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  1. Hi, Why does the first example work and the second don't, what am I missing? Thanks! (setf eins '((q d4 e4 fs4 gs4) (q d4 e4 fs4 gs4) (q d4 e4 fs4 gs4))) (unfold 'om '((pause 2)) eins) => ((q d4 e4 fs4 gs4) (-w) (q d4 e4 fs4 gs4)) (unfold 'om '((pause 2 2)) eins) => ((q d4 e4 fs4 gs4) (q d4 mf e4 fs4 gs4) (q d4 e4 fs4 gs4))
  2. This short example demonstrates how powerful and flexible the UNFOLD function is, especially when working with short patterns. The entire process is very compact and requires only a few lines of code. Source: (progn (setf mat1 '((h. eb4 pp q g3 -e q gs4 mf -s a5 p tie) (e. a5 -e q bb4 mf -s q cs5 p -s q. e5 mf -e.) (q cs5 p h. d5 mf -q c5 pp tie) (h c5 pp h. gs3 -e a4 p<) (h. fs5 mp q bb3 c5 p e4 mf tie) (h e4 -e q cs4 mp h d5 p e f4)) mat2 '((q d4 pp s eb4 < leg g4 < leg bb4 < leg a4 q. cs5 mf -e 3q gs5 > leg fs5 > leg c5 > b4 > leg f4 leg e4) (t d4 < leg eb4 < leg g4 < leg bb4 q. a4 marc t fs4 mf leg gs4 leg e. c5 e b4 t f5 leg e5 leg d5 leg eb5 3q bb5 > a4 > bb5 > e a4 pp stacc -e)) p01 (unfold 'eg '(t7 dyn) mat1) p02 (unfold 'eg '(t7 v? dyn ob) mat1) p03 (unfold 'eg '(v? ra dyn) mat1) p04 (unfold 'eg '(t-12 t-5 dyn v? raf hn) p03) p05 (unfold 'eg '(t-12 t-5 ld ra dyn bn) p02) p11 (assemble-seq (unfold 'eg '(t7 dyn) mat1) (unfold 'eg '(t7 dyn) mat2)) p12 (assemble-seq (unfold 'eg '(t-12 v? dyn ob) mat1) (unfold 'eg '(t-12 v? dyn ob) mat2)) p13 (assemble-seq (unfold 'eg '(v? raf dyn) mat1) (unfold 'eg '(v? dyn) mat2)) p14 (unfold 'eg '(t-12 t-5 dyn v? raf dyn hn) p13) p15 (unfold 'eg '(t-12 t-5 ld ra dyn bn) p12)) (ps 'gm :w5 (list (assemble-seq p01 p11) (assemble-seq p02 p12) (assemble-seq p03 p13) (assemble-seq p04 p14) (assemble-seq p05 p15)))) Output: Best, JP
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