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Opusmodus 1.3.24711


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– Function name changes: 

hexachord-complement to: GET-HEXACHORD-COMPLEMENT
gen-ac-hexachord to: GET-AC-HEXACHORD
ac-hexachord-complement-form-set to: GET-AC-HEXACHORD-COMPLEMENT-FORM-SET

– New functions:



– New directory in System Library: Analysis.





The function GET-DENSITY returns a density value (between 0.0 and 1.0) derived from quantitative measurements in a given sequence. There are four density types: :length, :pitch, :velocity and nil. The density information can be used in an analytical and compositional manner.


Length density:

(get-density '(s s s s s s s s))
=> 1.0
(get-density '(s s -s s -s s -s s))
=> 0.62
(get-density '(-q e -e q. s))
=> 0.33555558
(get-density '(e.. s s s q s s s t -t s t))
=> 0.8336364
(get-density '(-q -e -t t t t t t -q -s. t t t))
=> 0.25
(get-density '((-w) (-w) (-w) (-w)
               (-h -e -t = -s. t -s. t -s)
               (-t = -s. e s = = = = = = = = = -s.)
               (-w) (-w) (-w)
               (-h -e -t = = = = = -s. =)
               (e.. s = = q s = = t - s t)
               (-t s t - s t - s t - s t - s t - s t - s t - = -s)
               (-t = -q -s. e t -s. s -e. t = =)
               (t = = = = = = = = = = = = s -e. s -e. t = =)))
=> (0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.089999974 0.74833333 0.0 0.0 0.0
    0.22666669 0.8336364 0.69 0.3185714 0.62)


Pitch density:

(get-density 'c4e4g4)
=> 0.38888893
(get-density 'c4ds4fs4a4)
=> 0.41666666
(get-density '((bb3 e3 bb2 a4 b4 d5)
               (b2 bb2 b3 b4 c7 c5)
               (eb3 gs3 gs2 a5 cs7 cs4)))
=> (0.48333335 0.8166667 0.8833334)


Velocity density:

(get-density '(pp pp p p mp mp mf mf f f))
=> 0.30833334
(get-density '((pp< < < ff> > > > >)
               (p< < < < mf< < < <)
               (f> > > > > p p p)))
=> (0.4010417 0.38020834 0.30729166)



p00 '(-h.)
p01 '(q d4 pp s eb4 < leg g4 < leg bb4 < leg a4 q. cs5 mf
      -e 3q gs5 > leg fs5 > leg c5 > b4 > leg f4 leg e4)

p02 '(t d4 < leg eb4 < leg g4 < leg bb4 q. a4 marc t fs4 mf leg
      gs4 leg e. c5 e b4 t f5 leg e5 leg d5 leg eb5 3q bb5 >
      a4 > bb5 > e a4 pp stacc -e)

p03 '(q d5 leg eb5 3q g4 stacc bb4 stacc a4 stacc e. cs4 marc
      s gs4 leg q gs4 -q)

p04 '(q. fs5 pp 3e c5 < leg b4 < leg f4 e d5 mf s eb5 leg g5 leg
      bb5 leg a5 e fs5 leg fs5 3e gs4 > stacc c5 > stacc b5 > stacc
      t f5 pp e.. e5)

p05 '(-q. e d4 pp q. eb5 mf e g4 q bb4 a4)
p06 '(q cs4 pp -q t gs4 marc e.. fs4 mf leg e c4 -e t b4 leg f4 q.. e4 pp)
p07 '(-q e d4 leg eb4 h g4 mf leg q. g4 > -e)
p08 '(s bb4 pp leg a4 h. db4 t gs4 mp fs4 < c5 < b4 q f5 marc e5)

(setf pattern (assemble-seq p00 p01 p02 p03 p04 p05 p06 p07 p08))




Type nil returns a mean value derived from the three main types:

(get-density pattern)
=> (0.0 0.3716961 0.47591507 0.343125 0.49027777
    0.36222222 0.41116783 0.2487963 0.45833334)


Length density:

