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  1. If I don't want to have octaves, what shall I do? If I evaluate that code, I still get an octave. (setf v1 '(h c5)) (setf v2 '(-q c4)) (polyphony '((12 11)) (list v1 v2) :index 'out) (ps 'gm :p (list out1 out2)) Thank you. René Wohlhauser
  2. I am working on a new omn symbol VOICES and wonder which way is more natural to write. I would like to hear your comments and ideas on this. Here are the two examples. With symbol :vx 1) Each voice after each event, next to each other (1 bar 4/4): symbol option :vx (:v1 q cs5 ff :v2 q gs4 ff :v3 q f4 ff :v4 q f3 ff :v1 q eb5 ff :v2 q gs4 ff :v3 q c4 ff :v4 q gs3 ff :v1 q cs5 ff :v2 q gs4 ff :v3 q f4 ff :v4 q cs3 ff :v1 q f5 ff :v2 q cs5 ff :v3 q gs4 ff :v4 q cs3 ff) symbol option :x (:1 q cs5 ff :2 q gs4 ff :3 q f4 ff :4 q f3 ff :1 q eb5 ff :2 q gs4 ff :3 q c4 ff :4 q gs3 ff :1 q cs5 ff :2 q gs4 ff :3 q f4 ff :4 q cs3 ff :1 q f5 ff :2 q cs5 ff :3 q gs4 ff :4 q cs3 ff) 2) Each voice in a separate bar (1 bar 4/4): symbol option :vx (:v1 (q bb4 ff g4 gs4 e g4 f4) :v2 (q cs5 ff b4 gs4 fs4) :v3 (q f4 ff bb3 gs3 e bb3 gs3) :v3 (q d3 ff e eb3 d3 q c3 bb2)) symbol option :x (:1 (q e4 ff h f4 q c5) :2 (e fs4 ff gs4 bb4 gs4 q fs4 f4) :3 (s g3 ff gs3 q bb3 s gs3 g3 q gs3 f4) :4 (q c3 ff h f2 q f3)) The symbol option :1 :2 :3 :4 (:1 (q e4 ff h f4 q c5) :2 (e fs4 ff gs4 bb4 gs4 q fs4 f4) :3 (s g3 ff gs3 q bb3 s gs3 g3 q gs3 f4) :4 (q c3 ff h f2 q f3)) will print in the Listener: (:|1| (q e4 ff h f4 q c5) :|2| (e fs4 ff gs4 bb4 gs4 q fs4 f4) :|3| (s g3 ff gs3 q bb3 s gs3 g3 q gs3 f4) :|4| (q c3 ff h f2 q f3)) I personally think the second option is better to control. Best wishes, JP
  3. I really like how Opusmodus allows to preview monophonic snippets (and other material, like interval sequences). No need to explicitly call some function or connect to some editor, as in other composition systems -- just use a keyboard shortcut to see and hear an intermediate result. However, what I miss is notating/auditioning intermediate results of polyphonic music with a single shortcut. So, I defined the function preview-score, based on def-score. The function expects a polyphonic score in the slightly simplified format we discussed earlier. Here is a minimal example. (preview-score '(:vln ((q b4 a4 h g4)) :vlc ((h g3 b3)))) If I want to control further notation or playback parameters, preview-score provides arguments for that, but that is basically the same as using def-score directly. Instead, such parameters can be defined only once with global variables, and then used for multiple calls to preview-score. Here is some example setting. (setf *default-preview-score-instruments* '(:vln (:program 'violin :sound 'gm) :vlc (:program 'cello :sound 'gm))) (defparameter *default-preview-score-header* '(:title "Opus magnum" :tempo 80)) Janusz: How can I define a keyboard shortcut that calls the function preview-score with the score returned by a selected code region (or the Lisp expression just before the cursor)? Thanks! For completeness, the definition of preview-score is below. Best, Torsten ;;; just some dummy settings for now (defparameter *default-preview-score-instruments* '(:vln (:program 'violin :sound 'gm) :vlc (:program 'cello :sound 'gm)) "Settings for each instrument used by `preview-score'. The format is a plist where keys are the instrument labels, and values a list with the actual settings. For format of these settings are the same as instrument settings for `def-score' with keywords like :sound, :channel etc. -- except for they key :omn.") ;;; just some dummy settings for now (defparameter *default-preview-score-header* '(:title "Opus magnum" :tempo 80) "Global score settings used by `preview-score'. The format is a plist where keys are the instrument labels, and values a list with the actual settings. The format is the same as the header settings for `def-score' with keywords like :title, :key-signature etc.") (defun preview-score (score &key (name 'test-score) (instruments *default-preview-score-instruments*) (header *default-preview-score-header*)) "Notates and plays a score in a format slightly simpler than expected by def-score, i.e., without its header. Args: - score (plist): a headerless score. See below for its