: ;;; HIPOTHESIS (setf pitchlist '((c4 d4 e4 f4)(cs4 ds4 as4 fs4)(bb4 eb4 ab4))) (setf rhy '((q e e)(-s s)(%1)(s)(s e e)(e e)(%3)(e e_h)(%2)(q))) (make-omn :length rhy :pitch (span-index rhy pitchlist) :span :length) '(4 4)) > ((q c4 e d4 e e4)(-s s cs4) (c4) (s cs4 e ds4 e as4)(e bb4 eb4)(e bb4 e_h eb4)(q cs4)) The special characters in the rhythm lists affects the list of pitches when in the :span :length mode. The special characters in the pitch lists affects the list of rhythms when in the :span :pitch mode. More 2 cents to discussion. Best, Julio
  10. There are some comments in portuguese... Maybe I´ll do a video about it, later. Now, I´m in the process of composition. Thanks to the forum where I learned the stuff. This is my modest contribution. Hope it can help someone to work out things in Opusmodus.
  11. Exactly, Stephane !! This is precisely the way I´m working. I´d like to share with you in the forum the complete process for generating the score. Goes like this: And with this new function it will became easier !! Best, Julio ;;; Julio Herrlein ;;;Compositional Process - String Quartet ;;; CHORALE - MIDI GUITAR RECORDED (progn (setf pitmidi2 '(a3b3e4ab4 gs3ds4g4bb4 cs3a3b3e4 gs2f3as3d4)) (assign-variable 'ch pitmidi2) ;;;FASTER PITCH-DEMIX using Array (setf chordarray (build-array (sort-desc (melodize (mclist pitmidi2))))) (setf size (get-count pitmidi2)) ;;; v1rp - repeating 16 notes (setf chrptimes '(16)) (assign-variable 'v1rp (gen-repeat chrptimes (mclist (get-array 0 0 size chordarray :direction 'down)))) (assign-variable 'v2rp (gen-repeat chrptimes (mclist (get-array 0 1 size chordarray :direction 'down)))) (assign-variable 'v3rp (gen-repeat chrptimes (mclist (get-array 0 2 size chordarray :direction 'down)))) (assign-variable 'v4rp (gen-repeat chrptimes (mclist (get-array 0 3 size chordarray :direction 'down)))) ;;; repeating notes material ;;; VOZ 1 a 4 (setf vrpt1 '(v1rp0 v1rp1 v1rp2 v1rp3)) (setf vrpt2 '(v2rp0 v2rp1 v2rp2 v2rp3)) (setf vrpt3 '(v3rp0 v3rp1 v3rp2 v3rp3)) (setf vrpt4 '(v4rp0 v4rp1 v4rp2 v4rp3)) ;;;MELODIC MATERIAL - arpeggios or custom material ;;VL 1 (assign-variable 'melch1- (gen-repeat '(4) (ambitus-octaves 'e4 1 (pitch-rotate 1 (melodize (gen-divide 1 (list ch0 ch1 ch2 ch3))))))) (setf vml1 '(melch1-0 melch1-1 melch1-2 melch1-3)) ;;VL 2 (assign-variable 'melch2- (gen-repeat '(4) (ambitus-octaves 'e3 1 (pitch-rotate 0 (melodize (gen-divide 1 (list ch0 ch1 ch2 ch3))))))) (setf vml2 '(melch2-0 melch2-1 melch2-2 melch2-3)) ;; VIOLA (assign-variable 'melch3- (gen-repeat '(4) (ambitus-octaves 'e3 1 (pitch-rotate -2 (melodize (gen-divide 1 (list ch0 ch1 ch2 ch3))))))) (setf vml3 '(melch3-0 melch3-1 melch3-2 melch3-3)) ;; CELLO (assign-variable 'melch4- (gen-repeat '(4) (ambitus-octaves 'e2 1 (pitch-rotate -1 (melodize (gen-divide 1 (list ch0 ch1 ch2 ch3))))))) (setf vml4 '(melch4-0 melch4-1 melch4-2 melch4-3)) ;;; MIXING LISTS (repeated notes and melodic fragments) (setf list1 vrpt1) (setf list1b vml1) (setf v1dt (gen-divide '(16) (flatten (apply-eval (matrix-transpose (list list1 list1b)))))) (setf list2 vrpt2) (setf list2b vml2) (setf v2dt (gen-divide '(16) (flatten (apply-eval (matrix-transpose (list list2 list2b)))))) (setf list3 vrpt3) (setf list3b vml3) (setf v3dt (gen-divide '(16) (flatten (apply-eval (matrix-transpose (list list3 list3b)))))) (setf list4 vrpt4) (setf list4b vml4) (setf v4dt (gen-divide '(16) (flatten (apply-eval (matrix-transpose (list list4 