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here is a function that can be used for "post-..." of an OMN score...

you could INSERT a sequence by BAR/BEAT (a slightly modified variant of OVERWRITE), so you can 

place your insert exactly!






(defun get-resolution2 (be)
  (cond ((member (cadr be) '(3 6 12 24 48))
        ((member (cadr be) '(1 2 4 8 16 32))
        ((member (cadr be) '(5 10 20 40))
        ((member (cadr be) '(7 14 28 56 1))

(defun insert (seq &key insert bar/beat)
     (let ((bar) (beat) (resolution) (distance))
         (setf bar (loop for i in bar/beat collect (car i))
               beat (loop for j in bar/beat collect (cadr j)))
           for ba in bar 
           for be in beat
           for ins in insert
           with time-sign = (get-time-signature seq)
           with ord-time-sign = (get-time-signature seq)
           ;with ins-rounded = '(0)
           with ins-add = '(0)
          do (setf resolution (get-resolution2 be)
                   time-sign (if (listp (car time-sign))
                               (loop for i in time-sign
                                 when (> (caddr i) 1)
                                 append (loop repeat (caddr i)
                                          collect (list (car i) (cadr i)))
                                 else collect (list (car i) (cadr i)))
                               (append time-sign))
                   distance (if (listp (car time-sign))
                              (+ (sum (loop repeat (- ba 1)
                                        for i in time-sign
                                        collect (/ (/ (car i) (cadr i))
                                                   (get-resolution2 be))))
                                 (/ (/ (1- (car be)) (cadr be)) 
                                    (get-resolution2 be))
                                 ;;; ins-rounded add
                                 (/ (get-span (flatten ins-add))
                                    (get-resolution2 be))
                              (+ (/ (* (1- ba) (/ (car time-sign) (cadr time-sign))) 
                                       (get-resolution2 be))
                                 (/ (/ (1- (car be)) (cadr be)) 
                                       (get-resolution2 be))
                                 ;;; ins-rounded add
                                 (/ (get-span (flatten ins-add))
                                    (get-resolution2 be)))
          do (setf seq 
                       (loop repeat (length (omn-to-time-signature seq 
                                                                   (list (numerator resolution) 
                                                                         (denominator resolution))))
                         for cnt = 0 then (incf cnt)
                         with new-seq = (omn-to-time-signature seq (list (numerator resolution) 
                                                                         (denominator resolution)))
                         with ins-rounded = (append ins 
                                                    (rest (length-rational-quantize
                                                           (list (apply '+ (mapcar 'abs (omn :length ins))))
                                                           :round resolution)))
                         when (= cnt distance) collect ins-rounded and do (setf ins-add (append ins-rounded ins-add))
                         else collect (nth cnt new-seq))))
          do (setf time-sign ord-time-sign)
          collect (omn-merge-ties seq)))))))


;;; with changing time-signatures

(insert '((e c6 a5 h b5 q tie) (q b5 b5 a5 tie) (q a5 q a5) (h. g5))
                        :insert '((-3q 3q c5 b4 bb4 a4) 
                                  (-3q 3q c4 b3 bb3 a3))
						;;; bar numbers has to be in ascending order!
                        :bar/beat '((1 (1 12)) 
                                    (3 (1 12))))

(insert '((e c6 a5 h b5 q tie) (q b5 b5 a5 tie) (q a5 q a5) (h. g5))
                        :insert '((-2/12))
                        :bar/beat '((2 (2 12)))) 

;;; with constant time-signature

(insert '((e c6 a5 h b5 tie) (q b5 b5 a5 tie) (h a5 q a5) (h. g5))
                        :insert '((3q c5 b4 bb4 a4) 
                                  (-3q 3q c4 b3 bb3 a3))
						;;; bar numbers has to be in ascending order!
                        :bar/beat '((1 (7 12)) 
                                    (3 (2 12))))

(insert '((e c6 a5 h b5 tie) (q b5 b5 a5 tie) (h a5 q a5) (h. g5))
                        :insert '((-h.))
                        :bar/beat '((2 (1 4)))) 


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