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a concrete example (but musical-nonsense)... of a TRANSITION produced by a special markov-program


1) functions/subfuctions


(defun add-transition-weight (transition-list value add-weight)
    for j in transition-list
    collect (append (list (first j))
                    (loop repeat (1- (length j))
                      for cnt = 1 then (incf cnt)
                      when (equal (first (nth cnt j)) value)
                      collect (list (first (nth cnt j)) (+ add-weight (second (nth cnt j))))
                      else collect (nth cnt j)))))


(defun count-repetitions (value-list)

  (let ((seq (append value-list (list 'nil))))
    (loop repeat (1- (length seq))
      with count = 1
      for cnt1 = 0 then (incf cnt1)
      for cnt2 = 1 then (incf cnt2)

      when (equal (nth cnt1 seq) (nth cnt2 seq)) do (incf count)
      when (not (equal (nth cnt1 seq) (nth cnt2 seq))) collect count and do (setq count 1))))


(defun eliminate-repetitions (liste)

  (let ((liste (append liste (list 'nil))))
    (loop repeat (1- (length liste))
      with cnt = 0
      when  (not (equal (nth cnt liste) (nth (+ 1 cnt) liste)))
      collect (nth cnt liste)      
      do (incf cnt))))

(eliminate-repetitions '(1 1 2 3 4 4 4 1 1 2))


(defun gen-markov-from-transitions-with-tendency (transitions size generations value &key (add-weight 1) (start (first (first transitions))))
  (loop repeat generations
    with list = (gen-markov-from-transitions transitions :size size :start start )
    with weight = add-weight
    with weight-growth = 0
    do (setq transitions (add-transition-weight transitions value weight))
    append (setq list (gen-markov-from-transitions transitions :size size :start (filter-first-last 1 list)))
    do (incf weight (incf weight-growth))))




2) example and possible implementation => create a TRANSITION to value 3 (=> to pitch eb4)

;;;;;evaluate a few times, to check it;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

(list-plot ;;non-neutral-table
 (setq integers (gen-markov-from-transitions-with-tendency 
                          '((1 (1 1) (2 4) (3 1))
                            (2 (1 1) (4 1) (3 3))
                            (3 (1 4) (3 5) (4 3))
                            (4 (1 1) (3 2) (4 3))) 10 20 3  :add-weight 3))
  :point-radius 0 :style :fill)

;;another example with different mapping
(list-plot ;;non-neutral-table
 (setq integers (gen-markov-from-transitions-with-tendency 
                          '((1 (1 1) (2 4) (3 1))
                            (2 (1 1) (4 1) (3 3) (6 1))
                            (3 (1 4) (3 5) (4 3) (6 1) (5 1))
                            (4 (1 1) (3 2) (4 3) (5 2) (6 1))
                            (5 (1 1) (3 1) (4 1))
                            (6 (2 3) (1 2) (3 1) (5 1))) 10 20 3  :add-weight 3))
  :point-radius 0 :style :fill)

(setq integers (replace-map '((5 -5) (1 0) (2 6) (3 14) (4 20) (6 25)) integers))

;;;;;;;gen an example-score;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(def-score example
           (:key-signature 'chromatic
                           :time-signature '(4 8)
                           :tempo '(e 176)
                           :layout (bracket-group 
                                    (piano-grand-layout 'piano)))
   :omn  (make-omn :pitch (eliminate-repetitions (integer-to-pitch integers))
                   :length (gen-length (count-repetitions integers) 1/32))
   :sound 'gm-piano))


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