list4b)))))) ;;; Length Map atualizado - 8 FEV (setf len-map1 '((e (stacc)) (s (ord)) (h (long)) (h. (long)) (w (long)))) (setf len-map2 '((e (list (rnd-pick '(mf f)))) (s (mf)) (e. (mf)) (h (p<f)) (h. (p<f)) (w (P<f>p))(wq (P<f>p))(wh (P<f>p))(wh. (P<f>p))(ww (P<f>p)))) ;;;RITMOS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; 12 mar B (setf rv1 (gen-repeat 5 (gen-divide '(3 7) (gen-repeat 5 '(q e. s s s s s h_e s s))))) (setf rv2 (gen-repeat 5 (gen-divide '(2) (gen-repeat 5 '(-e eh -e eh))))) (setf rv3 (gen-repeat 5 (gen-divide '(2) (gen-repeat 5 '(-q qq -q qq))))) (setf rv4 (gen-repeat 5 (gen-divide '(2) (gen-repeat 5 '(-q. eq -q. eq))))) (setf timesig '(6 4 1)) (setf timesigs '((6 4 1) (6 4 1))) (setf timesig-proc (butlast (gen-divide 3 (span (flatten v1dt) timesigs)))) ) ;;;FINAL DO PROGN INITIALIZE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;BUG TRACKING #3 11 mar ;;; Mudando o :span de :pitch para :length, ;;faz com que cada vez que recomeça a lista de length os acordes partem do início;;isso pode ser interessante e os ritmos estão com o comportamento esperado (progn ;(setf timesig '(6 4 1)) (setf vh1-2 (make-omn :length rv1 :pitch (span rv1 v1dt) :span :length :velocity (length-map len-map2 rv1 :otherwise '(mf) :repeat t) :articulation (length-map len-map1 rv1 :otherwise '(ord) :repeat t))) (setf vh2-2 (make-omn :length rv2 :pitch (span rv2 v2dt) :span :length :velocity (length-map len-map2 rv2 :otherwise '(mf) :repeat t) :articulation (length-map len-map1 rv2 :otherwise '(ord) :repeat t))) (setf vh3-2 (make-omn :length rv3 :pitch (span rv3 v3dt) :span :length :velocity (length-map len-map2 rv3 :otherwise '(mf) :repeat t) :articulation (length-map len-map1 rv3 :otherwise '(ord) :repeat t))) (setf vh4-2 (make-omn :length rv4 :pitch (span rv4 v4dt) :span :length :velocity (length-map len-map2 rv4 :otherwise '(mf) :repeat t) :articulation (length-map len-map1 rv4 :otherwise '(ord) :repeat t))) (ps 'gm :sq ;(list (pitch-transpose 12 vh1-2) vh2-2 vh3-2 vh4-2) (list (pitch-transpose 12 (ambitus 'violin vh1-2)) (ambitus 'violin vh2-2) (ambitus 'viola vh3-2) (ambitus 'cello vh4-2)) :key-signature 'atonal ;;;obs: abrindo o time sig aqui, faz bypass do omn-to-time-signature acima :time-signature timesig-proc ;time-signature timesig :tempo 80 :title "STR 4tet" :display :window)) ;;;>>>>>>>>>>>>> F I N A L <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ;;;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;;;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;;;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;;;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  12. Yes, I understand that the gen-swallow is to be used before the make-omn as a selector of the lists and it really works doing it. But the span2 can bypass that stage, doing at the same time the span AND the selection/skipping of the nested lists. BEst
  13. Thank you, Janusz But the gen-swallow won´t do what I propose either before or inside the make-omn... Best ! And Even if it worked, I will have to make a gen-swallow for each rhythm, creating many derived lists... The idea of span2 is more elegant and preserve the materials more intact inside the compositional architeture, providing much more flexibility to skip lists. More free and musical, I think. It´s just a little adjust to make the old span function skip the lists, according to some special character. Best Please, take a closer look and you´ll see.
