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  1. I think I am correct in saying there can be only one def-score per Composer document? Is that correct? Thanks
  2. Is there a way to append or even otherwise transform scores created with def-score? For example, it would be useful to have different sections created in different files, and then assembled together in one file. Of course, in principle I can currently create the individual parameters and parts in individual files, and then have only a single def-score definition in one place, but that is less convenient (intermediate results are not shown as score). More generally, is there a way to process intermediate results with multiple parts? If we would have access to a polyphonic score, then in principle there could be also score transformations that take the polyphonic context into account (e.g., Music21 allows for that). I understand that the meta information in the score header (title, composer etc.) can be inconsistent across def-score results if they are appended, but that should not prevent having some way to process intermediate results with multiple parts in principle. Perhaps there could be some simpler sibling to def-score that would leave out all information that should be defined globally only once, but allow for the creating of sections multiple parts, e.g., some def-particell (using a German word for a reduced/unfinished score, but still a score, not just a part)? Thanks! Best, Torsten
  3. Hi, We are allowed to define :port option in the instruments section of def-score in order to drive other virtual instruments through that port (this is my understanding). In this case, is it still necessary to define :sound and :program options? What about :channel option? Regards, Rangarajan
  4. In all the examples, the score has the instruments readily defined by the programmer: (def-score (:score-prop score-val ...) (instrument-1 :instrument-prop instrument-val ...) (instrument-2 :instrument-prop instrument-val ...) ) What I have been wondering is can I dynamically create these instruments, allowing for proper reference in :layout afterwards, etc. For example, if I wanted 10 instruments: (defun my-generate-instrument ...) ;; something (def-score (:score-prop score-val ...) (loop for i from 1 to 10 collect (my-generate-instrument i))) Any tips for an scenario like this one?
  5. Hi, This is probably a very basic question. When we define multiple instruments in DEF-SCORE, what is the rationale for assigning channel numbers to different instruments? Is it OK to use the same channel number for all instruments? Or should we use different channels for different instruments? Obviously, MIDI has a limit of 16 channels. Please explain the correct logic/approach to use. Regards, Rangarajan
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