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Add appoggiatura before length value

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Hi everyone, I am having a hard time trying to add appoggiaturas to selected length values on an omn sequence. Let's say I want to search for all whole durations and add an appoggiatura before this event. I have been trying these kind of solutions using dictum


(setf mat '(w c4 stacc))

(dictum '(
	(:and w :apply (app e f4))
 (dictum '(
	(:and w :apply '(app e f4))
  (dictum '(
	(:and w :apply ((app e f4) w))
   (dictum '(
	(:and w :apply (app e f4 w))


All of these fail. I get some error saying the sequenced-event :type nil :phrase (nil nil) is not of type ?event when accessing slot attribute.


I don't think I understand how to use app or acc properly, at least in terms of dictum or patterns. I have also tried with length-map pattern-map with no luck.  


I have also tried to insert a ttrem between two half notes in an omn sequence for example and I encounter the same kind of errors. How can I search for a sequence of events inside dictum? I know how to use both app and ttrem when writing opusmodus expression manually, but not when replacing or finding patterns


I suspect there is some basic issue of the language that I still do not understand.


Many thanks for your help.

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here#s some code I wrote long time ago, may be useful for you.


(defun pitch-transpose-app-acc (trsp orn)
  " Definition d'un pitch-transpose qui supporte les symboles
  étrangers tels que app ou acc"
  (let* ((all-omn (disassemble-omn (cdr orn)))
        (pch (getf all-omn :pitch))
        (len (getf all-omn :length))
        (vel (getf all-omn :velocity))
        (art (getf all-omn :articulation))
        (apo (nth 0 orn))
        (res (cons apo
                    :pitch (pitch-transpose trsp pch)
                    :length len
                    :velocity vel
                    :articulation art

;(pitch-transpose-app-acc 4 '(app s d4 e4 f4 g4))


(defun gen-ornament (orn omn &key (val '(q h))(cycle t) seed)
  (let (state)
    (setf state *init-seed*)
    (setf seed (rnd-seed seed))
    (do-verbose ("gen-ornament seed: ~s" seed)
  (let*  ((events (single-events omn))
          (tsig (get-time-signature omn))
          (posi (position-item 't (mapcar 'event-restp (flatten-sublist events))))
          (res (omn-to-time-signature
                   for e in (flatten-sublist events)
                   for o in (position-insert
                             posi 'nil
                              (length (flatten-sublist events)) 
                              (if cycle orn (rnd-order orn :list t :seed (seed))))
                             :type 'list)

                             (if (member (1~ e) val)
                               (append  (list (pitch-transpose-app-acc (pitch-to-integer (nth 1 e))  o)) e)
    (init-state state)

(setf phrase '((h eb4 gs4)
               (s c4 e4 g4 a4 q eb4 - e. bb4 s cs4)
               (q. d4 s e4 eb4 q. g4 s e4 a4)
               (-q e. f4 s e4 e. g4 s q c4)
               (q a4 q. fs4 e c4 -q)
               (h g4)))

(setf phrase2
          '(#|1|# (q. d4 s leg s f4 def q cs4 e f4 stacc cs4 stacc)
            #|2|# (s eb4 p< leg e4 < leg d4 < leg cs4 < def h f4 f -q)
            #|3|# (q c4 f marc e d4 marc gs4 marc  q marc q c4 marc)
            #|4|# (h cs4 mp def q. g4 s fs4 p leg c4)
            #|5|# (q. eb4 mf s f4 a4 h e4)
            #|6|# (s c4 f> leg bb4 > leg f4 > leg e4 p def -q h b4 f tr1)

(gen-ornament '((app s c4 fs4 f4 e4)(acc e a3 d4)) phrase)
(gen-ornament '((acc s c4 fs4 f4 e4)) phrase :val '(q.))
(gen-ornament '((acc s c4 fs4 f4 e4)(acc s g4 f4 e4 d4)) phrase2 :val '(h q))
(setf test (gen-ornament '((acc t c4 fs4 f4 e4)(acc t g4 f4 e4 d4)) (pitch-transpose 12 phrase2) :val '(h q) :cycle nil))
(setf test2 (gen-ornament '((acc t c4 fs4 f4 e4)(acc t g4 f4 e4 d4))
                          (pitch-transpose 12 phrase2) :val '(h q) :cycle nil :seed 123))
(ps 'gm :fl (list test) :tempo 40)



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Thanks Stephane! Your function is exactly what I need but it does not work in all cases and I am not sure why.


I usually write materials this way, in a single list

(setf mat '(h eb4 gs4))
(gen-ornament '((acc e c4 fs4)) mat :val '(h))


Your code does not work because it expects a list inside a list, it says it can't take the car of h. It is better to always write material inside a list? Why?

Then I tried this

(setf mat '((h eb4 gs4)))
(gen-ornament '((acc e c4 fs4)) mat :val '(h))


But the code does not work either, I get this error: nil is illegal as a sequence start index.