  14. Thank you, Stephane, Your solution have some problems because the rests in the rhythm lists will result in undesirable skips in the sublists of nested lists, because of the swallow, like this: (setf pitchlist '((c4 d4 e4 f4)(cs4 ds4 as4 fs4)(bb4 eb4 ab4))) (setf rhy (gen-repeat 3 '((q e e)(-s s) (s) (s e e)(e e)(e e_h)))) (remove-nils (gen-swallow rhy pitchlist)) ((q c4 e d4 e4) (-s ds4) (s bb4) (s c4 e d4 e4) (e cs4 ds4) (e bb4 he eb4)) The D# is not the in the beggining of the list... I also tried in the context of the make-omn architeture. like this... (setf pitchlist '((c4 d4 e4 f4)(cs4 ds4 as4 fs4)(bb4 eb4 ab4))) (setf rhy '((q e e)(-s s) nil (s) (s e e)(e e)(e e_h))) (remove-nils (gen-swallow rhy pitchlist)) (make-omn :length rhy :pitch (span rhy (remove-nils (gen-swallow rhy pitchlist))) :span :length) I still think that the creation of a span2 function, as described above , could be useful. Thank you ! Best ! Hi, Ole The function remove-nils is native in Opusmodus. It worked here (although not in the documentation). Best, Julio
  15. ONE LAST COMMENT FOR NOW In the example above, in the (hopefully possible) function span2 the character % let you skip to the next list. I don't even imagine how but, if there is some possibility, I can imagine the following: % as a symbol to skip forward in a sublist and $ as a symbol to skip backward in a sublist. In this model of make-omn using span, musically it would be an immense achievement for organizing non-linear approaches to the materials. You can make just a long list containing many sublists of materials and just skip back and forth through them just using span2. You can organize the gen-divide of the rhythmic material lists that also could contain the characters to skip up and down in the pitch material sublists. I like this kind of architeture most than the counterpoint function, maybe because I'm constructing this ideas for some time and the counterpoint thing looks a little opaque to me now... Let me know if it is possible. Best, Julio
  16. More precisely - THIS IS THE ACTUAL SPAN (setf pitchlist '((c4 d4 e4 f4)(cs4 ds4 as4 fs4)(bb4 eb4 ab4))) (setf rhy '((q e e)(-s s)(s)(s e e)(e e)(e e_h))) (omn-to-time-signature (make-omn :length rhy :pitch (span rhy pitchlist) :span :length)'(4 4)) RESULT Without omn to time sig ((q c4 e d4 e4) (-s cs4) (s bb4) (s c4 e d4 e4) (e cs4 ds4) (e bb4 e_h eb4)) WITH OMN to TIME SIG with omn to time sig (for better reading) WITH THE SPAN2 FUNCTION THAT ALLOWS THE % character to skip the list (setf pitchlist '((c4 d4 e4 f4)(cs4 ds4 as4 fs4)(bb4 eb4 ab4))) (setf rhy '((q e e)(-s s)(%)(s)(s e e)(e e)(e e_h))) (omn-to-time-signature (make-omn :length rhy :pitch (span2 rhy pitchlist) :span :length) '(4 4)) RESULT with omn to time sig (for better reading) (omn-to-time-signature '((q c4 e d4 e4) (-s cs4) (s c4) (s d4 e e4 f4) (e cs4 ds4) (e bb4 e_h eb4)) '(4 4)) Span2 function exactly the same way Span, with the possibility of using % (or any chosen character by programmer) to skip a list, without changing the rhythm content. Best, Julio COMPARISON PITCH LISTS (c4 d4 e4 f4) (cs4 ds4 as4 fs4) (bb4 eb4 ab4) (setf rhy '((q e e)(-s s)(s)(s e e)(e e)(e e_h))) SPAN SPAN 2 PITCH LISTS (c4 d4 e4 f4) (cs4 ds4 as4 fs4) (bb4 eb4 ab4) '((q e e)(-s s)(%)(s)(s e e)(e e)(e e_h))) Hope it clarifies the subtle difference... All the best ! Julio
  17. THIS IS THE EXAMPLE THIS IS THE WAY SPAN WORKS (setf pitchlist '((c4 d4 e4 f4)(cs4 ds4 as4 fs4)(bb4 eb4 ab4))) (setf rhy '((s s s)(s s)(s)(s s s)(s s)(s s))) (span rhy pitchlist) ;;;result ((c4 d4 e4) (cs4 ds4) (bb4) (c4 d4 e4) (cs4 ds4) (bb4 eb4)) THIS WOULD BE WITH THE FAKE CHARACTER ;;with the fake/ghost/ "invisible" character (%) (setf pitchlist '((c4 d4 e4 f4)(cs4 ds4 as4 fs4)(bb4 eb4 ab4))) (setf rhy '((s s s)(s s)(%)(s s s)(s s)(s s))) (span rhy pitchlist) ;;;result ((c4 d4 e4) (cs4 ds4) (c4 d4 e4) (cs4 ds4) (bb4 eb4)) I NEED THIS SO BAD !! ONE MORE IDEA Maybe a variation of the span function, like span2 that could recognize this special character can do the trick... like (setf pitchlist '((c4 d4 e4 f4)(cs4 ds4 as4 fs4)(bb4 eb4 ab4))) (setf rhy '((s s s)(s s)(%)(s s s)(s s)(s s))) (span2 rhy pitchlist) ;;;result ((c4 d4 e4) (cs4 ds4) (c4 d4 e4) (cs4 ds4) (bb4 eb4))