format. - name (symbol): The score name. - instruments (plist): Keys are instrument labels, and values a list with the actual settings. These settings have the same format as instrument settings for `def-score' with keywords like :sound, :channel etc. -- except for they key :omn. - header (plist): The format is the same as the header settings for `def-score' with keywords like :title, :composer, :key-signature etc. Score format: ;;; (<part1-name-keyword> <part1-OMN> ;;; <part2-name-keyword> <part2-OMN> ;;; ...) Example: ;;; (preview-score ;;; '(:vln ((q g4) (q. c5 e d5 q e5 f5) (h. e5)) ;;; :vlc ((q g3) (q c4 b3 a3 g3) (h. c3))) ;;; :instruments '(:vln (:program 'violin :sound 'gm) ;;; :vlc (:program 'cello :sound 'gm)) ;;; :header '(:title \"Opus magnum\" ;;; :tempo 80)) " ;; Using eval is problematic (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2571401/why-exactly-is-eval-evil/), ;; but hard to avoid for a dynamically created def-score expression that requires splicing with ,@. ;; Possible alternative would be to define preview-score as macro, but then arguments are not evaluated. (eval `(def-score ,name ;; quote all header args, because symbol values must be quoted... ,(mapcar #'(lambda (x) `',x) (append header ;; add default vals of required header args at end -- they are overwritten by args given (list :key-signature 'atonal ;; By default, use implicit time signature of 1st part :time-signature (om:get-time-signature (second score)) :tempo 70))) ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (part) (let ((part-symbol (first part)) (part-omn (second part))) (list* part-symbol :omn `(quote ,part-omn) (getf instruments part-symbol)))) (plist->pairs score))) ) (audition-musicxml-last-score) *last-score*) #| ; mini test (preview-score '(:vln ((q g4) (q. c5 e d5 q e5 f5) (h. e5)) :vlc ((q g3) (q c4 b3 a3 g3) (h. c3))) :instruments '(:vln (:program 'violin :sound 'gm) :vlc (:program 'cello :sound 'gm)) :header '(:title "Opus magnum" :tempo 80)) |#
  4. Dear Alain Jamot, here is a function that may help you. This function is useful for customising sound playback with multiple sound libraries or for algorithmic orchestration. The function expects an OMN expression and returns a list of multiple OMN sequences (multiple parts). It basically sorts notes from the OMN sequence into different parts, depending on the articulations of individual notes. All notes with certain articulations go in one resulting parts, and notes with other articulations in another part. Here is an example. It sorts all notes with pizz or arco articulations into one part, and notes with trem articulations into another part. Each time, notes are substituted by rests in other parts, so that timing relations of notes in different parts are preserved. (separate-parts '((h c4 pizz q arco) (h trem q h pizz) (h arco+stacc -q fermata)) '((pizz arco) (trem))) => ; part 1: pizz and arco ((h c4 mf pizz q arco) (-h q c4 mf h pizz) (h c4 mf arco+stacc -q fermata)) ; part 2: trem ((-h -q) (h c4 mf trem -q -h) (-h -q fermata))) You can then assign your first part to on MIDI channel in your def-score call, and the next part to another MIDI channel, e.g., like so. (setf omn-expr '((h c4 pizz q arco) (h trem q h pizz) (h arco+stacc -q fermata))) (setf parts (separate-parts omn-expr '((pizz arco) (trem)))) (def-score two-violins (:title "Title" :composer "Composer" :copyright "Copyright © " :key-signature 'chromatic :time-signature '((1 1 1 1) 4) :tempo 100 :layout (bracket-group (violin1-layout 'violin1) (violin2-layout 'violin2))) (violin1 :omn (nth 0 parts) :channel 1 :sound 'gm :program 'violin :volume 100 :pan 54 :controllers (91 '(48)) ) (violin2 :omn (nth 1 parts) :channel 2 :sound 'gm :program 'violin :volume 100 :pan 74 :controllers (91 '(60)) ) ) The function definition of separate-parts is below. Best, Torsten Janusz: This is another example of a function showing how processing polyphonic music with double-nested OMN expressions can be useful. Once we have a standard notation for polyphonic OMN expressions with multiple voices/parts in Opusmodus 2, as discussed earlier, then this function can easily be adapted to output that format. (labels ((make-corresponding-rest (event) (let ((len (omn-encode (first event)))) (cons ;; rests should