Then I tried with a longer phrase and it works fine

(setf mat '((w d3 s eb3 w e3 s eb3 d f3 -h w fs3)))
(gen-ornament '((acc e c4 fs4)) mat :val '(w))

But if I try a much longer material, it works but I can't notate the snipet with cmd-1, I get an error about some 1147 midi value and TIME_SIGNATURE_EVENT

(setf mat '((w d3 s eb3 w e3 s eb3 d f3 -h w fs3 s e3 d3 f3 d e3 -h w d3 s fs3 w eb3 s e3 fs3 eb3 d3 f3 d fs3 -h w d3 s f3 w eb3 s e3 d d3 -h w eb3 s e3 f3 fs3 d g3 -h w e4 s f4 w gs3 s fs3 e4 gs3 fs3 f4 d g3 -h w gs3 s f4 w g3 s fs3 d e4 -h w f4 s fs3 e4 g3 d gs3 -h w fs3 s g3 w gs3 s e4 f4 f3 g3 eb4 d fs3 -h w e3 s g3 w fs3 s e3 d eb4 -h w f3 s fs3 eb4 f3 d e3 -h w g3 s eb4 w e3 s g3 f3 fs3 e3 f3 d fs3 -h w g3 s eb4 w a3 s fs4 d g4 -h w f4 s gs3 fs4 f4 d gs3 -h w g4 s a3 w f4 s g4 a3 gs3 fs4 g4 d gs3 -h w fs4 s a3 w f4 s gs3 d a3 -h w f4 s fs4 g4)))
(gen-ornament '((acc e c4 fs4)) mat :val '(w))


I need to be able to use cmd-1 to check the output, but I don't understand what the problem is. Any help is much appreciated!



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My function is made for normal measured material, it means you have to use parenthesis to separate bars and apply the function on it.


This works:


(setf mat '((w d3 mf) (s eb3 mf h... e3 tie) (s e3 mf eb3 h.. f3 tie) 
(w f3 mf tie) (e f3 mf -h q. fs3 tie) (he fs3 mf s e3 d3 f3 e. e3 tie)
(w e3 mf tie) (h.s e3 mf -e.) (-q -s he. d3 mf tie) (qs d3 mf s fs3 he eb3 tie)
(q. eb3 mf s e3 fs3 eb3 d3 f3 qs fs3 tie) (w fs3 mf tie) (he. fs3 mf -q -s)
(-e. h.s d3 mf tie) (e. d3 mf s f3 h. eb3 tie) (q eb3 mf s e3 he. d3 tie)
(w d3 mf tie) (qs d3 mf -h e. eb3 tie) (h.s eb3 mf s e3 f3 fs3) (w g3 mf tie)
(w g3 mf) (-h e4 mf tie) (h e4 mf s f4 q.. gs3 tie) (hs gs3 mf s fs3 e4 gs3 fs3 f4 e g3 tie)
(w g3 mf tie) (h.. g3 mf -e) (-q. he gs3 mf tie) (q. gs3 mf s f4 hs g3 tie)
(q.. g3 mf s fs3 h e4 tie) (w e4 mf tie) (h e4 mf -) (w f4 mf) (s fs3 mf e4 g3 h.s gs3 tie)
(w gs3 mf tie) (e. gs3 mf -h qs fs3 tie) (he. fs3 mf s g3 q gs3 tie) (h. gs3 mf s e4 f4 f3 g3)
(s eb4 mf h... fs3 tie) (w fs3 mf tie) (s fs3 mf -h q.. e3 tie) (hs e3 mf s g3 q. fs3 tie)
(he fs3 mf s e3 qs eb4 tie) (w eb4 mf tie) (he. eb4 mf -q -s) (-e. h.s f3 mf tie)
(e. f3 mf s fs3 eb4 f3 he e3 tie) (w e3 mf tie) (q. e3 mf -h e g3 tie) (h.. g3 mf s eb4 e3 tie)
(h... e3 mf s g3) (s f3 mf fs3 e3 f3 h. fs3 tie) (w fs3 mf tie) (q fs3 mf -h q g3 tie)
(h. g3 mf s eb4 e. a3 tie) (h.s a3 mf s fs4 e g4 tie) (w g4 mf tie) (h.. g4 mf -e)
(-q. he f4 mf tie) (q. f4 mf s gs3 fs4 f4 q.. gs3 tie) (w gs3 mf tie) (hs gs3 mf -q..)
(-s h... g4 mf tie) (s g4 mf a3 h.. f4 tie) (e f4 mf s g4 a3 gs3 fs4 g4 hs gs3 tie) 
(w gs3 mf tie) (q.. gs3 mf -h s fs4 tie) (h... fs4 mf s a3) (w f4 mf)
(s gs3 mf h... a3 tie) (w a3 mf tie) (s a3 mf -h q.. f4 tie) (hs f4 mf s fs4 g4)))

(gen-ornament '((acc e c4 fs4)) mat :val '(w))



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