  18. All the programming languages have some special symbols. In LISP, the "( )" contain lists, the " ' " means literal quotation in declaring some expression. This kind of "null" character must have all the properties of a rhythm or pitch symbol, including the possibility of being processed by all the functions, like (gen-divide (3 2) '(% % c4 d4 %)) resulting in ((% % c4) (d4 %)) ETC... IN my case, I need to use it with rhythms, like (gen-divide (5 3) (q e. s % % e e %)) > ((q e. s % %) (e e %)) (get-count (q e. s % % e e %)) > 8 This works (gen-repeat 3 '(% % %)) (% % % % % % % % %) Please, let me know if I can implement something like this at least for me, in the initialization of Opusmodus. All the best, Julio
  19. Thanks, Stephane ! Yes, I´ve checked gen-swallow. Does not seem to do what I want... The span is already in use for generating the final make-omn expression. But, as far as I understand, the gen-swallow skip items but it produces a result. For example: (gen-swallow '((-1/4 1/4) (-1/4)) '((c4 d4 e4 g4)(cs4 ds4 f4 gs4))) ;;; will result ((d4) nil) This will produce a skip in the first list and results in a NIL for the second list. The nil won´t work as a ghost invisible character for skipping the note or list the way I need. I don´t want a function that produces a result: I want a charachter that means nothing, except for counting as an item of a list and can work inside the span function, instead of a rhythm (like s q h) or a pitch (like c4, d4, etc). As I said, would be much easier to have a "special" character, like the backslash on python, but in this case, a character that counts as an item list, but means nothing musically. I would be used only with the purpose of skipping or introduce "false" items when needed, to keep lists with the same form. Best, Julio Stephane I´m going to check your suggestion, below. Let´s see... Thanks a lot ! Unfortunately, this is not the solution... Thank you !
  20. Dear All, I found a very interesting way to use the span function to my purposes of controlling the harmonic rhythm of my composition. But I need some help. Here is one example: I set pitch lists for each voice of my quartet. Here is an example of how the material is organized for each voice. Each voice for each chord is broken in 16 repeated notes and another 16 notes with some custom made melodic material. The example below corresponds to TWO chords of the harmony. PITCH MATERIAL LISTS The first 16 notes are repeating and the next 16 notes are melodic figures of the same harmony. This is done for all the chords of the composition (setf pitmat '( ;;;first chord material ;16 note repetitions (ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4) ;plus 16 notes of melodic figuration over this first chord (that can be customized to my taste) (b4 e4 gs4 a4 b4 e4 gs4 a4 b4 e4 gs4 a4 b4 e4 gs4 a4) ;;;second chord material ;16 note repeats (bb4 bb4 bb4 bb4 bb4 bb4 bb4 bb4 bb4 bb4 bb4 bb4 bb4 bb4 bb4 bb4) ;+ 16 notes of melodic figuration (eb5 g4 bb4 gs4 eb5 g4 bb4 gs4 eb5 g4 bb4 gs4 eb5 g4 bb4 gs4))) ;;; and so on, for each chord RHYTHM The rhythm is organized and divided in lists that are used in the span method of the make-omn to skip between: a) the lists with repeated notes and b) the lists with melodic figuration. LIKE THIS (setf rv1 (gen-divide '(5 4) (gen-repeat 1 '(-e q. s s e s s s s)))) In this way I can choose: a) To use chords as repeated notes with the first division of the rhythm, and/or b) to skip to the second reservoir of notes, for melodic ornamentation. This provides a very flexible and musical way to go ! Marvellous... This means that the gen-divide of the rhythm lists are a form of selecting betwen the lists: every division of the rhythm lists (parenthesis) is used to forward to the next pitch list (or next chord of the harmony control). This maintain the coherence of harmony. So, I use the divisions of the rhythm lists to alternate between the lists using the span functions, like this. (setf rv1 (gen-divide '(5 4) (gen-repeat 5 '(-e q. s s e s s s s)))) (make-omn :length rv1 :pitch (span rv1 pitmat) :span :length) It works like a