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  1. Dear, All I need a function for shuffle elements. A function similar to URN in Pure Data. The scenario: 1) I have a list of durations: s s -s s s -s -s -s e -s s -s s -e e -e -e s -s 2) The lenghts together form a 6/4 timesignature or a 12/8. 3) Just repeating the rhythm is BORING ! 4) I need variations, but I want to still sum 12/8 or 6/4. 5) So, I need to shuffle this elements, without changing the total of the sum of lenghts. TWO APPROACHES: 1) RANDOM - How to randomize, not like the random sample, but, using each element JUST ONCE, like an Hamiltonian Path ? (Actually I don't like to random things, because I feel like I'm not composing...) I'm a control Freak ! Sorry ! 2) RANDOM2 - How can I sort from sublists of the same rhtyhm EACH LIST MUST APPEAR JUST ONCE ! This approach sounds more controled 3) MY PREFERED ! How to split the lenght list, and make up combinations of sublists (absolutely controlled) ? Like this: COMPLETE LIST - (s s -s s s -s -s -s e -s s -s s -e e -e -e s -s) SUB LISTS 1 (s s -s) SUB LISTS 2 (s s -s -s ) SUB LISTS 4 (-s e -s s -s) SUB LISTS 5 (s -e e -e) SUB LISTS 6 (-e s -s) Maybe I can Initialize each one as a setf Brute force method... (setf subleng1 ' (s s -s)) (setf subleng2 '(s s -s -s )) (setf subleng3 '(-s e -s s -s)) (setf subleng4 '(s -e e -e)) ETC.... And after that use assemble-seq to the lenghts ? Or assemble-seq is just for joining sections of the composition ? Any help ? Thank you all !!! Best, Julio
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