remain rests (if (> len 0) (* len -1) len) (omn :rest-articulation event)))) (push-event-and-rests (event matching-position result-omns articulation-sets-length) (push event (nth matching-position result-omns)) (loop for i in (remove matching-position (gen-integer 0 (1- articulation-sets-length))) do (push (make-corresponding-rest event) (nth i result-omns))))) (defun separate-parts (sequence articulation-sets) "The function `separate-parts' is useful for customising your sound playback with multiple sound libraries or for algorithmic orchestration. The function breaks an OMN sequence (a single part) into a list of multiple OMN sequences (multiple parts). It basically sorts notes from the OMN sequence into different parts, depending on the articulations of individual notes. All notes with certain articulations go in one resulting parts, and notes with other articulations in another part. In all other resulting parts, notes are substituted by rests, so that timing relations of notes in different parts are preserved. This function can be useful, when you have multiple sound libraries that support different articulations of the same instrument. You can then perform notes with certain articulations on one software instrument (on its own MIDI channel etc.), and notes with other articulations on another instrument. Alternatively, you can use the function for algorithmic orchestration, where you assign custom articulations (typically declared with add-text-attributes first) such as instrument labels with your custom algorithm, and then use this function in a second step to separate your instruments. Remember that the result of this function is a list of multiple OMN sequences (multiple parts). You have to split it into its individual parts for use in OMN. Args: - sequence: OMN sequence, can be nested - articulation-sets: list of list of articulations. All notes with articulations contained in the first articulation-set end up in the first resulting part, notes with articulations in the second set end up in the second part and so forth. The decision which part a note belongs to is always made based on the first articulation that matches an articulation-set. If a note contains no articulation, or an articulation contained in no set, then it is matched to the first articulation-set. If an articulation is contained in multiple articulation-sets, then the earlier match in articulation-sets is used. Examples: (separate-parts '(h c4 pizz q arco) '((pizz) (arco))) => ((h c4 mf pizz -q) ; part 1 with pizz articulations (-h q c4 mf arco)) ; part 2 with arco (separate-parts '((h c4 pizz q arco) (h trem q h pizz) (h arco+stacc -q fermata)) '((pizz arco) (trem))) => (((h c4 mf pizz q arco) (-h q c4 mf h pizz) (h c4 mf arco+stacc -q fermata)) ; part 1: pizz and arco ((-h -q) (h c4 mf trem -q -h) (-h -q fermata))) ; part 2: trem " (if (listp (first sequence)) ;; sequence is nested (matrix-transpose (mapcar #'(lambda (seq) (separate-parts seq articulation-sets)) sequence)) ;; sequence is flat list (let* ((articulation-sets-length (length articulation-sets)) (result-omns (make-list articulation-sets-length :initial-element nil))) (loop for event in (single-events sequence) do (let ((event-articulation (fourth event))) (if event-articulation (let ((matching-position (position-if #'(lambda (articulation-set) (some #'(lambda (art) (member art (disassemble-articulations event-articulation))) articulation-set)) articulation-sets))) (if matching-position (push-event-and-rests event matching-position result-omns articulation-sets-length) ;; if no match, then add event to first omn result (push-event-and-rests event 0 result-omns articulation-sets-length))) ;; if no articulation, then add event to first omn result (push-event-and-rests event 0 result-omns articulation-sets-length)))) (mapcar #'(lambda (result) (flatten-omn (reverse result))) result-omns))))) ;; for your convenience, I include the following definition already shared earlier (defun disassemble-articulations (art) "Splits a combined OMN articulations into a list of its individual attributes. Example: (disassemble-articulations 'leg+ponte) => (leg ponte)" (mapcar #'intern (split-string (symbol-name art) :separator "+")))
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