wonder, like this: ((-1/8 3/8 1/16 1/16 1/8) (1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16)) ;;; This rhythm with the ;; And this with the ;;; note repeats of the list ;; melodic figurations The PROBLEM IS : As I said before, each chord of the harmony (pitmat) is comprised of TWO lists First list is a list of 16 note repeats '((ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4 ab4) the next list and 16 notes of melodic figuration (b4 e4 gs4 a4 b4 e4 gs4 a4 b4 e4 gs4 a4 b4 e4 gs4 a4)) This is done for each chord. Each chord have a 32 pitch items (two lists of 16). OK, BUT... Sometimes, I want to use just ONE note of the chord repeating list and ZERO notes for the melodic figuration (i.e., no figuration). In this case I miss one skip of the list... Using ZERO notes will not skip for the next chord that begins with the next 16 items of repeating notes. In this way, my harmony will go out of sync, because the skips of the lists will be different causing a clashing harmony, a "train wreck"... The instruments with melodic figurations will skip differently from the instruments that plays only ONE note of the first repeating notes list. It will become clearer... WHAT I NEED I need an INVISIBLE Symbol, that makes no musical interference in the OMN expression, but counts as an item to make the list skipping in the span, like a GHOST character that count as a rhythm without duration, or a pitch without sound, to act ONLY as a list skipping for the span process. (setf rv1 (gen-divide '(3) (gen-repeat 5 '(-q h %)))) ;;; The symbol " % " (or anything) is a symbol to count in the span of the lists but won´t interfere ;;musically (no rhythm/pitch/attribute meaning in the expression) (make-omn :length rv1 :pitch (span rv1 pitmat) :span :length) A symbol, anything that count as an item for the SPAN of the list that I can put instead of the NIL. It does not need to be a function. A special character is prefereable, to not mess with the OMN expressions... I need some item to make the list skip (in order to get the span of the lists aligned), but this CANNOT be a NOTE or a RHYTHM, just something to SWALLOW one item (but not putting any note or duration) , to skip to the next list (but without playing any pitch or altering any rhythm). I tried to put an articulation there, but I think it wont work in the span process. Hope you can understand it Help greatly appreciated ! BEST ! JULIO
  21. A faster way to pitch-demix. I found that this works faster than the pitch-demix function. Just to offer something... (setf chorale '(a3b3e4ab4 gs3ds4g4bb4 cs3a3b3e4)) (setf chordarray (build-array (sort-desc (melodize (mclist chorale))))) (setf size (get-count chorale)) (setf voice1 (get-array 0 0 size chordarray :direction 'down)) (setf voice2 (get-array 0 1 size chordarray :direction 'down)) (setf voice3 (get-array 0 2 size chordarray :direction 'down)) (setf voice4 (get-array 0 3 size chordarray :direction 'down)) (ps 'gm :sq (list (flatten (list '(q) voice1)) (flatten (list '(q) voice2)) (flatten (list '(q) voice3)) (flatten (list '(q) voice4))) :key-signature 'atonal :time-signature '(4 4) :tempo 90 :title "Colagem Randômica" )
  22. Dear Friends, I have this recurrent problem with lists... Please, help... ;;; I have this TWO lists (setf list1 '(v1rp0 v1rp1 v1rp2 v1rp3 v1rp4) (setf list2 '(melch1-0 melch1-1 melch1-2 melch1-3 melch1-4) ;;;AND ;;; I need a list like this (alternating the list) (v1rp0 melch1-0 v1rp1 melch1-1 v1rp2 melch1-2 v1rp3 melch1-3 v1rp4 melch1-4) How can I proceed ? Thanks a lot Best, Julio (a desperate quarantine composer) OBS. help in combining THREE lists are also greatly appreciated, as well as how to combine parts of the lists. Thank you... my brain is ruined for now (I´m doing something BIG... ) All the best ! Julio
  23. Dear All, It´is possible to initialize sublists all at once as setf variables ? To transform a list like this: ((c4 ds4 e4)(c4 d4 f4)(c4 d4 g4)(cs4 d4 e4)), automatically into a list of setf materials, like v1 = (c4 d4 e4) v2 = (c4 d4 f4) v3 = (c4 d4 g4) v4 = (cs4 d4 e4) OBS.: v1 can be any letter, like p1, p2 or maybe mat1, mat2, etc... Thank you
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