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  1. Hello, newbie question: I'd like to take an omn list and simply repeat each measure 3 times. If I start with the following code: (setf r-transitions1 '((e (e 1)(-e 3)) (-e (e 3)(-e 1)))) (setf marked (gen-markov-from-transitions r-transitions1 :size 120)) ;;conform to timesignature in omn format (setf r1 (length-span (gen-repeat 20 '8/8) marked :omn t)) ;;define the time signatures (setf timesigs (get-time-signature r1)) ;;stream of pitches (setf pitches '(c4 eb4 f4 g4 bb4 c5 eb5)) (setf pitches (chord-interval-add '(12) pitches)) ;;by spanning r1 onto pitches, pitches will repeat as needed (setf pitches (span r1 pitches)) (setf rh (make-omn :length r1 :pitch pitches)) and then try something like: (setf rrh (gen-repeat 3 rh)) ;or (setf rrh (gen-repeat '(3) rh)) neither gives me what I'm looking for. However, I notice that if I evaluate (setf rrh (gen-repeat 3 (list (first rh)))) then I get the correct result for the first measure. Therefore, doing something like this gets me what I was looking for: (setf rrh (gen-divide 8 (flatten (mapcar #'(lambda (n) (gen-repeat 3 (list n))) rh)))) But surely there's a better/simpler way to repeat bars in omn format. If anyone has insights, I'd be most appreciative. thanks, Michael
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