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add tuning float to single-events?


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i need something like this 

((t b4 mp nr0 0.3) (-he.) (-whe..) (s. eb4 ppp nr3 0.5) (s g4 pp nr4 0) (t fs3 fff mute 0.3) (s. gs4 ppp nr6 0) (-e..))

so it's possible keep the overview which PITCH is TUNED and which is not... this way i can make precise assignments.

for example: i code a score with no microtonal structures, but afterwards i want to INSERT/OVERWRITE some pitches/liitle sections with microtonal... 

so the EVENT-thing seems better for me to keep the overview/control, then to have ALWAYS a seperate list. so i will write TUNING-float into  EVENTS, and a function GENERATES afterwards the correct LIST for tuning.


i will post the FUNCTIONS later..


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here is a solution - on attributes-level. next step will be to do/code it with "JOINED-attributes"... 

thanxs for tests and hints! 🙂


;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; this function adds CENTS or FLOATS to text-attributes, in this way you can notate 
;;; - have a look how ii's written in the score

(defun add-cents-tuning-to-text-atrributes (&key (centlist nil) (type nil))
  (loop for i in (loop for x in (if (null centlist)
                                  (append (loop for i from 1 upto 99 collect i) (loop for i from 1 upto 99 collect (neg! i)))
                   collect (compress (list x 'ct)))
    append (add-text-attributes (list i (write-to-string (if (equal type :float) 
                                                           (float (/ (append (compress (if (equal (car (explode i)) '-)
                                                                                         (if (= (length (explode i)) 5)
                                                                                           (filter-first 3 (explode i))
                                                                                           (filter-first 2 (explode i)))
                                                                                         (if (= (length (explode i)) 4)
                                                                                           (filter-first 2 (explode i))
                                                                                           (filter-first 1 (explode i)))
                                                                                         ))) 100))


(add-cents-tuning-to-text-atrributes :type :float)
;; have a look to notation: cmd3
(-q -q  e c4 fff q c4 mf 50ct e c4 mf -40ct e c5 ff)

(add-cents-tuning-to-text-atrributes :type :cents) ;; cents are written
;; have a look to notation: cmd3
(-q -q  e c4 fff q c4 mf 50ct e c4 mf -40ct e c5 ff)

;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; this function get out all notated microtones for TUNING ;;; if there is nothing written it will be 0 cents (0)

(defun memberp (n liste)
  (not (equal 'nil (member n liste))))

(defun get-tuning-from-events (omnlist centlist)
  (loop for i in (single-events (length-rest-remove omnlist))
    when (memberp (car (last i)) centlist)
    do (setf n  (float (/ (append (compress (remove-if-not #'numberp (explode (car (last i)))))) 100)))
    and collect (if (equal (car (explode (car (last i)))) '-)
                  (* -1 n)
    else collect 0))

(setf centlist (add-cents-tuning-to-text-atrributes :type :float))

;;; evaluate this and you will get the tuning-list
(get-tuning-from-events '(-q -q  e c4 fff q c4 mf 50ct e c4 mf -40ct e c5 ff) centlist)
=> (0 0.5 -0.4 0)  


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> Check the GET-RUNNING function. This will explain as well how to use floats in tuning.

Is that a new function? It is not available in my image.



Unfortunately, evaluating add-cents-tuning-to-text-atrributes results in an error for me. 


> Error: ((= (length (explode i)) 5) (filter-first 3 (explode i))  (filter-first 2 (explode i))) can't be destructured against the lambda list (ccl::test true &optional false), because it contains 4 elements, and at most 3 are expected.
> While executing: (:internal ccl::nx1-compile-lambda), in process Listener-2(9).

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