Everything posted by o_e
Point & click
Hi Julio, I've watched the video above, from 1'28 and then decide to make a small gif to make the point& click feature more clear: best! ole
- unfold+pause
Point & click
It is not about making changes, it is about to spot the right place immediately very quick (in a larger score), which can be hard :-)
Point & click
I don't think Lilypond is graphical oriented 🙂 And when I remember it correctly that 'point& click' thing also works with Apples own 'Preview'..
Point & click
Hi, I've never got a feedback to my old thread. Now I'am working again with Lilypond and find that 'Point& click' feature again so useful!! AFAIK Lilypond is written in scheme which is a lisp derivat, is'nt it, so the chances must be good to implement this..? best ole
After restarting OM it works fine here too, can I see from the error warning if it's worth to restart the program.. ( I discovered it more accidentally that a restart helps)?
Hi, When I use omn-to-time-signature with (4 4), everything is fine: (setf test '(w fs5 q. e5 d5 q c5 e c5 h. b4 e a4 h a4 e q. gs4 q. gs4 e fs4 h e4 h e4 q. d4 e c4 h c4 e e fs5 q e5 e e5 q. d5 h c5)) (omn-to-time-signature test '(4 4)) =>((w fs5) (q. e5 d5 q c5) (e c5 h. b4 e a4) (h a4 e q. gs4) (q. gs4 e fs4 h e4) (h e4 q. d4 e c4) (h c4 e e fs5 q e5) (e e5 q. d5 h c5)) but when I use (5 4)or (3 4): (omn-to-time-signature test '(5 4)) => when called with arguments: > (nil) > While executing: #<ccl::standard-kernel-method no-applicable-method (t)>, in process Listener-3(38). > Type cmd-/ to continue, cmd-. to abort, cmd-\ for a list of available restarts. > If continued: Try calling it again > Type :? for other options. (omn-to-time-signature test '(3 4)) => when called with arguments: > (nil) > While executing: #<ccl::standard-kernel-method no-applicable-method (t)>, in process Listener-3(38). > Type cmd-/ to continue, cmd-. to abort, cmd-\ for a list of available restarts. > If continued: Try calling it again > Type :? for other options. so, what I'am missing..? Thanks!
Interested in continuing Zoom into OM on own expenses?
We are just finished a serie of 10 lessons. Maybe you could gather some other new participants and start a new serie, you could contact Stéphane Boussuge via PM and ask him if he is interested and what his conditions are..? best ole
exactly that's what I've shown in my first post 🙂 But most of the function work as well with an 'naked' integer as with a quoted list, and like this it is described in the doc of 'find-bar'. I assume it should be consistent among the functions, thats why I've pointed it out..
I know this is only a (very) minor issue, nevertheless I'd like to know if I'am the only one having this problem.. Thanks!
Hi, I'am examing find-bar and I don't get the following: ;from the docs: (setf mat '((c4 db4 ab4 f4 g4 bb4) (a4 eb4 b4 e4 d4 gb4) (db4 ab4 f4 g4 bb4 a4) (eb4 b4 e4 d4 gb4 c4))) (find-bar 1 mat) => Error: The value (1) is not of the expected type number. > While executing: ccl::+-2-into, in process Listener-1(7). > Type cmd-. to abort, cmd-\ for a list of available restarts. > Type :? for other options. ;this works fine: (find-bar '(1) mat) =>((c4 db4 ab4 f4 g4 bb4)) ?? best ole
Found it in the meantime, thanks! (gen-divide 2 (flatten (find-everyother 2 '(((1 2) (3 4) (5 6) (7 8)) ((1 2) (3 4) (5 6) (7 8) (9 10) (11)))))) =>((1 2) (5 6) (1 2) (5 6) (9 10))
Thanks! Do you can propose a workaround until the next update, by chance?
Hi, The doc states: ;Note the handling of further nested sublists: (find-everyother 2 '(((1 2) (3 4) (5 6) (7 8)) ((1 2) (3 4) (5 6) (7 8) (9 10) (11)))) => (((1 2) (5 6)) ((1 2) (5 6) (9 10))) when I evaluate it I get: (find-everyother 2 '(((1 2) (3 4) (5 6) (7 8)) ((1 2) (3 4) (5 6) (7 8) (9 10) (11)))) =>((1 2 5 6) (1 2 5 6 9 10)) What am I missing or how can I achive the upper example? Thanks! ole
[SOLVED] Automatic opening XML files in Musescore (or Sibelius, etc)
Are you sure that your MuseScore lives in /Applications and is named 'MuseScore' and not 'Musescore 3' (or 'MuseScore 2' as your screenshot suggests)? Maybe you need to change : "/Applications/MuseScore.app" into "/Applications/MuseScore\3.app" Don't know what you are after exactly, but when I evaluate ps (with the numerical enter key) and then call (last-score-to-musescore), ms opens that last evaluated score (btw you can look at the score by using the (rightclick-) context menu/ PPrint last Score, then it displays in the listener..)
[SOLVED] Automatic opening XML files in Musescore (or Sibelius, etc)
Hi Julio, For me it works like this: (defun last-score-to-musescore () (compile-score *last-score* :output :musicxml :file "temp-last-score") (musicxml-to-editor "temp-last-score" :application "/Applications/MuseScore.app")) in the extensions folder and then calling: (last-score-to-musescore) It was shown in the forum long time ago, you can do a research.. hth ole
COOL !! - Length Diminution with fractions
What is also very cool, you can choose for every bar another value 🙂 (length-diminution '(2/1 1/2 1/3 2/3 3/4) (gen-repeat 5 (list '(q e e e e s s s s))))
How to set cc value in the Def-Instrument-Sets file
So, it could also be something like this: (ps 'vep :va (list test4 :cc '(21 (gen-controller 2 '(0) :time (omn :length test4)))) ) or like this: (setf lensum (list (list '0 (find-sum (omn :length test4))))) (ps 'vep :va (list test4 :cc '(21 lensum)) ) or an increasing vibrato as in the def-score docs: (ps 'vep :va (list test4 :cc '(21 '((:asc 0 127 1/4 4)))) ) I think now I've got it, thanks (again) for your patience!
How to set cc value in the Def-Instrument-Sets file
Ok, now I made it work, following the trail you made: (defun novib (x) (position-replace '(0) '(0)(gen-dynamic-controller x))) then (setf test4 '(q c4 b3 d4 b3 e4 b3 fs5 - e4)) (ps 'vep :va (list test4 :cc '(21 (novib test4))) ) is this the way to go or is there something more simple to achive the same thing..?
- How to set cc value in the Def-Instrument-Sets file
- How to set cc value in the Def-Instrument-Sets file
Ok, I see, thanks!
- How to set cc value in the Def-Instrument-Sets file
- How to set cc value in the Def-Instrument-Sets file
Your example gives at my cpu this: (position-insert '(1 3 5 7 9) 'b3 test) =>(c4 b3 d4 b3 e4 b3 fs5 e4) so it does not make so much difference, am I the only one, can someone please try this little example, thanks!