(get-density pattern :type :length)
=> (0.0 0.5680555 0.7047059 0.36791664 0.8072916
    0.25333333 0.44183674 0.24291666 0.73148143)


Pitch density:

(get-density pattern :type :pitch)
=> (0.0 0.27272728 0.375 0.33333334 0.36666667
    0.5 0.45833334 0.1388889 0.3333333)


Velocity density:

(get-density pattern :type :velocity)
=> (0.0 0.27430555 0.34803924 0.32812503 0.296875
    0.33333334 0.33333334 0.36458337 0.3101852)



The function FILTER-DENSITY analyses all bars in a given sequence and returns a new sequence based on the list of density values and their order.


A short demonstration on how the density information, taken from a number of patterns can be used in a compositional manner.

 p00 '(-w.)
 p01 '(q d4 pp s eb4 < leg g4 < leg bb4 < leg a4 q. cs5 mf
       -e 3q gs5 > leg fs5 > leg c5 > b4 pp leg f4 leg e4)
 p02 '(t d4 < leg eb4 < leg g4 < leg bb4 q. a4 marc t fs4 mf leg gs4 leg
       e. c5 e b4 t f5 leg e5 leg d5 leg eb5 3q bb5 > a4 > bb5 >
       e a4 pp stacc -e)
 p03 '(q d5 leg eb5 3q g4 stacc bb4 stacc a4 stacc e. cs4 marc
       s gs4 leg q gs4 -q)
 p04 '(q. fs5 pp 3e c5 < leg b4 < leg f4 e d5 mf s eb5 leg g5 leg bb5 leg
       a5 e fs5 leg fs5 3e gs4 > stacc c5 > stacc b5 > stacc t f5 pp e.. e5)
 p05 '(-q. e d4 pp q. eb5 mf e g4 q bb4 a4)
 p06 '(q cs4 pp -q t gs4 marc e.. fs4 mf leg e c4 -e t b4 leg f4 q.. e4 pp)
 p07 '(-q e d4 leg eb4 h g4 mf leg q. g4 > -e)
 p08 '(s bb4 pp leg a4 h. db4 t gs4 mp fs4 < c5 < b4 q f5 f marc e5)
 p09 '(h. eb4 pp q g3 -e q gs4 mf -s a5 p tie)
 p10 '(e. a5 -e q bb4 mf -s q cs5 p -s q. e5 mf -e.)
 p11 '(q cs5 p h. d5 mf -q c5 pp tie)
 p12 '(h c5 pp h. gs3 -e a4 p)
 p13 '(h. fs5 mp q bb3 c5 p e4 mf tie)
 p14 '(h e4 -e q cs4 mp h d5 p e f4)

 mat (assemble-seq p00 p01 p02 p03 p04
                   p05 p06 p07 p08 p09
                   p10 p11 p12 p13 p14)

   ;bars  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14
   p1 '(0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.8 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.1)
   p2 '(0.0 0.2 0.6 0.3 0.0 0.5 0.2 0.7 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.2)
   p3 '(0.2 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.1)
   p4 '(0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.8 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2)
   p5 '(0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1)
   v1 (filter-density p1 mat :type :length :seed 253)
   v2 (filter-density p2 mat :type :length :seed 743)
   v3 (filter-density p3 mat :type :length :seed 545)
   v4 (filter-density p4 mat :type :length :seed 987)
   v5 (filter-density p5 mat :type :length :seed 234)
   fl (unfold 'eg '(t7 v? (a0-12 1) dyn fl) v1)
   ob (unfold 'eg '(t7 i (a0-12 (3 6 8)) dyn ob) v2)
   cl (unfold 'eg '(t7 v? (a0-12 (2 9 14)) (ra 9) dyn cl) v3)
   hn (unfold 'eg '(t-5 t-12 ra rol dyn hn) v4)
   bn (unfold 'eg '(t-5 t-12 i rol dyn bn) v5)
  (ps 'gm :w5 (list fl ob cl hn bn) :tempo 68)


Best wishes,


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